Stettler Minor Hockey Minutes
January 10, 2013
Jason Hegberg / Garth DowlingKatie Bainbridge / Len Hoac
Kevin Burkard / Glen Morbeck
Shanon Shingoose / Renee Anderson
Andrea DeYoung / Apryl Cassidy
Fran Sharpe / Neil McCallum
Ivy Bredy
David Zondag
Meeting called to order at 7:15 pm
Minutes from December 13th were reviewed. Andrea DeYoung moved to have them adopted as read, David Zondag seconded.
Mites- CJ Oprea
Novice- Tracy Robinson
Atom- Ivy Bredy
All is well. The Atom A team has been placed in the AA Minor Provincial category.
Peewee- Shanon Shingoose
The tournament is full. Everything is going well.
Bantam- Renee Anderson
Bantam C has one player pending. Everything is going well.
Midget- Apryl Cassidy
The Midget tournament went well. There have been requests from some of the teams to have evaluations done on our senior referees. SMHA can request this service from Hockey Alberta. All agree that this is a good idea.
Female- Cheryl Van Dusen
Absent but sent message:
All is good. The only concern is that there has not been any competition for the Midget girls team.
Respect In Sport/Coaching Deficiencies
There is only one player without RIS- Yuvraj Uppal (novice). His family is currently in India. When he returns, he cannot play until the RIS is done.
It has been suggested that SMHA could create ID cards for each member, which would include their RIS number.
Players Volunteering
Two middle school aged players have started volunteering with Len Hoac’s Atom team- Jackson Zimmermann and James Switenky.
Scot Woods
Midget B player, Scot Woods, received a 1 game suspension on December 16, 2012. He received a 3 game suspension during the Midget tournament on January 6, 2013. Jason had a discussion with Scot shortly after the December suspension and explained that there would be consequences from SMHA if another incident were to occur.
The majority of members are in favor of additional action from SMHA. Jason will review the Code of Conduct and talk to the coach, Keith Werbowesky.
Safety Procedures
An incident occurred last week involving an on ice injury to an Atom player. There is some concern that proper safety procedures may not have been followed.
Coaches and managers are being asked to remind parents of proper safety procedures. Ensure that parents know who is allowed on the ice and who is responsible for calling an ambulance.
The first draws for provincial playdowns will be announced on Sunday, January 13th.
Planning for the Bantam A provincials is underway. Veronica Anderson and Jill Fisher are organizing the raffle table. Monica Sylvester is organizing the opening ceremonies.
Apryl Cassidy proposed to the board that each team in SMHA be required to donate a raffle table prize valued at $100. This would fill the raffle table with quality prizes and take some pressure off of the business community, who are already being asked for donations for other aspects of the provincial tournament.
SMHA was also asked to approve a raffle for free registration for next year. The proceeds would be put toward the provincial tournament.
Kevin Burkard made a motion that each team in SMHA will donate a raffle table prize to the provincial tournament, valued at $100.
Neil McCallum seconded the motion.
All in favor. The motion was passed.
Kevin Burkard made a motion that SMHA will raffle off one free registration for next year, with the proceeds going towards the provincial tournament.
Neil McCallum seconded the motion.
All in favor. The motion was passed.
Treasurer- Christa Cornelssen
Absent, but sent message:
Things are going well. There is a financial statement ready.
There was a question as to how much we pay officials- last year we paid officials approximately $30 000.
VP Operations- David Zondag
All players are in the system and eligible to play, aside from Yuvraj (novice) and Docherty (atom C).
VP Registrations- Neil McCallum
More game books have been ordered.
The NCMHA meeting is Jan. 26, 2013.
There has been some concern regarding the difference in number of games for A teams in comparison to B,C, and Female. For example, the Midget A team will play 28 games; the Midget Female team will play 16. It has been suggested that SMHA look at changing registration fees to reflect the number of games a level will play- possibly increase fees for A teams.
VP Programs/Permits- Kevin Burkard
Kevin has been asked if travel permits are required for attending provincial tournaments. The answer is Yes- all teams must have travel permits for out of zone games.
VP Development- Glen Morbeck
A goalie instructor has not yet been secured for a clinic.
Dave Deaver has been volunteering as a goalie coach for a few teams. He has asked if the board would be interested in hiring him to run a few clinics. Jason has informed Dave that we are still looking to host a goalie clinic. SMHA will not pay for time volunteered.
SMHA will be hiring Brad Robbins as a power skating instructor. Based on Brad’s credentials and experience, it has been suggested that we pay him $75/hour session.
Apryl Cassidy made a motion to pay Brad Robbins $75/hour session for power skating instruction.
Andrea DeYoung seconded the motion.
All in favor. Motion was passed.
VP Administration- Len Hoac
A volunteer hours update will be coming out soon. Names of coaches and staff need to be submitted for Mites and Novice.
Apryl has calculated that the provincial tournament will need at least 500 hours of volunteer time. People will need to be allowed to bank volunteer hours for next year at the provincial tournament.
David Zondag made a motion to allow members to bank volunteer hours for next year at the provincial tournament.
Kevin Burkard seconded the motion.
All in favor. The motion was passed.
Fundraising- Kristin Stahlberg
Len gave update:
Casino: There are 6 positions that need to be filled for Sunday, Jan. 20th.
Len proposed hosting tournaments for out of town teams as a fundraiser for our association. October would be the only month available.
Equipment Manager- Kevin Burkard
We need a few new first aid kits for some of the teams.
Ice/Ref Allocator- Fran Sharpe
Fran would like Neil McCallum (NCMHA rep) to ask NCMHA what they would like to see for ice times.
Jacqui has been away, so the Town of Stettler ice schedule has not been updated regularly.
There is a meeting for referees, ages 14 and up on Tuesday Jan. 15th, at 7:00pm. Fran would like a few people from SMHA to attend the meeting.
Website Coordinator- Andrea DeYoung
Andrea emailed the Peewee and Bantam directors regarding the free mouthguards from Red Deer Orthodontics.
Andrea will email all managers about the Town website not being up to date. Andrea asked Apryl to get Annette to email her with information regarding volunteering for the provincial tournament.
Open Discussion
Len was approached by the Stettler Board of Trade asking why we decided to go with an out of town photographer for team pictures.
The Hockey Alberta Zone 7 AGM is scheduled for June 7 and 9.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.
Next meeting is February 14th at 7:00pm.