Year Group 4 Year 2015- 2016

Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 /

Spring 1

/ Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Numeracy / Number and place value
Addition and Subtraction
Statistics / Number and place value
Multiplication and Division
Measurement / Number and place value
Fractions and decimals
Shape, position and Direction / Number and place value
Addition and Subtraction
Statistics / Number and place value
Multiplication and Division
Measurement / Number and place value
Fractions and decimals
Shape, position and direction
Literacy / Narrative
Recounts, newspapers and magazines.
Poetry-creating images. / .Narrative
Stories from other cultures.
Explanation texts / Narrative
Information texts
Poetry--Exploring Form
Persuasive texts
RE / Christianity
Bible Stories
Is Jesus still important today?
What kind of image of Jesus for the 21st century would the pupils like to create? Might it be inspiring?
Why do Christians think Jesus is an inspiration
Harvest Festival Service in Holy Trinity Church -

Christmas Theme: Journeys,

Journeys of Mary & Joseph to Bethlehem before the birth- then to Jerusalem after the birth(Luke)
Facing change and challenge; life as a journey; key moments in life.
Carols and Mince Pies Service / Faith In Action : in History, Present Day, Our Community.


Families, babies, baptism, the khalsa,
the 5 Ks
food as part of worship
The langar,
Karah Parshad
Sewa [service with humility]
The Guru Granth Sahib – how it is regarded and handled by Sikhs.
The festival of Baisakhi (Sikhism

Easter Theme: Jesus prepares his followers to what is to come.

Maundy Thursday & why it is important to Christians look at different artist’s impressions of The Last Supper. / Hinduism-Mainly taught through Literacy-Stories from around the world.
How and why do Hindus express their faith in art, drama and song P
What do Hindus believe about God?
St Albans Abbey
Visit to the Abbey :
History of the building, architectural styles eg Norman, Early English,, Perpendicular, Victorian, Gothic etc
Church furniture
Altar furniture
External symbols
People of Diocese - Bishop etc
Craftsmanship in various aspects of the building - leading to own artwork and modelling
ICT / Authoring / Developing Communication / Accuracy Counts
Topic / Amazing Animals / Technology through time. / Egypt
Science / Animals including humans
-Digestion system
-Identify different types of teeth
-Explore simple food chains
All living things
-Identify and name living things in local environment using classification keys
-Environmental change / Electricity
-Identify appliances using electricity
-Construct simple circuits
-Recognise conductors and insulators
Sound / States of matter
-Compare and group according to solids, liquids, gasses
-Observe changes due to temperature
Keeping warm / Investigation
-Identify parts played by evaporation and condensation in water table
PE /


Tag Rugby
Hockey /


Dance /



Music / Wider opportunities in music. Flute and Clarinet / Wider opportunities in music. Flute and Clarinet / Wider opportunities in music. Flute and Clarinet / Wider opportunities in music. Flute and Clarinet / Wider opportunities in music. Flute and Clarinet / Wider opportunities in music. Flute and Clarinet
Art / Patterns and textures in the natural world.
Study of Mondrian and Bridget Riley
Study of Andy Goldsworthy. / Study of lowery
Study of William Morris—wall paper / printing / . Study of chairs/thrones.
Drawing and painting reflections in water
3d work—river weaving
Study of David Nash
DT / Moving animals / Lighthouses / Egyptian chariots
Egyptian clay games.
PSHE / New beginning.
– The importance of exercise : favourite sports, teach each other new sports or games
Making choices: bullying consequences
agree and follow class rules; understand how rules help us.
environmental issues; respect for living things
to know that resources can be allocated in different ways & these economic choices affect individuals, communities & the sustainability of the environment / Peer pressure
asking for help
Dealing with different kinds of prejudice
Differences in each other and how we feel about these differences.
Stories and poems from other cultures; appreciating and valuing the beliefs and views of others
encouraging and supporting each other
Dealing with teasing and bullying including cyber bullying / How does smoking harm the body?
dangers of smoking including passive smoking.
which commonly available drugs and substances are legal/illegal – their effects and risks
explore family trees