Sterling Middle School
Music Department
16/17 Handbook / Instructor: Mr. Tony Smith

Materials For Class:

  • Agenda
  • Pencil
  • Positive Attitude
  • Enthusiasm Towards Learning
  • An Open Mind

Concert Attire:

  • STM choral shirt, black pants and dark colored shoes. You’ll receive choral shirt order form later in class.

Following are the choral events this year (* = mandatory)

Day / Date / Time / Event / Location
Friday / 10/21/16 / 6P-9P / National Anthem on the football field (8)* / Park View HS
Monday / 11/7/16 / TBA / All-District Chorus audition (7 & 8) / Harmony MS
Fri-Sat / 11/4-5/16 / TBA / MS All-County Chorus (6) / Sterling MS
Monday / 12/12/16 / 325PM-415PM / Winter Concert dress rehearsal (6, 7 & 8)* / Sterling MS
Tuesday / 12/13/16 / 7P-9P / Choral Winter Concert (all 6 7 chorus students)* / Sterling MS
Mon-Wed / 12/19-21/16 / Musical Tour to Elementary Schools (78) / TBA
Saturday / 1/7/17 / 9A-4P / A cappella workshop (online registration) / Rocky Ridge HS
All-District Chorus (78) / Lunnsford MS (Fri)
Dominion HS (Sat)
Coffee House (fundraising for our spring trip) / Sterling MS
Thurs-Sat / 4/27-29/17 / ACDA MS Honor Choir (whoever’s interested) / Blacksburg, VA
Spring Concert dress rehearsal (67) / Sterling MS
Monday / 5/15/17 / 7P-9P / Choral Spring Concert (6 &8)* / Sterling MS
Friday / 5/26/17 / 6A-12A / Spring Trip to Busch Gardens (78) / Williamsburg, VA

As you can see, this will be another busy year. In order for us to accomplish our goals, there are some rules for all of you to follow. Please pay close attention to them.

General PBIS Rules:
  1. Respect Yourself.
  2. Respect Others.
  3. Respect the Property.
/ My Expectations:
  1. Be prepared
  2. Be respectful
  3. Know when to listen
  4. No food, drink and gum
  5. Take responsibility of your actions

Expectations In Details:

  • Be prepared.
  1. Walk into the classroom with a purpose – to learn.
  2. Be on time. You’ll have 4 minutes between classes, and it should be sufficient for you to arrive on time.If you know you’ll be late, ask for a PASS from the appropriate teacher.
  3. Come to class with all required materials.
  4. Be prepared to do your best work in class.
  • Be respectful.
  1. Respect yourself (be prepared; be on time; be quiet when you need to be, etc).
  2. Respect others.
  3. Respect the property.
  • Know when to listen.
  1. Always raise your hand if you want to contribute to the class.
  2. Be quiet and listen when others are talking.
  3. NO cross-the-room conversation please!
  • No food, drink, gum and electronic devices.
  1. During class time, you must ask permission and sign out anytime you leave the classroom (this includes leaving the class if you need to have a quick drink of water or if you need to go the restroom).
  2. GUM is NOT allowed in chorus (because gum chewing will interrupt with singing) until we finish our daily agenda. Same rule applies to your electronic device.
  • Take responsibility for your actions.
  1. This class requires everyone to work together so we can be the best chorus.Remember, STOP and THINK before you say or do anything!
  2. For those of you who want to go on our spring field trip, you must work hard enough to earn your spot.

Grading Policy:

Theory (25%)

Ensemble Skills (35%)

Performance (40%)

Grading In Details:

1. Theory(25%)

  • Theory includes activities such as rhythm assignments, notation skills, aural skills, theoretical studies and sight singing. In short, everything that is related to music reading and writing. Theory will be tested by either performing or writing.

2. Ensemble Skills (35%)

  • Ensemble Skills include daily participation both individually and corporately, application of singing techniques and the process of making music. Students will have 100 points each class. Incorrect singing technique (– 30). Not participating in class.

3. Performance (40%)

  • Performanceincludes singing tests take place in class, rehearsals, concerts, assessment and field trip performances. Singing test will be 100 points each time. Students will be singing in small groups of 2 to 5 in front of the instructor.
  • Rehearsals will be 100 points each time. Concert will be 200 points. Usually students will get 200 points if they come and perform.
  • Rehearsals and concerts are mandatory for all singers unless otherwise notice. If you cannot attend, you need to let Mr. Smith know ahead of the time. If you cannot attend because of an emergency (sick, etc), a note from your parents afterwards is needed.
  • If you miss your rehearsal or concert, you need to complete a makeup assignment, or you could sing in front of the class, in order for you to get a partial grade, or you’ll receive a 0.
  • Again, participation of required rehearsals and concerts will also be part of your spring trip evaluation.


  • Here are this year’s audition opportunities: All-District chorus; Talent Show and ACDA MS Honor Choir.Please ask me if you are interested.


  • We will have a competition when we go to Busch Gardens this year and our goal is to get a “Superior” rating.

Parental Support:

  • We encourage all our wonderful parents to be a part of our program. You can help as a trip chaperones, a crowd control or even a concert attire organizer. Please indicate if you are willing to help in the bottom of the contract. Thank you!

Chorus is a fun class and I look forward to an exciting year with all of you.

Mr. Smith

Sterling Middle School

Choral Program Contract

Classroom, Rehearsal & Concert Conducts

Classroom Conduct(please initial in the blanks)

  1. Be Prepared. I MUST try my best to participate in each class. _____
  2. Be Respectful. _____
  3. Know When to Listen. I must listen to Mr. Smith’s instructions so I learn what I need to do. _____
  4. No Food, Drink, Gum or Electronic Device at any time. _____
  5. Take Responsibility of Your Action. I am aware of the consequence of my own action. Consequences can include losing my privilege to go to Hershey Park this year. _____
  6. Be Positive.I will always come to class with a positive attitude and ready to sing. _____
  7. Be Open Minded. I will respect Mr. Smith's professionalism and learn everything he wants me to learn for both my concert and for all my competitions._____

Rehearsals and Concerts Conduct(please initial in the blanks)

  1. I’ll be on time to all the functions. _____
  2. I’ll be seated and quiet while waiting in the waiting area. No shouting. _____
  3. I’ll have No Gum. No electronic devices at any time. _____
  4. I’ll keep my feet on the floor while sitting in the chair in the auditorium. _____
  5. I’ll line up in a professional manner when it's time to go on stage without making any noise. _____
  6. I’ll walk quietly in a single file in the hallway. _____
  7. I’ll walk onto the stage in a professional manner, and be proud. _____
  8. I’ll give my best at every performance on stage. I’ll also watch my singing techniques, especially my posture since I’m facing the audience. _____
  9. I’ll be seated in the audience at certain times and I will be on my best behavior as a member of the audience and a member of STM. _____

I understand the importance of all expectations above. Therefore, I (please print your name)______hereby will take initiative to follow these expectations closely. I will earn all my privileges as a Sterling Middle School chorus student.

______You have my FULL support. My child will stay in chorus and do his/her best the entire year.

Parent’s email address ______

Parent’s phone number ______

Parent Signature ______Date ______