Steps to Deliverance from Ancestral Sin

One of the concepts in the area of deliverance is that of trans-generational sin or “soul ties.” The sins of past generations may be passed down to succeeding generations through evil spirits. Demons are legalists and if they have a claim to a parent who has given them ground through un-confessed sin, demons have the right to harass the children of that parent (Logan, 1995). See Ex. 20:5, 34:7; Lev. 26:39-42; Num. 14:18; Deut. 5:9; Is. 14:21, 65:6,7; and Jer. 32:18 for passages related to ancestral sin. Following are the steps to deliverance from ancestral sin.

  1. The client confesses their salvation and thanks God for their position in Christ (Jn. 3:16, Eph. 2:8,9, Col. 3:1-3).
  2. The client asks God to reveal any unconfessed sin, confesses this sin and thanks God for the forgiveness and cleansing s/he has through Jesus Christ (1 Jn. 1:9). Specifically there may be areas of unforgiveness in the client’s life where individuals need to be forgiven and other related sins confessed (Matt. 6:14, Lk. 6:37).
  3. You and the client pray for guidance and discernment from the Holy Spirit and listen to God for direction as to what to pray for deliverance from (Jn. 16:13, 1 Cor. 12:10, Jas.1:5,6).
  1. When there is agreement, the client acknowledges the past ancestral sins and confesses them to God as Nehemiah and Daniel did (Neh. 1:6, Dan. 9:16); claiming the name of Jesus and the power of His blood as sufficient to cleanse us and set us free (Phil. 2:5-11, Rev. 12:11, 1 Jn. 1:9). The client rebukes Satan and casts out any sins and evil spirits, breaks any soul ties, closes all open doors, and reclaims any surrendered ground through Jesus name and the power of His blood (Eph. 4:27) The client may follow this with a pledge that s/he will live in righteousness and that heritage will be passed on to her/his family (Deut. 7:9, Ps. 103:17) (Logan, 1995).
  2. The client asks the Holy Spirit to fill any cleansed spaces in his/her life that have been freed from ancestral satanic footholds or strongholds (Matt. 12:43-45, Lk. 11:24-26, Eph. 4:27, 5:18).
  3. The client gives thanks to God for deliverance and pledges to keep in step with the Holy Spirit and continue to work out what God has worked within him/her (Rom. 6:11-14, Gal. 5:22-25, Phil. 2:12,13). Maintaining victory takes a disciplined Godly lifestyle. Discuss with the client her/his plans for staying victorious over Satan and his forces (see Anderson, 1993 pp.209-214 for a description about how to keep the victory).

If there are specific areas in your life where you need to experience freedom from demonic forces, get a pastor or trusted mature Christian to lead you through the above steps or see Anderson, 1993, chapter 12 for steps to freedom in Christ.


Anderson, N. (1993). The bondage breaker. Harvest House Publishers: Eugene, Or.

Logan, J. (1995). Reclaiming surrendered ground. Moody Press: Chicago, IL.

The Holy Bible (1978). New International Version. Zondervan Bible Publishers: Grand Rapids, MI.

Dr. Jerry E. Davis 11/14/00