PSHA Home Owners Association Annual Board Meeting

May 17, 2011, 7:00 pm, Mandarin Community Center

Attendees: President Peter Klaase ARC Member David Sundby

Vice President Lisa Drang Secretary Ruby Ranne

Treasurer Bob Griesbach

Minutes of the Meeting

  1. The meeting was attended by approximately 23 home owners and began with a call to order by the board president, Peter Klaase
  2. Current Board members were introduced.
  3. Thirteen Block Captains were referenced and their importance to the Community was recognized. Also, he informed those present that is a pre-requisite for the Sherriff’s Neighborhood Watch program. Those Block Captains present also were recognized.
  4. Prior year’s minutes were approved as recorded.
  5. The new landscape contractor, homeowner Tom Kennedy, was introduced.
  6. Sheriff’s yearly Neighborhood Watch Meeting requires a member of the Association to be in attendance at their meeting. Peter Klaase represented the Association last year.
  1. President Peter Klaase turned over the meeting to Treasurer Bob Griesbach for a review of 2010 and 2011 budgets and expenses.
  2. Bob reviewed each spreadsheet, item by item.
  3. The Association has maintained a balanced budget with a surplus.
  4. For FY’11 and as of the meeting date, we have collected 140 out of 154 member dues.
  5. Four members owe past-due dues over a period of several years.
  6. President Peter Klaase presented a general recap of issues that arose during the past year as a result of notification by home owners
  7. Pets – need to be kept on a leash and cleaned up after in accordance to City Ordinance and are also limited two dogs or cats per homeowner, according to the Association Covenants.
  8. Homeowners must maintain their lawns and properties.
  9. Trash must not be allowed to accumulate on properties.
  10. Trash, leaves and/or debris is not allowed to be burned on any homeowners’ property.
  11. Windows must not be covered in plastic, foil, etc.
  12. President Peter Klaase reviewed upcoming activities currently included in the budget for 2011
  13. Oktoberfest
  14. The Board of Directors will be holding a general meeting of the Block Captains in August to organize volunteers and finalize plans for the October event.
  15. The Board is recommending a ‘covered dish’ party to be held in a cul-de-sac.
  16. Community Center or Garden Club locations were suggested by homeowners.
  17. The Homeowners present were also in favor of repeating the Luminaries in December, date to be determined by the Board of Directors.
  18. Bigger (longer lasting) candles were recommended by homeowners.
  19. President Peter Klaase opened the meeting to the election of officers for 2011-2012.
  20. All board members volunteered to serve again, if elected.
  21. Volunteers for various committees were encouraged to participate.
  22. A motion was made by a homeowner from the floor to approve the current Board of Directors to serve for an additional one-year term. The motion was seconded, and the President asked if anyone wished to discuss. Following no response, he asked all those in favor to say “Ayee”, which response was unanimous except one “opposed.” (The President’s wife).
  23. Open forum – issues/suggestions by homeowners
  24. It was suggested that ‘speed bumps’ and/or gates be installed at entrances.
  25. Parking of cars overnight and on both sides of the street were discussed and suggested that a reminder be included in the next newsletter to obey City and Association rules.
  26. It was also suggested that a future newsletter include a review of additional bylaws, including those that relate to the upkeep of properties and ponds.
  27. There was a request to post the minutes of the meetings on the website for reference
  28. The meeting was adjourned by the President, Peter Klaase at 8:10 P.M.

Ruby Ranne

PSHA Secretary