Stepping in Faith
Report of Results
Church Name:
Please check one of the following:
We followed the majority (80-100%) of the Stepping in Faith program.
We followed some (50-80%)of the Stepping in Faith program.
We followed very little (less than 50%) of theStepping in Faith program.
Our average worship attendance______Our budget ______
Step 1
Create a spreadsheet of all active giving units (households) and thetotal amount each gave in 2017.
Step 2
Create a spreadsheet of all estimate of giving cards received in your Stepping in Faith Campaign with names and amounts indicated for 2018.
- Total number of cards in 2018______
- Total $ indicated on 2018 cards______
Step 3
Compare these 2spreadsheets and determine the following:
- How many households indicated an increase in giving for 2018 compared to 2017?
- How many households indicatedthey will stay the same?______
- How many households indicated a decrease?______
- What is the total change in dollars indicated for 2018?
We expect a total increase of ______dollars.
Step 4
If you had commitment cards last year then answer the following:
- How many cards last year?______
- How many cards this year?______
- How many increased?______
- How many stayed the same?______
- How many decreased?______
- Total $ committed last year______
- Total $ committed this year______
- Number of new/first time estimates of giving______
- Total dollars from new/first time estimates of giving______
2018 Projection
- Based on last year’s giving records, we believe we can expect $ ______
from households who have established giving patterns but have not turned in an estimate of giving card.
B. Total $ indicated on 2018 cards. ($ amount from Step 2)$ ______
C. Total $ of loose change offering from last year.$ ______
A + B + C=$ ______
Our total income for 2017$ ______
For 2018, we expect an increase of $ ______
Please email a copy of this report to:
Scott McKenzie @