June15, 2013

Board Members Present:
Tim Ford
Darrell Doyle
Glorian Drews
Juli Fendley
Michael Golden
Steve Otis
Andrea Smith / Accountant:
Teresa Soape
Administrative Assistant:
Debbie Ford

President Tim Fordcalled the Board meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. and established a quorum. He introduced and welcomed Andrea Smith, the newest member of the Board.


The President requesteda motion for approval of the minutes from the May 18, 2013regular meeting. A motion was made by Juli Fendley to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Glorian Drews, and approved by the Board.

The President requested a motion for approval of the minutes from the May 19, 2013 annual meeting. A motion was made by Glorian Drews to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Juli Fendley, and approved by the Board.

The President requested a motion for approval of the minutes from the May 19, 2013 regular meeting.A motion was made by Glorian Drewsto approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Juli Fendley, and approved by the Board.


Note: There was a discrepancy of $300.00 between the Spring 2013 Newsletter beginning balance and the Spring 2012 ending balance. The discrepancy was caused by a stop payment on a $300.00 check and has since been adjusted.

Treasurer’s report for 5/31/13was presented for approval. Beginning bank balance was$27,271.58 with cleared deposits of $16,740.96, and expenses of $7,693.68, leaving an ending bank balance of $36,318.86.

The property collections report for 5/31/13was also presented. The prior maintenance fees balance was$228,324.15;prior mowing fees balance was$65,965.00; currentmaintenance fees for the 2012/2013 balance is $65,530.00;no mowing fees for the 2013/2014year have been mailed at this time.

The financial report was reviewed by the Board and accepted as submitted by President Tim Ford.


Certified Final Demand Letters and Court Action:

Don Carnes: Having no new information this item continues to be tabled.

J. Hartman Development: The Legal Committeereported that a court date for June 24, 2013 has been scheduled.

Randall Wells: The Legal Committeereported that a court date for June 24, 2013 has been scheduled. Darrell Doyle returned a call to the Wells's attorney but has received no response.

POA and Small Claims Report:

Darrell Doyle continues to work on a process for filing POA small claims. The Legal Committee handed Teresa Saope a list of names and requested that she send final demand letters, via certified mail, to those on the list.

Chatman Land Reserve Sale:

Tim Ford requested the status of the purchase of part of a reserve property that was approved by the membership at the annual meeting. Juli Fendley reported that Mr. Chatman will provide aletter of intent from the title company that will need both Mr. Chapman's and Mr. Ford's signatures. A check will be sent to SHPOA after the title company receives the letterof intent.

Monthly Payment Plan:

All but one paymenthas been made this monthby property owners who are on a monthly plan.



No new architectural requests have been made since the May 19, 2013 regular board meeting.


Status of Insurance Repairs:

Michael Golden reported that insurance repairs to the pool and pool area are in progress.

Fire Mowing:

Sub II has been completed and mowing in Sub III has begun.Two second demand deed restriction letters regarding mowing violations were sent on May 22, 2013, and only one property owner has complied. Michael Golden asked that letters be sent to fifteen additional property owners who had overgrown lots. Letters from the list were sent out on June 15, 2013. Mr. Golden checked on a lot after a property owner reported that part of the lot had not been mowed. He reported that the part of the lot that had not been mowed is actually a steep ravine that could not be accessed by the mowers.

SubII and III Boat Launch:

Mr. Golden continues to look into getting concrete laid under the gate. Carnes Maintenance Service checks both Sub II and Sub III boat ramps for debris, especially after storms, and clears them, as needed. They continue to keep the weeds cleared along the fence line at the Sub III boat ramp.


No new information to report at this time.


Heddins Law Suit:

Darrell Doyle plans to meet with Attorney Travis Kitchens, Jr. There is no new information to report from Gregg Magee.


Financial Audit of SHPOA Records:

A letter of engagement has not been received from the auditor. Andrea Smith will do a follow-up to Teresa Soape's request.

Deed Restriction/Nuisance Filings:

Keith Chambers

Sub III, Sec 4, Lot 351:

A deed restriction letter for mowing and building violations will be mailed.

Paul Velasquez

Sub II, Section 1, B-3, Lot 1 and 2:

A deed restriction letter for mowing and building violations will be mailed.

Status of By-Laws Revision:

The By-Laws changes, approved by the membership, were completed.As a result of the Sub IV secession, additional revisions to the By-Laws will be completed and made ready for property owner's to vote on at the annual board meeting next year.

Resources and Cost of Tracking Returned Invoices:

Glorian Drews and Teresa Soape will continue to research web-based resources and costs for tracking returned invoices. Ms. Drews will begin with a site that offers a free trial program and report her results to the Board.

Collection Agency Contract:

Cancellation of the current contract was effective May 30, 2013. Tim Ford will send a letter of verification to the agency.

David Phillips Residence Update:

Tim Ford shared an email from Joe Campbell with updates regarding work on Mr. Phillips's property. He reminded the Board that the timeline for compliance with the required deed restrictions is July 1, 2013.

President Tim Ford adjourned for a break at 10:15 a.m. The meeting was called back to order by President Ford at 10:30 a.m.


Sub IV Property Owners Requesting Use of SHPOA Facilities:

The Board has received requests from some of the property owners in Sub IV asking permission to continue having access to the swimming pool and boat launch. After Board discussion, a motion was made by Juli Fendley to allow access using the following guidelines:

  • Sub IV property owners would be required to be current, and remain current, in order to have privileges to the swimming pool and boat launch. There will be no mowing privileges.
  • Sub IV property owners not current, but wanting to become current for all monies due, and remain current, may have privileges to the swimming pool and boat launch. There will be no mowing privileges.
  • If Sub IV properties are sold, the new owners will not be eligible for any privileges.
  • Sub IV owners have to become current by July 1, 2013, to maintain privileges. After July 1, 2013, no property owner in Sub IV, who wants to become current and remain current, will be approved for SHPOA privileges.

All Sub IV property owner requests to maintain swimming pool and boat launch privileges will be handled on a case-by-case basis. A formal letter will be sent to the property owner with the Board's decision on each request.

The motion was seconded by Steve Otis and approved by the Board.

Sub IV property owners who have requested Board approval:

Jeff Currie - approved

Deborah Stroud - approved

Michael and Elisabeth Rocha - not approved at this time

Norman Street - approved

New Maintenance and Mowing Fee Policy and Statement Clarification:

All future statements will read "Maintenance Fees are Considered Past Due After July 1st."

Key Cards:

Key cards will be deactivated for property owners who have not paid maintenance fees by the July 1, 2013 due date.

Sub IV:

There has been no contact from property owners in Sub IV for the Board to work with them on developing their own restrictions.

Other New Business:

  • Juli Fendley asked who is responsible when fallen trees land across ponds on reserve properties. Michael Golden will check on alarge tree laying across one of the ponds to see if it can be cut up and removed.
  • Andrea Smith asked if digital photos were used to document mowing violations. Mr. Golden reported that pictures are included with deed restriction letters to violators.
  • Andrea Smith made a request to have the fire mowing schedule added to the SHPOA website. Darrell Doyle will add the information to the website as a "notice"that will includeinformation about when the mowing schedule begins.
  • Andrea Smith asked the Board if the 2013 HOA certificate had been filed. Teresa Soape said it had been filed, but she will re-file to update.
  • Darrell Doyle asked if the Board should come up with a beautification account. It would include clean-up of fallen trees, etc. Juli Fendley suggested waiting until the fall (Oct/Nov) to do any cleaning, but to start planning in August. Andrea Smith suggested making a list of where clean-ups would be needed.

A motion was made byJuli Fendley to adjourn the meeting. The motion to adjourn was seconded by Steve Otis, and approved by the Board. Meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m.

NEXT MEETING: July20, 2013at 9:00 a.m.