Health Education England London and South East Pharmacy (HEE LaSE)
Practice Supervisor Accreditation
Learning Agreement


  • Endeavour to achieve the learning objectives by:
  • Completing all mandatory activities on Moodle
  • Using opportunities for learning provided by everyday practice
  • Undertaking personal study as agreed with the educational supervisor in the study plan.
  • Using locally and regionally provided educational resources
  • Complete all work based activities and undertake all practical assignments in a timely manner
  • Act on the principles of adult learning through:-
  • Reflecting and building upon their own learning experiences
  • Identifying own learning needs
  • Being involved in planning own education and training through Personal Development Planning
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of own learning experiences
  • Meet with Educational Supervisor as the accreditation requires
  • Maintain personal integrity throughout the course (i.e. adhere to guidance on plagiarism, ensuring work submitted is a correct representation of work undertaken)
  • Ensure Trust ES and HEE LaSE Pharmacy staff are aware of issues impacting on ability to progress with the accreditation

Signed: (electronic) / Date:

Employer: Line Manager / Chief Pharmacist

  • Authorise study time for the candidate to achievecompletion of the required activities relevant to each element taken –Please note there will be an administration charge of £50 for any candidate who drops out of the course part way through. This is in addition to charges under HEE LaSE Pharmacy Terms and Conditions.
  • Ensure the candidate has internet access to use the course Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) – Must have the latest internet browsers.
  • Ensure the candidate has a Trust ES
  • Ensure the candidate has an opportunity to complete summative assessment activities within their normal work activities
  • Ensure there is an appropriate balance between training and service delivery with regards to study time allocation.
  • Monitor candidate progress via feedback meetings with the candidate and/or ES

(electronic) / Date:

Trust Educational Supervisor

  • Will meet regularly with the candidate and document these meetings
  • Take an active part in the feedback process including providing direction and advising on an action plan, where necessary
  • Actively support a climate for learning & provide opportunities for the candidate to meet the course learning objectives
  • Provide an opportunity for the candidate to observe the conduct of a trainee assessment and provide formative feedback on the candidate’s written observations (module 1 week 4)
  • Support peer-review of the candidate’s preparation/ rehearsal for a teaching session (module 2, week’s 3 and 4)
  • Observes module 3 assignments, providing a global judgement of competence. Please ensure that work submitted is a true representation of that undertaken by the candidate.
  • Ensure that all observed assignments are passed to an acceptable standard and signed before submitted.
  • Be competent in the use of workplace assessment tools
  • Be fluent in course requirements and documentation
  • Ensure the candidate’s work commitments allows completion of the required assignments relevant to each activity
  • Respond to HEE LaSEPharmacy requests for feedback

(electronic) / Date:

Health Education England London and South East Pharmacy PS Accreditation


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