Department of Educational Studies, Leadership, and Counseling,


3220 Alexander Hall,

Murray, KY42071

Tel: 270-809-6905





IdahoStateUniversity (ISU), Pocatello, Idaho. Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Counseling. May 2006

Dissertation topic: A phenomenological inquiry of beginning counselors’ experience of their first counseling position. May 2006

IdahoStateUniversity, Pocatello, Idaho. M. COUN in Mental Health Counseling May 2002

EgertonUniversity, Njoro, Kenya. Diploma in Agriculture Education

July 1981


Clinical Professional Counselor SupervisorAug 2005

National Certified Counselor (USA)May 2002

Rehabilitation Specialist for the Blind and Visually ImpairedMarch 1993


Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (Idaho) #3440May 2005

Licensed Professional Counselor (Idaho) #2845Feb 2003

Teaching Experience

2007- 2008: At MurrayStateUniversity, Murray, Kentucky

Practicum in Counseling

Theories of Counseling

Introduction to Community Counseling

Group Dynamics

Multicultural Issues

2006 – 2007: At National-LouisUniversity, Chicago, Illinois

Counseling Internship

Counseling Internship Supervision

Principles and Dynamics of Interviewing

Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling

Counseling and Human Development in a Multicultural Society

Professional Practice and Ethics in Human Services

Research and Evaluation Methodology

Clinical Techniques of Counseling

2003 – 2006: At IdahoStateUniversity, Pocatello, Idaho

Co-taught masters’ students enrolled in the following classes:

Professional orientation and ethics

Small group activity Group counseling techniques

Application of counseling theory

Mental health counseling seminar

Psycho-diagnosis & Psychopharmacology

Pre-practicum in Counseling

Practicum in Counseling

Advanced Practicum in counseling

Internship in counseling

Cultural Counseling

Introduction to counseling

Lifestyle and Career Development

Issues in Mental Health Counseling

Supervision of Counselors (Taught this course alone for my practicum in

College Teaching)

1983-1987: At Embu Institute of Agriculture, Embu, Kenya.

Taught agriculture courses in a middle level college that prepared frontline

agriculture extension staff with skills and knowledge to help farmers improve

farming practices.

1981-1982: At KabiangaFarmersTrainingCenter, Kericho, Kenya.

Taught farmers and extension staff modern ways of agriculture, worked as the vice principal, and managed thetraining center’s farm.

Counseling Supervisor Experience

Supervisor at the A to Z Family Services, Pocatello, Idaho2006

Supervisor at the Achieving A Better Life, LLC, Pocatello, ID2005

Doctoral student supervisor 2003-2006

Idaho Counselor and Marriage and Family Supervisor Registry2005

Facilitator at Supervision Workshops 2004-2005

On-site supervisor at the Idaho Youth Ranch, Pocatello, Idaho 2004

Research Experience

  1. Gitonga, S.K. (2006). A phenomenological inquiry of beginning counselors’ experience of their first counseling position (Dissertation Topic)
  2. Gitonga, S.K., Deschamps, H., Heller, R., & Moore, T. (2005). Field supervisors’ perceptions of their relationship with the Department of Counseling (Equal member participation).
  3. Gitonga, S.K., Deschamps, H., Heller, R., & Moore, T. (2005). Professional identity of counselors (Equal member participation).

Counseling Experience

A to Z Family Services, Pocatello, ID 2006

I worked with children, adolescents, families, and adults at A to Z, which provides counseling and partial care services in South East Idaho. Office-based interventions were used.

Achieving a Better Life, LLC, Pocatello, Idaho 2004-2005

I used Play Therapy to work with children who were also receiving partial care at this agency. I used Filial Therapy with their parents in addition to working with adolescents and adults for individual counseling.

Doctoral counseling practicum at Pacific Rim Consulting, Pocatello, ID2004

I used office-based counseling to provide services to adolescent clients.

Idaho Youth Ranch 2003-2004

I was deployed as a family consultant. I provided family interventions using the Functional Family Therapy approach to assist family members to support a member abusing drug and alcohol. The Idaho Youth Ranch participated in the Drug Court rehabilitation program in which clients, usually the youth, who were abusing substances were given the option to participate in family counseling in lieu of jail term.

In addition to the Drug Court program, whose intervention was home-based, I worked with the children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families in office-based counseling interventions. I also provided counseling supervision to counseling interns seeking the Licensed Professional Counselor licensure and for their internship course requirement.

Center for Human Relations, Pocatello, Idaho 2002-2003

I worked as a psycho-social rehabilitation (PSR) specialist to provide home and community-based services to diverse clients ranging in age between five years and sixteen years and their families.

FranciscanCounselingCenter(Practicum and Internship site)2001-2002

My clients were children and their families. I used Play Therapy with the children and Filial Therapy with their parents. I also co-facilitated parenting psycho-educational groups.

Center for New Directions at IdahoStateUniversity (Internship site)2001-2002

The Center for New Directions targets members of the community neighboring the University who are in difficult circumstances. Most of my clients were single females who were searching for career as well as life goals.

Rehabilitation Experience

Rehabilitation Specialist – Kenya Society for the Blind, Kenya: 1988-2000

My job was to assist blind and visually impaired people and their families to cope with the loss of vision. I was also involved in mobilizing local and regional resources to address the needs of our clients.

Social Work Experience1988-2000

I collaborated with program heads at the district and location level to address community needs including working with women groups, religious organizations, service organizations, and private companies.

Service to the University

Murray State University2007-2008

Multicultural Education Committee (current membership)

NCATE Standard 5 Sub-committee (Current membership)

National-Louis University2006-2007

CACREP Accreditation Committee

This committee is steering the process of preparing course outlines and syllabi to meet the CACREP guidelines.

College of Arts and Sciences Vision Committee

This committee is charged with the responsibility of developing statements that describe the vision of the college and goals and objectives that address the vision and the mission statements.

Chicago Campus liaison to the Department of Counseling and Human Services

Professional Publications:

Gantt, W.V., Gitonga, S.K., Broughton, J., & Weis, R. (2008). Conference

Proceedings from the American Humanics Management Institute, 2008.

Professional Presentations

International Conferences

American Counseling Association (ACA):

Okech, J.A., Gitonga, S.K., Muthoni, V., Ng’ang’a, R., & Wairimu (2005). Voices

from Kenyan counselors: HIV Counseling in Africa. ACA, Atlanta, GA. (Equal member participation)

Gitonga, S.K., & Heller, R. (2005).One bird in the hand versus thehyena’s indecision: Drawing parallels between Kenyan and American traditions. ACA, Atlanta, GA. (Equal member participation)

International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision (IICCS):

Ng’ang’a, R., & Gitonga, S.K. (2008). Cross-cultural supervision experiences.

IICCS, Buffalo, NY. (Equal member participation)

National Conferences

American Humanics Management Institute:

Gantt, W.V., Gitonga, S.K., Broughton, J., & Weis, R. (2008). Communicating in

the diverse workplace.Kansas City, MO.

Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES):

Gitonga, S.K. (October, 2007). When the tire meets the road: Beginning

counselors’ experiences of their first counseling position

Jain, S., Gitonga, S.K., & Ng’ang’a, R. (October, 2007). From the horse’s mouth:

New faculty cross-cultural counseling supervision experience(Equal

member participation).

Deschamps, H., Gitonga, S.K., Heller, R.,Moore, T. (2005). Listening to the

voice of field supervisors: Creating a collaborative relationship.ACES, Pittsburg, PA. (Equal member participation)

Atsuko, S., Gitonga, S.K., Ng’ang’a, R., and Salleh. (2005). Bringing Global

Perspectives into Counselor Education Programs:School Counseling Movements around the World.Pittsburg, PA.(Equal member participation)

Regional Conferences

Rocky Mountain Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (RMACES):

Gitonga, S.K., & Heller, R.(2004).One bird in the hand Vs the hyena’s “Y”:

Drawing parallels between Kenyan and Americantraditions.RMACES, Breckenridge, CO. (Equal member participation)

State Conferences

Idaho Counseling Association (ICA)

Gitonga, S.K., & Heller, R. (2005).A self-exploration andawareness creation

exercise using a wellness profile.Coeur d’ Alene, ID. (Equal member participation)

Moore, T., Gitonga, S.K., Heller, R., & Deschamps, H. (2005)Clinical

supervision pre-conference workshop for counselors.ICA, Couer D’Alene, ID.(Equal member participation)

Heller, R., Gitonga, S.K.,Moore, T. (2004). Preventive counseling practices.

ICA, Boise, ID. (Equal member participation)

Gitonga, S.K., & Moore, T., (2004). Ethics in counseling. Idaho Mental Health

Counseling Association (IMHCA), Pocatello, ID. (Equal member participation)

Kentucky Mental Health Counseling Association (KMHCA)

Gitonga, S.K. (2008). Revisiting cultural traditions to enhance mental health counselor’s

identity. Session presented at the annual KMHCA conference, Somerset, Kentucky.

Local Conferences/Workshops

Professional development workshops by the Department of Counseling,Idaho State University, Idaho.

Gitonga, S.K., Deschamps, H., & Murray, K. (2005). Clinical supervision

forcounselors.Boise, ID. (Equal member participation)

Gitonga, S.K.(2005)Ethical dilemmas in counseling.Boise, ID.

Feit, S., Gitonga, S.K., Deschamps, H., Renee, H.,Moore, T. (2004). Clinical

supervision for counselors.Boise, ID. (Equal member participation).

Other Presentations

Gitonga, S.K. (2006). How to make relationships work. IdahoState

University, Pocatello, ID.

Gitonga, S.K. (2006).Mental Health Issues in Africa.IdahoStateUniversity,

Pocatello, ID.

Professional Affiliations

Chi Sigma Iota, an international honor society for students, professional counselors, and counselor educators.

American Counseling Association (Current membership)

Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (current membership)

Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (Current membership)

Association for Specialists in Group Work (Current membership)

Grant-writing Experience

College of Education, MurrayStateUniversity, Dean’s mini-grant ($2,000) 2007 (fall)

The Association of Students from IdahoStateUniversity (US$129.00) 2005

Graduate Student Research and Scholarship (US$428.00)2005

Took a Grant-writing elective course 2005

Multi-Year Ambassadorial Scholarship from the Rotary Foundation of the

Rotary International (US$22,000.00) 2000

Deutches Blinden Hilfswerk grant from Germany (US$10,000.00) 2000

Graduate Assistant Experience

Department of Counseling (ISU)2003-2005

Enrollment Planning and Academic Advising (ISU)2001-2002


Graduate Assistantship position at the Department of Counseling, ISU. 2003-2006

Graduate Assistantship position at the Enrollment Planning office, ISU.2001-2002

Multi-Year Ambassadorial Scholarship from the Rotary Foundation of the Rotary International worth US$22,000.00 2000-2002

Deutches Blinden Hilfswerk (DBHW) Scholarship from Germany worth US$10,000.00


Additional Training

1st October 2005:Crisis Counseling After a Disaster – The Early Stages. Nampa, ID.

10th May 2005:CACREP On-site Team Member training – By Dr. Stephen S. Feit

5th March 2004:Choice Theory: Creating Happiness – By Dr. William Glasser

