Step One: Create a Journal Entry About Your Character



In class, we will be learning about immigration. For this project, you will pretend that you live in Europe a hundred years ago and that you want to immigrate to the United States. Once you have completed the creation of a character and have learned some of the issues and challenges associated with immigration, you will experience what it was like to go through Ellis Island.

Step One: Create a Journal Entry About Your Character

Write a brief summary and complete the graphic organizer to create your person. Be sure to answer the following questions in this entry. This will be due on a particular due date.

1.  Describe yourself.

2.  Describe your living conditions in Europe.

3.  Write about what you have heard about the United States.

4.  Write about why you want to immigrate to America.

5.  What are your worries about the trip?

6.  What are your hopes for your new life?

Step Two: Interview of an Immigrant

Attached is an interview sheet, where you will ask a current immigrant about their experience coming to and living in America. This person can be legal or illegal. The person must have been old enough to remember their actual experience coming to America. Complete the interview sheet and submit if for a grade toward the project on the assigned due date. Be sure to write full answers for the answers to the questions. You may want to ask for permission to tape the interview and write the answers later.

Step Three: Preparation for Immigration Simulation

I will announce the date when the Immigration Simulation of Ellis Island will take place. To prepare for the Immigration Simulation, you need the following.

1.  A nametag

2.  “Papers” showing your identity.

3.  At least $25.00 in “American money or its equivalent.” Do not bring real money. Draw money from your country. Or bring in “Valuables.”

4.  If you are in the slightest jeopardy of not pasting through Ellis Island (and that is most of you), you need extra items. For example, you might need letters from people in America saying they will sponsor you. You might have letters describing your virtues from a parish priest. You might have “train tickets.” Make these items with care and thought.

5.  A container for your “possessions.” Think about an OLD suitcase, a picnic basket, or a fabric sack.

You are walking into Ellis Island with the fact that you will most likely speaking a language other than English, so be prepared to answer these questions when asked:

What is your name?

How old are you?

Where were you born?

Are you married or single?

What is your occupation?

Are you able to read and write?

What country are you from?

What is your race?

What is the name and address of a relative from your native country?

What is your final destination in America?

Who paid for your passage to America?

How much money do you have with you?

Have you been to America before?

Are you meeting a relative here in America? Who?

Have been in a prison, almshouse, or institution for care of the insane?

Are you a polygamist? Are you an anarchist?

Are you coming to America for a job? Where will you work?

What is the condition of your health?

Are you deformed or crippled?

How tall are you? (in feet and inches or meters)

What color is your eyes/hair?

Do you have any identifying marks (scars, birthmarks, tattoos?)

You may also want to review basic questions related to American history, politics, and culture. Failure to answer these questions may result in your inability to become a citizen.

Step Four: Immigration Simulation

On the day of the simulation, you will be dressed as your immigrant and will pass through various sections of Ellis Island. If you are successful and complete your tasks, you may be able to take your oath of citizenship and become an American.

Step Five: Final Journal Entry

After your experience in Ellis Island, you write a final journal entry of your experience at Ellis Island. Answer the following questions in this journal entry:

1.  How did you feel while you were waiting to enter Ellis Island?

2.  What did you have to do to prove you were healthy and capable?

3.  What were you seeing and hearing around you?

4.  Did you pass all the tests? Did you get to leave Ellis Island?

5.  How did you feel when you finally stepped on American soil in New York City?



Step One: Journal Entry (24 pts)

1.  Describe yourself. (4 pts) ______

2.  Describe your living conditions in Europe. (4 pts) ______

3.  Write about what you have heard about the United States. (4 pts) ______

4.  Write about why you want to immigrate to America. (4 pts) ______

5.  What are your worries about the trip? (4 pts) ______

6.  What are your hopes for your new life? (4 pts) ______

Step Two: Interview (28 pts)

Detail about person (4 pts) ______

Reasons for coming (4 pts) ______

Experience coming here (4 pts) ______

First challenge (4 pts) ______

Second challenge (4 pts) ______

Feelings about America (4 pts) ______

Detail of feelings (4 pts) ______

Step Three: Immigration Station Preparation (28 pts)

1.  A nametag (3 pts) ______

2.  “Papers” showing your identity. (3 pts) ______

3.  At least $25.00 in “American money or its equivalent.” (3 pts) ______

4.  Sponsor letter/vouching letters/ “train tickets.” (4 pts) ______

5.  A container for your “possessions.” (3 pts) ______

6.  Complete Interview sheet. (3 pts) ______

7.  Complete health inspection. (3 pts) ______

8.  Completed intelligence test. (3 pts) ______

9.  Completed citizenship test. (3 pts) ______

Step Four: Final Journal (20 pts)

1.  How did you feel while you were waiting to enter Ellis Island? (4 pts) ______

2.  What did you have to do to prove you were healthy and capable? (4 pts)______

3.  What were you seeing and hearing around you? (4 pts) ______

4.  Did you pass all the tests? Did you get to leave Ellis Island? (4 pts) ______

5.  How did you feel when you finally stepped on American soil in NYC? (4 pts) ______

Total Points: 100 points ______