STEP MT Meeting

Sept. 27, 2004

Notes After

  1. Budget Update

Ginger thanked Bill for help updating the budget. Info has been given to Jeannie Paul and when Jeannie gets the accounts set up, Ginger will meet with Margie Fanning to get the budget in a more workable form.

  1. Administrative Assistant Position
  2. Work for Brad Rudnik

Tom said that Brad is expecting to work 20 hours a week for STEPMT and can be contacted at with requests.

  1. Your wishes for position description ???

By next Friday, Ginger will send a draft of the position form for the administrative assistant for the STEP MT project. Please bring revisions, suggestions, ideas to the meeting next Monday. If you know of things you want included in the position description, you can send it to Ginger by email by Wednesday.

  1. Evaluator’s Visit (Kathy Whately)
  2. Airport Transportation

Bill is going to pick up and return Kathy to the airport. (Thanks Bill!)

Ginger is going to check and see whether Kathy wants to stay in the Bed/Breakfast or Hotel and will make the arrangements.

  1. Teaching/Learning Seminar
  2. Backup

Ginger will contact Norma Dunlap, Xiaoya Zha and Jeff Walck for the CUR panel discussion which will serve as a backup for Kathy’s presentation. Tom will introduce the speakers and set the stage for this panel presentation. Jan. is the other time slot for the CUR panel.

  1. New room

Ginger will check on the large room across the hall from CKNB 123 for a back-up for the presentation room.

  1. Other
  • Ginger will contact Brad and give him the information about Kathy’s T/L seminar presentation.
  • Ginger will contact Amy Phelps and Michael Sanger and see if they can present in the Spring Semester.
  • Ginger will also start the wheels in motion for the “REU” T/L seminar for NOV 17. Tom, Bill and Andri will send names of students and faculty who might could present. Ginger will open the seminar with some general information. Brad will help by organizing REU-like information on the new STEPMT webpage. Mimi Thomas should be invited and maybe a brief part of the program. (Ginger will do that.) Andri will give out some literature.
  • Bill and Andri are going to see if they can find a time near Nov 17 to have a student pizza lunch/dinner to talk with students about REU’s (basically a repeat/modification of the faculty T/L seminar)
  • ??? I have a note that says invite staff, Rao and Gebert was that to the T/L seminar when Kathy was speaking and “who” is “staff”???
  • Meeting with Chairs
  • Diane White will set up the luncheon with Kathy Whately for the CBAS Chairs and invited guests. Tom will direct her in this.
  • To be invited: Tom, Bill, Andri, Ginger, Drs. Gebert, Thomas, Rao and Myra Norman, and the CBAS Dept. Chairs and the chair of Geosciences.
  • Time: Thursday, Oct. 21, 11:30am-12:30pm
  • Place and food: to be determined by Tom and Diane
  • Funding: Tom
  • Invitations: Tom
  • Meeting Times (Ginger will make out a schedule)
  • Wed after seminar: Tom, Bill and Andri can be there right after the seminar. Ginger has class
  • Ginger will meet after class (finished at 1:35) until dinner
  • Dinner: place to be decided, invite Dr. Carlton (Ginger do). Tom, Bill, Andri and Ginger can attend.
  • Thurs. 9:30-11:30 STEP Team
  • 11:30-12:30 lunch
  • 12:30 + wrap-up with STEP Team and/or Ginger
  • Items we need to address prior to her visit

Tom, Bill, Andri will bring ideas for these to the next meeting. Tom will send his in an email prior to the meeting. Tom will not be at the next meeting.

  1. Other Businesses
  • Supply funds for D-B Modules are not in the budget. Worthy projects might contact Tom and the corresponding department chairs.
  • New Business for next week: Mentoring UR Seminar and Workshops is in the budget. We need to talk about this. Bring ideas to next meeting.