
Symptoms / Tongue / Pulse / Tx Principle / Syndrome / Formula
Watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, no appetite; often in summer when eating raw, cold foods or w/flu; aversion to cold, chills/fever possible, HA, body aches / Pale w/thin white coat / Soggy, soft, slippery / Dispel cold, resolve damp, release exterior, stop diarrhea / Extreme Cold & Dampness / Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Tang
w/ more damp / Wei Ling Tang
Smelly, urgent diarrhea, burning sensation w/BM, Hx of irregular eating, ingesting contaminated food/water, hot body sensation, thirst, scanty dark urine, abdominal discomfort / Thick, greasy, yellow coat / Soggy/ slippery, rapid / Clear heat, resolve damp, stop diarrhea / External heat & dampness / Ge Gen Qin Lian Tang
Smelly loose stool/diarrhea w/o burning sensation, undigested food in stool, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, belching, acid reflux, loss of appetite. Vomit relieves epigastric discomfort, Hx of overeating / Greasy white / Slippery, wiry, full / Promote digestion, resolve stagnated food, resolve damp, stop diarrhea / Retention of food / Bao He Wan
w/ smelly belching and dirty tounge / Greasy yellow / w/ stagnant heat / Zhi Shi Dao Zhi Wan
Diarrhea or loose stool worse w/ stress or emotional situations, may have fresh blood in stool, anxiety, anger, irritability/depression, hypochondriac pain, lack of appetite, abdominal distension/cramping, flatulence / Pale red w/ thin coat / wiry / Soothe LV, tonify SP, resolve damp, stop diarrhea / Disharmony of LV & SP / Tong Xie Yao Fang
Diarrhea or loose stool worse after raw, cold, heavy or greasy foods, flatulence, abdominal bloating, fullness in chest, low energy/fatigue, low appetite / Pale, swollen, thick coat possible / Weak, soggy / Tonify SP/ST, resolve dampness, stop diarrhea / SP/ST Xu / Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
w/ xu cold / Fu Zi Li Zhong Tang
w/ sinking qi of MJ / Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Chronic diarrhea in early morning, poor appetite, lassitude, abdominal pain, coldness of limbs, weak low back/knees, copious clear urine / Pale, white coat / Deep, thready, weak / Warm yang, tonify KI/SP, astringe bowels, stop diarrhea / KI/SP yang xu / Si Shen Wan
Resolve cold dampness (aromatic, transform damp) / huo xiang
(D/V/N) / ^damp/turbidity, rel ext / Resolve Heat Dampness / Huang lian / Intestine heat/damp, anti microbial / Drain Dampness / Fu ling / Strengthen SP, prom urine, leech damp,
Pei lan
(D/N) / Damp, sum damp / Huang qin / Intestine heat/damp, anti microbial / Yi yi ren
Cang zhu / Strong dry damp, revive SP, rel ext / Huang bai / Intestine heat/damp, KI fire, anti microbial / Ze xie / Prom urine, leech damp/turbid
Hou po / Dry damp, moves qi, yu in chest/abdomen / Bai tou weng / Heat, toxicity, parasites, amoebic/bacterial bloody D/dysentery
Sha ren
(V/D) / ^damp, warms, moves MJ qi / Qin pi / DH, toxicity, for dysenteric d/o / Che qian zi / Prom urine, solidify stool via urine
Bai dou kou
(V) / ^damp, warms, moves MJ qi / Ma chi xian / Heat, toxicity, DH D/dysentery
Ge gen / D d/t heat, ascend SP yang,. SPxu D in combo
SP &/or KI xu / Bai zhu / SP qi, damp / Astringent
(only for xu conditions, not w/smelly stools) / Lian zi
Shan yao / SP qi/yin / Qian shi
Bian dou / SP, ^damp, summer damp / Rou dou kou / Bind LI, D, warm MJ, move qi, pain
Fu ling / He zi / Bind LI, D
Yi yi ren / Chi shi zhi / Bind LI, D, bleeding
Lian zi / SP/KI, astringe/stop D / Shi liu pi / Bind LI, D, parasites, bleeding
Qian shi / SP/KI, astringe/stop D / Ying su ke / Bind LI, D, pain, stop peristalsis
Bu gu zhi / KI, fortify yang, warm SP, D / Wu wei zi / KI, D
Yi zhi ren / Wu mei / Bind LI, D, sedates roundworms, pain