Step by Step Guide for Panel Chairs
- ask the panel to be seated. NB: only the panel and programme leader should be present for the agenda setting. If team members arrive early ask them to wait outside.
- introduce yourself and go around the table for others to introduce themselves.
- ask the panel for agenda items (including College and CQOand student representatives). Suggest start with external academic first.
- we suggest that agenda points are grouped under the aide-memoire headings and these headings are followed through the meeting.
- ask whether anyone has any queries about the process before the meeting starts in full.
- when the team come in allow them to grab a drink and sit down.
- when everyone is seated, do the introductions again so that everyone can say who they are.
- the chair then explains the purpose of the meeting i.e. to consider the proposed programme for approval and to confirm that academic standards as set out in the Aide Memoire have been met, and then state the possible outcomes:
- approved
- approved with conditions
- approved with recommendations
- approved with conditions and recommendations
- not approved
- start on the agenda points – the first point is always to ask the programme leader for a brief introduction to the programme.
- following this ask the person raising issues under the first agenda point to ask their question.
- as with any meeting the trick is to get through the agenda in the time allowed. Allow people to make their point but ensure the discussion stays focused on the purpose of the meeting.
- at the end of the meeting, the Panel need to agree the conclusions. The Team will normally be asked to withdraw at this point unless the whole of the panel feel this is unnecessary. If in doubt ask the CQO representative for guidance.
- ask panel members if they agree that academic standards have been met and wish to approve and ask for either conditions and/or recommendations.
- feedback/confirm outcome to programme team.
- agree date for submission of revised documentation and who should check.
- thank the externals and panel members for their input.
Chair’s Step by Step 2017-18 1