DeSoto Staffing Procedures
Staffing strategy is critical. Getting the Right people in the Right position is paramount to the elevation of a Good School to a GREAT School!
Step 1:Request to Staff Vacant or New Position: *Request will be submitted and flow online once our new online application is in place. Principals will receive training/instructions in January 2012. Meanwhile, the instructions below remain in effect.
The Principal will analyze and justify the need to staff the position. Ifthere is a need to replace an existing vacant position or request a new position. The Principal will complete the Triplicate Form “Requesting to Staff New Position”or “Request to Staff Vacant Existing Position”. Submitthe form to Central Office for processing and budget review. If approved, upon completion of processing, the Triplicate Form will be returned to the Principal. The Principal will complete the “Recommendation for Employment or the Request to Transfer” portion of the Triplicate Form once the decision is made on the recommendation.
Step 2: Organizing Interview Committees:
Interview committee will consist of the following:
Principal; AP of Curriculum and Instruction; Master Teacher(s); Core or Grade level teacher; District Personnel (District Personnel will be assigned from Curriculum and Instruction).
In order to preserve the integrity of the interview committee each role must be represented. Therefore, if you have scheduled one of your Master Teachers to fill the role of the Master Teacher committee member and that person has an unexpected conflict and cannot attend the interview, one of the other Master Teachers will need to fill the role of the Master Teacher committee member. The same idea would include Grade Level or Core Teacher, if the representative is unable to attend the interview. (Please remember to provide Curriculum and Instruction a 3-day notice if possible.)
Step 3: Selection of Applicants:
HR will provide a pool of pre-screened applications to the Principal. The Interview Committee will review and select applications from the pool of applicants provided. Document the date contact was made with response from the applicant on the “Applicant Call Log”
Step 4: Schedule Interviews:
Principals will coordinate with the interview Committee Members as well as the Human Resource Director to schedule the dates and times for interviews. Complete the “Interview Schedule”with date(s) and time(s) for the interview(s).
Step 5: Interview:
Interviews will be scored on a rubric (a template of The DeSoto Parish Interview Rating Form will be used for the questions and scoring question fields will be populated from the question bank). Interviewees may be asked to demonstrate their teaching ability through a video of their teaching or a portfolio. Interview questions will be designed to extract information from the candidate that provides insight to the teacher’s ability to analyze student data, indentify student learning goals, colleague teaming, etc.
Upon completion of the interview, the scores of each committee member will be tallied and applicants ranked on the DeSoto Parish Score Sheet. The Principal along with committee members will discuss the top ranking applicants. Additional interviews may be appropriate in order to finalize a decision prior to making the school level recommendation. The team will come to a consensus on the recommendation. Should the Principal prefer an applicant different to the committee the Principal will provide an explanation to justify the reason for the employment recommendation.
Completion of the interview process:
Once the recommendation is determined, and theReference Check Form is complete with reference information from previous supervisors or employers. The Principal may notify the applicant they are the school –level recommendation and they will be contacted by HR for the final interview at Central Office. Do notsend the recommended applicant directly to the Central Office.
NOTE: Upon completion of the interview process, at the school level, all non-recommended applicants must be notified (Applicant Thank You Letter).Forward the completed Triplicate Formand all documents listed below to HR.
Send the following documents to Central Office with the recommendation:
- The triplicate form naming the recommendation
- List of applicants contacted with their responses
- List of applicants interviewed
- DeSoto Scoring Sheet signed by each committee member and dated
- Reference form with the three references contacted
Step 6: Recommendation:
Human Resource will contact the recommended applicant and schedule an interview with Superintendent and Director of HR. If Superintendent /HR concur with the recommendation of the Interview Team, the applicant will be processed for employment.
Please note: Any deviations from this procedure will need the Superintendent’s approval.
Approved ______
Superintendent Walter C. LeeDate