Carnegie Center for Arts & History

New Albany, IN

June 15, 2007

9:00 A.M.

Commissioners Present: India Cruse-Griffin, Karen Ellerbrook, Cindy Frey, Judy Hess, William Hopper, Lee Marks, Leonard Pas, Kelly Schreckengast, Irene Smith-King, Ronald Stratten, Steve Tuchman

Commissioner Not Present: Sandi Clark, Jeanne Mirro, Richard Stifel

Staff Present: Michelle Anderson, Jay Chauhan, Bobbie Garver, Monica Peterson, Lewis Ricci, Rebecca Swope Stergos, Rex Van Zant

Staff Not Present: Robyn Kelly, Emelita Tolentino

Guests Present: Jeff Kuehl, Rudee Rodriguez

1)  Welcome and Introductions

Mr. Stratten called the meeting to order at 9:06 a.m.

2)  Consent Agenda

a)  Approval of Meeting Agenda

b)  Approval of March 16, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Mr. Hopper moved and Mr. Pas seconded to approve the consent agenda. Motion passed.

3)  Chair and Executive Reports

a)  Chair’s Report

i)  Ad Hoc Nomination Committee

(1)  New Commissioner update

(a)  Introduction of Karen Ellerbrook

(b)  Status of Terre Haute nomination

(c)  Status of three “upcoming” vacancies

ii)  Officers for FY 2008

iii)  New Commissioner update

iv)  Committee Meeting timing, process and structure

b)  Executive Committee Report

4)  Committee Reports

a)  Committee on the Future, Bill Hopper, Chair

i)  Strategic Plan Prioritization

ii)  2 Year Objectives

b)  Program Evaluation Committee, Lee Marks, Chair

i)  2007 Grant Recommendations

c)  Advocacy & Awareness Committee, Jeanne Mirro, Chair

i)  Public Support per region

ii)  Education and advocacy

iii)  Governor’s Arts Awards

d)  Cultural Trust Administrative Board, Steve Tuchman, Chair

i)  Trust Board Membership

ii)  Current Activity and Projections

e)  Regional Arts Partners, Jeff Kuehl

i)  Update

ii)  Allocation formula and merit review

5)  Executive Director’s Report

i)  2007 Budget Year – End

(1)  Anticipated carryover

ii)  2008 Budget

(1)  Anticipated tourism partnership money for FY 2008

iii)  Personnel Issues – Education Program Manager Search

iv)  Strategic Plan

(1)  Update on Current activities

(2)  Regional Meetings – Reaction to Priorities

(a)  July 19th, Wabash, the Honeywell Center

(b)  Late July, Indianapolis, Place TBD

(c)  Early August, Columbus, The Commons

6)  Artist Visit

Guest artist Rudee Rodriguez presented the Commission with her quilts, and discussed a quilt book that was the result of an IAC grant in the 1980s.

7)  Discussion items

a)  Cultural Trust and Fund Raising Initiatives

b)  Other items from 2 Year Objectives

c)  Action or Study Groups

8)  Old Business

Mr. Tuchman moved to formally thank the Indianapolis Museum of Art for their legislator reception, which served as a strong advocacy tool during the past legislative session. Ms. Hess seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Mr. Stratten expressed his enjoyment of the NASAA conference which he recently attended with Mr. Ricci and Ms. Anderson. He added that Arts Place Executive Director Eric Rogers was presented a prestigious national leadership award. Mr. Stratten and Mr. Ricci will write a formal congratulatory note.

9)  New Business

Outgoing Commissioners Mr. Tuchman, Ms. Marks, and Ms. Cruse-Griffin thanked the Commission for allowing them to serve. They each offered words of wisdom from their experiences during the last eight years.

10) Closing Comments

Mr. Stratten thanked the Commission for their service for the past two years. He presented gifts of appreciation to outgoing Commissioners Mr. Tuchman, Ms. Marks, and Ms. Cruse-Griffin. Mr. Ricci then presented a gift of appreciation to Mr. Stratten for his work as Commission Chair.

11) Adjourn

Mr. Hopper moved and Ms. Hess seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 1:36 p.m.