Tier 1 Problem Solving Practice

STEP 1 – PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION: What is the problem?

Miss Montalvo is a Pre-K Teacher at Sunshine Early Learning Center. Shemeets with Miss Brookins,her Paraprofessional, and Mrs. Dixson, the Area Pre-K Coordinator, every three weeks to review child progress and plan instruction.Today the team is reviewing data from an assessment that is administeredthree times per year to measure the children’s progress toward attaining the skills in the State Early Learning and DevelopmentalStandards for Four-Year-Olds.

Upon reviewing the data from the first assessment period (AP 1), the team determines that fewer than 80% of children in Miss Montalvo’s class are meeting or exceeding expectations in the area of Phonological Awareness. They decide to engage in targeted problem solving in order to improve the Tier 1 teaching strategies and identify the following goal for child performance:

GOAL:80% or more of children in Miss Montalvo’s class will meet or exceed expectations in the area of Phonological Awarenessas measured by the Assessment Period 2 Pre-K Assessment.

Expected level of performance: At least 80% of the children will meet or exceed expectations

Practice: Based on the data presented on the following page (p. 2), what percentage of the children in Miss Montalvo’s class are currently meeting or exceeding expectations?

Current Level of performance: ______

Exceeding Expectations / It is likely that the child will score “Ready” for Kindergarten on the Kindergarten Readiness Screener
Meeting Expectations / It is likely that the child will score “Ready” for Kindergarten on the Kindergarten Readiness Screener
Below Expectations / It is likely that the child will NOT score “Ready” for Kindergarten on the Kindergarten Readiness Screener
% / Due to rounding, percentages displayed may not equal 100%

STEP 2 – PROBLEM ANALYSIS: Why is the problem occurring?

The team works together to generate several hypotheses and corresponding prediction statements across multiple domains (Instruction, Curriculum, Environment, Learner) in order to determine why the problem is occurring.

Hypothesis 1 - Instruction: The problem is occurring because the amount of time dedicated to intentionally teaching phonological awareness is inadequate.

Prediction Statement: If more time were dedicated to teaching phonological awareness skills, then the problem would be reduced.

Hypothesis 2 Curriculum:The problem is occurring because the curriculum does not include opportunities for the children to practice phonological awareness skills and receive feedback.

Prediction Statement: If the curriculum were changed to include multiple opportunities for the children to practice phonological awareness skills and receive feedback, then the problem would be reduced.

Hypothesis 3 Learner:The problem is occurring because the children lack the necessary listening skills.

Prediction Statement: If the children increase their listening skills, then the problem would be reduced.

Practice: Develop a hypothesis and corresponding prediction statement for the domain of environment. (See RIOT x ICEL Matrix for elements related to the domain of Environment.)

Hypothesis 4 Environment: The problem is occurring because ______

Prediction Statement: If ______,

then the problem would be reduced.


Practice: Complete the “Support Plan” section of the Comprehensive Intervention Planning Form. Consider what type of support the Miss Montalvo may need in order to effectively increase Phonological Awareness instruction (e.g., training, coaching, modeling, materials).

Comprehensive Planning Form

Instructional Plan / Support Plan
(For the teachers) / Fidelity Documentation / Plan for Determining Progress
Who is responsible?
Miss Montalvo
What will be done?
Increase phonological teaching through the use of stories, games, songs, rhymes and gross motor activities
When will it occur?
Daily during whole group and centers/small group time
Where will it occur?
Classroom / Who is responsible?
What will be done?
When will it occur?
Where will it occur? / Who is responsible?
Miss Montalvo
What will be done?
Document implementation of the instructional plan in her lesson plans
When will it occur?
Upon completion of weekly lesson plans
How will data be shared?
Miss Montalvo will reference and share her lesson plans during her regularly scheduledmeetings with Miss Brookins and Mrs. Dixson / Who is responsible?
Miss Montalvo
What data will be collected and how often?
Anecdotal records will be gathered daily and AP 2 Assessment will be administered in January
How will we decide if the plan is effective?
Child progress will be examined at tri-weekly meetings and immediately following AP 2
Decision rules:
Examine % of childrenmeeting or exceeding AP 2 Phonological Awareness expectations…
80-100% = positive response
60-79% = questionable response
0-59% = poor response



The team examines the AP 2 Phonological Awareness data and uses their pre-established decision rules to determine the response to the Tier 1 instructional changes and plan next steps. The progress monitoring results are indicated below:

Decision rules:

Examine % of childrenmeeting or exceeding AP 2 Phonological Awareness expectations…

80-100% = Positive response

60-79% = Questionable response

0-59% = Poor response

Practice: Using the pre-established decision rules, examine the data above, determine if child response is positive, questionable or poor and recommend next steps.

  1. Was the child response positive, questionable or poor? ______
  1. What would you recommend as next steps for Miss Montalvo?