Westfield State University
NEASC Committee Structure and Timeline
Steering Committee
Enrique Morales-Diaz (Co-Chair), Elizabeth Preston (Co-Chair), Sue LaMontagne, Lisa Plantefaber, Lisa Freeman, Jim Carabetta, Laurie Simpson, Emily Gibbings, Michelle Brown (Student representative), Louis Cimaglia (Student representative)
Task Force A: Standards One and Two
Membership: Gabe Acquino (Chair), Jon Conlogue, Jaci Jordan, Marijoan Bull, Andy Bonacci, Ryan Meersman (student representative)
Steering Committee Liaison: Lisa Plantefaber VP Resource: Barry Maloney
Standard One: Mission and Purposes
The institution’s mission and purposes are appropriate to higher education, consistent with its charter or other operating authority, and implemented in a manner that complies with the Standards of the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education. The institution’s mission gives direction to its activities and provides a basis for the assessment and enhancement of the institution’s effectiveness.
Standard Two: Planning and Evaluation
The institution undertakes planning and evaluation appropriate to its needs to accomplish and improve the achievement of its mission and purposes.It identifies its planning and evaluation priorities and pursues them effectively.
Task Force B: Standard Three
Membership: Susan Quandt (chair), Nanci Salvidio, Mike Foyle, Jim Martin-Rehrmann, Maureen Bardwell, Byung Cho, Colleen Murphy (student representative)
Steering Committee Liaison: Jim Carabetta VP Resource: Ken Lemanski
Standard Three: Organization and Governance
The institution has a system of governance that facilitates the accomplishment of its mission and purposes and supports institutional effectiveness and integrity.Through its organizational design and governance structure, the institution creates and sustains an environment that encourages teaching, learning, service, scholarship, and where appropriate research and creative activity.It assures provision of support adequate for the appropriate functioning of each organizational component.
Task Force C: Standard Four
Membership: Margot Hennessy (Co-chair), John Ohotnicky (Co-chair), Marsha Marotta, Kim Tobin, Junior Degado, Maureen McCartney, Sandy Berkowitz, Eric Bressler, Bill Miller, Mike Konig, Stephanie Begg (student representative), Anthony Iozzo (student representative)
Steering Committee Liaison: Enrique Morales-Diaz VP Resource: Bob Hayes
Standard Four: The Academic Program
The institution’s academic programs are consistent with and serve to fulfill its mission and purposes.The institution works systematically and effectively to plan, provide, oversee, evaluate, improve, and assure the academic quality and integrity of its academic programs and the credits and degrees awarded.The institution develops the systematic means to understand how and what students are learning and to use the evidence obtained to improve the academic program.
Task Force D: Standard Five
Membership: Larry Griffith (chair), Tammy Bringaze, Azanda Seymour, Siddarth Lodaya, Buzz Hoagland, Emily Todd, Susan Leggett, Amina Abo (student representative)
Steering Committee Liaison: Liz Preston VP Resource: Bob Hayes
Standard Five: Faculty
The institution develops a faculty that is suited to the fulfillment of the institution’s mission.Faculty qualifications, numbers, and performance are sufficient to accomplish the institution's mission and purposes.Faculty competently offer the institution's academic programs and fulfill those tasks appropriately assigned them.
Task Force E: Standard Six
Membership: David Smailes (Chair), Mike Mazeika, Chaitali Brambhatt, Jessica Hufnagle, Josh Hettrick, Meaghan Arena, Patick Hartsfield, David Shapleigh, Janet Gebelt, Diana Schwartz, Sasah Canzater (student representative), David Getchell (student representative), Danielle Nichols (student representative), Kristina Norris (student representative)
Steering Committee Liaison: Sue LaMontagne VP Resource: Barry Maloney
Standard Six: Students
Consistent with its mission, the institution defines the characteristics of the students it seeks to serve and provides an environment that fosters the intellectual and personal development of its students. It recruits, admits, enrolls, and endeavors to ensure the success of its students, offering the resources and services that provide them the opportunity to achieve the goals of their program as specified in institutional publications.The institution’s interactions with students and prospective students are characterized by integrity.
Task Force F: Standards Seven and Eight
Membership: Carolyn Schwartz (chair), Curt Robie, Chris Hirtle, Daryl Hendry, Lynn Zayac, Gary Merlo, Jane Mildred, Tarin Weiss, Emily Hamel (student representative)
Steering Committee Liaison: Laurie Simpson VP Resource: Jerry Hayes
Standard Seven: Library and Other Information Resources
The institution demonstrates sufficient and appropriate information resources and services and instructional and information technology and utilizes them to support the fulfillment of its mission.
Standard Eight: Physical and Technological Resources
The institution has sufficient and appropriate physical and technological resources necessary for the achievement of its purposes.It manages and maintains these resources in a manner to sustain and enhance the realization of institutional purposes.
Task Force G: Standard Nine
Membership: John Wesolowski (chair), Catherine Ryan, Richard Lenfest, Kathi Bradford, Lynn Reynolds, Hugh Jo, Supriya Sarnikar, Corinne Ebbs, Kaitlin Badjo (student representative)
Steering Committee Liaison: Lisa Freeman VP Resource: Jerry Hayes
Standard Nine: Financial Resources
The institution's financial resources are sufficient to sustain the achievement of its educational objectives and to further institutional improvement now and in the foreseeable future. The institution demonstrates through verifiable internal and external factors its financial capacity to graduate its entering class. The institution administers its financial resources with integrity.
Task Force H: Standards Ten and Eleven
Membership: Carlton Pickron (chair), Janet Garcia, Monique Lopez, Debbie Clifford, Edna Wilander, Bob Plasse, Barbara Laffert, Lori Letendre, Patricia de Oliveira-Squitiero, Dan Price, Liam Harte, Anthony Oberg (student representative)
Steering Committee Liaison: Emily Gibbings VP Resource: Carol Persson
Standard Ten: Public Disclosure
In presenting itself to students, prospective students, and other members of the interested public, the institution provides information that is complete, accurate, accessible, clear and sufficient for intended audiences to make informed decisions about the institution.
Standard Eleven: Integrity
The institution subscribes to and advocates high ethical standards in the management of its affairs and in all of its dealings with students, faculty, staff, its governing board, external agencies and organizations, and the general public. Through its policies and practices, the institution endeavors to exemplify the values it articulates in its mission and related statements.
March 1, 2010 Steering Committee Established
May 2010 Task Force structure created; charges drafted
Space reserved for Site Visit (campus and hotel)
September 2010 Task Forces convened and begin work
October 2010 NEASC Self-Study Workshop
December 2010 NEASC Annual Meeting
May 2011 Task Force Reports Due
August 2011 Draft of Self Study completed
September 2011 Draft of Self Study distributed to campus community;
Oct/Nov 2011 Campus-wide discussion of Self Study
December 2011 Final version of Self Study completed
April 1-4, 2012 NEASC Site Visit
Updated 9/28/10 10:53 AM