Steering Committee Introductions last updated September 19, 2018

Mary Alexandrouis the Program Coordinator for the Youth Net French and English youth mental health promotion and intervention program part of The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario.

Deborah Andrews: is the Health Services Director for The South East Ottawa Community Health Center. She has worked with a variety of populations including those characterized by mental health and addictions where she brings both lived and professional experience. She has particular expertise in working with vulnerable and marginalized populations. Deborah aims to deliver high quality health services through effective teamwork, partnership, and collaboration focusing on leadership, accountability, mutual respect and compassion.

Mr. Yves Arseneau is the Renfrew County Opioid Case Manager with Addictions Treatment Service. He graduated from the Addictions and Mental Health Program at Canadore College In 2007, after 16 years of service in the Canadian Forces. As a Case Manager he is interested in working with the entire system to improve the experience of his clients and for all clients in general.

Raquel Beauvais-Godard is theProgram Director at the Canadian Mental Health Association – Champlain East. She is a strong advocate of the recovery model, overseeingthe mental health, addictions and concurrent disorders supportive services offered by the Branch in the communities of Stormont, Dundas, & Glengarry, Prescott-Russell, and Akwesasne. She is passionate about person-centered services that engage the client in the development of their own recovery plan, as well as working collaboratively with community services to meet the complex socio-ecological needs of the clients and families served in rural areas.

Cynthia Clark (Hons B.A.) is Chair of the Ontario Family Caregivers’ Advisory Network (OFCAN), a founding member of Parents’ Lifelines of Eastern Ontario (PLEO) and a member of the Mental Health and Addictions Leadership Advisory Council. She has over 14 years of experience in the delivery of programs to family members of individuals with serious mental illness and was a valued employee of the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario for 12 years.

Robert Comeau is a Peer Support Worker with the Monfort ACCT and is a Registered Practical Nurse. He is a francophone and very much enjoys working in/with the francophone community. He has seen the system from many sides, as a consumer, as a provider and as a family member. Robert has witnessed the hurdles consumers face but also understands the bureaucratic issues that providers face and the too frequent disconnect between the two sides.

Dr. Kim Corace is a clinical psychologist and Director of Program Development and Research, Substance Use and Concurrent Disorders Program at the Royal. She is passionate about a mental health and addiction system that actively involves and engages individuals and families in their care plan, allows for smooth and seamless transitions between services and agencies, and ensures organizations work together to ensure coordinated, evidenced-based care for all. Much of her work has been in building partnerships, fostering system-wide collaborations, and building capacity within the system to treat concurrent disorders.

Catherine Corey is a co-chair of the Addictions Mental Health Network of Champlain and a family member. She has experience in both addictions and mental health. She is very interested in capacity building initiatives and has been a lead in the development of Recovery Academy, the Rollercoaster to Recovery handbook. She has an excellent grasp of the family challenges within the system and an understanding of the challenges of those with lived experience finding pathways to recovery that meet their goals.

Bill Dare is a family member and social worker, working in community mental health with people living with mental illness; interest in how we can bridge Information Communication Technology, recovery & service transition practices.

Dr. Elizabeth Druss is the Director of Out-patient and Community Psychiatry at the Ottawa Hospital. In her position and directing referrals from Emergency to acute care hospital outpatient setting, liaising with primary care, and directing flow, she has been become highly aware of our mental health system resources but also the gaps in delivery, awareness and coordination of care. Elizabeth is eager to collaborate to improve these gaps with a recovery orientation.

Michelle Girdwood is a Case Manager at CMHA-Ottawa and has over 15 years of experience working in the mental health sector. As acase manager, she supports clients to resolve their housing, legal, and social issues by helping them navigate systems, connect to community resources, and by providing referrals where necessary.

Elizabeth Kacewis a Nurse Practitioner at Valorsolutions an organization funded through the Ministry of Community and Social Services that provides support to adults with developmental disabilities and a dual diagnosis. She is also a locum NP at Pinecrest Queensway Community Health Centre and a part time clinical educator with the Algonquin College/University of Ottawa collaborative program. Elizabeth has extensive experience working with adults with developmental disabilities in the community setting both as a Nurse Practitioner and as a direct support staff.

Keya Prempeh is a black, non-binary activist slowly figuring out xer way to adulthood. Xe hails from Brampton, Ontario but has lived in Ottawa for the past four years while completing a Bachelor of Social Work. Guided by womanism, collectivism and the pursuit of social justice, Keya hopes to foster meaningful connections within the community through xer various passions.

Mel Thompson is an intersex health care client whose difficulties accessing respectful, informed health care reveal systemic failures in equity and accountability. These barriers to care affect all stakeholders in, and the basic credibility of, our public medical system, and therefore, need to be addressed. Mel has worked in publishing, publicity, animal welfare and the theatre arts.

Meghann Darroch, Ex-officio: is a Program Consultant (Regional Implementation Coordinator) with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, East Region. She graduated from the University of Guelph with a focus in Sociology and Criminal Justice and has developed a strongly rooted background in social determinants of health having worked within the community development and homelessness sectors. Meghann has both frontline and policy experience having served as a coordinator and member at numerous local community tables. She has an interest in capacity building, mental health and advocacy toward building healthier communities.

ArlynnBélizaire, Ex-officio: Réseau des services de santé en français de l'Est de l'Ontario

(Introduction Pending)

David Hesidence, Ex-officio: Pathways to Better Care

Champlain Pathways to Better Care –

Improvement through Collaboration