Staying Healthy Project Name ______

For chapter 3 of Unit F you will be required to complete a Staying Healthy Project. You will use your prior knowledge and the information you read and learned in class to create a 3-part project. Use the guidelines below to help you do an outstanding job on the project. If you have any questions I’ll be happy to answer them.

Turn your project in on time. Due Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2015

1. The project must contain the title Staying Healthy along with three (3) components: each labeled with the following subtitles: Stay Drug Free, Exercise, Eat Healthy Foods

2. You have a few options for each part of this project. Pick something that interests you and something you would enjoy learning more about.

Select one option from each category:

Category A: Eat Healthy Foods: (20 points)

1.  Compare calories and sugar content in your top 5 favorite packaged snacks.

Create a bar graph to display your findings. Rank your snacks from healthiest to least healthy. Your bar graph must be neatly created on grid paper, or using a computer program. Each snack should be represented by a different color. Be sure to include a title, scale, key, and labels.

2.  Research, prepare, and try a new healthy food snack.

You must also include a visual representation of your snack at different steps in the process (it would look similar to a food blogger’s website when they take photos of the process from start to finish). A minimum of three pictures are required. If you would like to include more, that is fine too.

a.  Take a picture of the ingredients before preparing, a photograph of you making it, and one of the finished snack. Explain how your snack is a “heart healthy snack” and provide nutritional information including the total calories, grams of fat, and sugars.

3.  Research the 5-second rule of food safety.

It is a fact or opinion? Conduct an experiment by following the scientific method to verify your findings. Complete a scientific method model sheet to explain your experiment in detail and of course draw a conclusion.

Category B: Stay Drug Free: (20 points)

1.  Radio Advertisement

Create a 60-second radio commercial for teenagers about the myths and truths surrounding a specific drug. You must have 5 myths and 5 truths based on actual research. Tape it and turn it in with script and a paragraph (5 sentences minimum) on what you learned.

2.  Comic Strip
Create your own comic strip dealing with a drug message. There should be a minimum of 10 frames with at least five underlined facts. Write a paragraph on what message you are trying to convey. Your comic can be hand drawn (NEATLY) or made with a program such as

3.  How it Works

Create a “How it Works” poster that describes, in words and in illustrations how smoking affects your circulatory and respiratory system. It should be neat and colorful. Don’t forget to include short-term and long-term effects. The size should be a standard poster-board size of 22x28 inches. Write a paragraph (5 sentences minimum) on what you learned.

4.  PowerPoint Presentation

Create a PowerPoint presentation about a drug related topic such as tobacco and present it to the class. All material must be fact-based. The PowerPoint must include text, visuals, custom animation, slide transitions, and sound. The end of the report must include a 5-question multiple-choice quiz to test the audience. Don’t forget to include the correct answers! A minimum of 10 slides must be included [this includes the title (1), resources (1), & quiz slides (1)].

Category C: Exercise: (20 points)

1.  Visual Display

Research the amount of exercise a person your age needs daily. Is this more or less than an adult? Then create a visual display (poster, slide show, bulleted list) of at least 10 ways your body benefits from exercise. Be specific…don’t just tell me it increases your heart rate, but tell me why that’s important.

2.  Physical Activity Log

Research the amount of exercise a person your age needs daily. Set a fitness goal for 1 week and explain what daily activities you will do to achieve this goal. Complete a one-week physical activity log. When your week is finished, write one paragraph summary.