Cougar Tardy Policy

2013 – 2014

Guiding Philosophy for Tardy Policy
Regular and punctual school attendance is one of the most critical factors in a student’s academic success. Punctuality is essential to promoting a learning environment that is free of classroom interruptions. Students are expected to arrive to school and all classes on time. A tardy will be recorded for each student who arrives after the official start time for each class period. Students are required to monitor transition time between classes. The following tardy policy will be implemented to avoid classroom disruptions, maximize student learning, and to instill the basic principle of responsibility and common courtesy.
Being on time to class:
  • Minimizes disruption to the learning environment.
  • Develops a practical discipline (punctuality) that will be expected in the “real world.”
  • Demonstrates respect for the people in the community.
  • Promotes a culture of academic and vocational integrity.
Deterrents: To encourage students to be on time to class everyday the school as a whole will enact the following deterrents to discourage poor attendance:
  • Daily safety patrols will be conductedthroughout each school day.
  • Students out of class after the tardy bell will be stopped by safety and asked to produce a valid pass.
  • Any student found out of class after the tardy bell who does not have a valid pass will be subject to detention that will be held after school in the Cafeteria 2-3 times a week.
HHS Classroom TeachersPlease Enforce the Following Policy for Tardy Students:
1-2 Tardies= Verbal Warning
3-5 Tardies = Detention with classroom teacher
6 Tardies = Detention, Saturday School and a call home, the attempt must be noted in powerschool
7+ Tardies = Referral to administrator for possible citation and suspension
The following are additional schoolwide consequences for tardies.
  • A student, who is tardy at least 6 times in a given class during any one quarter, will receive an “N” (Needs Improvement) in citizenship for the class and the teacher will contact the student’s parent/guardian.
  • A student, who is tardy at least 10 times in a given class during any one quarter, will receive a “U” (Unsatisfactory) in citizenship for the class and the teacher will contact the student’s parent/guardian.
  • Students receiving more than one “U” will not be eligible to participate in anyextracurricular activities, including athletics.

Detention Assistance:
Teacher sends email to A.P. Dr. Nicolis for students to be added to detention list. Teacher will be notified when students have satisfied the detention for the stated tardy. Please include the students first, last name and number of tardies accumulated.
Incentives: To encourage students to be on time to class every day the school and the teachers are encouraged to provide incentives as a means of rewarding good attendance.
  • The school will provide a warning announcement via verbal/music before certain periods begin.
  • The school will recognize good attendance via assemblies and/or Plasco points or Cougar Cash to buy HHS school apparel from our PBIS student store.
  • Teachers can administer class incentives, homework passes and increased participation grades to encourage on time patterns for all HHS students.
Collaborative Effort: In order for the tardy policy to become an effective tool in helping the community of Hawthorne High School fulfill its mission all stakeholders (administrators, staff, teachers, students and parents) must work together to ensure that students are present and on time to each class every day.
Roles and Responsibilities:There must also be a strong effort by each person in our community to help students arrive to class on time and be prepared to learn. The effectiveness of the tardy policy will depend upon each person fulfilling their role and responsibilities as follows:
Administrators – will monitor students out of class without valid pass, will assign detention, suspension; make parent contacts and all other interventions as deemed necessary.
Safety– will monitor students out of class during passing periods; will patrol the campus, monitor the flow of student traffic, and help students get to class on time.
Greet students at the door, keep the student traffic moving and be a positive adult presence.
Providing “on task” activities, and recording attendance promptly at the beginning of each period in powerschool.
Not allowing students out of class without a proper pass.
Students are permitted to leave the classroom only:
  • With a valid pass.
  • After the first 10 minutes of class/ before the last 10 minutes of class.
  • Being a positive role model by showing up to class on time themselves.
Encouraging students to move quickly to their next class i.e. do not hold students to discuss and/or complete work (assignments, and/or tests) in your class and thereby make them late to another class.
Students– will arrive to each and every class on time. They will attend detentions and all other assigned interventions.
Parents – will support their child in arriving to school on time. Parents will communicate with teachers, counselors and administrators and support the tardy policy.