Status of the signature of the Framework Agreements
Signed Framework Agreements:
1. With the South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme on the establishment of the Pacific Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the joint implementation of the Basel and Waigani Conventions for the countries in the South Pacific region, integrated within SPREP (BCRC-SPREP) signed on 18 December 2003.
2. With the Government of The Oriental Republic of Uruguay on the establishment of a Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Latin America and Caribbean region (BCCC-Uruguay) signed on 30 January 2004.
3. With the Arab Republic of Egypt on the establishment of the Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Arab States (BCRC-Egypt) signed on 29 October 2004.
4. With the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on the establishment of a Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Southeast Asia (BCRC-SEA) signed on 29 October 2004.
5. With the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on the establishment of a Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Caribbean Region (BCRC-Trinidad and Tobago) signed on 29 October 2004.
6. With the Government of the Republic of Senegal on the Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for French-speaking countries in Africa (BCRC-Senegal) signed on 1 March 2005.
7. With the Government of the Argentine Republic on the Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the South American region (BCRC-Argentina) signed on 8 July 2005.
8. With the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer in Tehran (BCRC-Tehran) signed on 27 July 2005.
9. With the Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Central American Sub-region, including Mexico in El Salvador (BCRC-El Salvador), signed on 8 February 2007.
10. With the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the African Region (BCCC-Nigeria), signed on 7 March 2007.
As at December 2010, ten (10) Framework Agreements have been signed with Argentina, Egypt, El Salvador, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Indonesia, Nigeria, Senegal, the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay.
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