ISQS 5345-SSII 2004

Statistical Concepts in Business and Management

Professor: Dr. Ronald BremerOffice: BA611; 742-2170


Office Hours: M-F 10:00-11:00AM and by appointment

ISQS 5345 WEBCT Site:

User ID: Eraider name Password: Eraider Password

If you do not know your Eraider information go to

Prerequisites: Math 1330 and 1331 with at least a C grade and basic computer literacy.

Textbook (required): ‘Practical Business Statistics’ 5th Edition, by Andrew Siegel, IRWIN.

Lecture Notes (required): Hard copy version of the PowerPoint slides and

Projects, Cases, Homework and Formula Sheets

Both are available in the BA copy center in the basement.

Software Used: MINITAB. Available in Rawl's College computer lab or you can buy a semester license online at The semester license costs $25.99. There is also a free 30 day trial version that will work for this course.

Academic Conduct: The Texas Tech policy for academic conduct (Student Affairs Handbook, pp. 33-42, 1993-1994), applies to all students at all times. Any student who violates the academic conduct policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions (Student Affairs Handbook, p. 37, 1993-1994).

Cheating on any test, quiz, or lab assignment, including copying someone else=s work, using unauthorized materials, and/or deliberate failure to follow instructions are grounds for receiving a failing grade on the assignment, test, and/or course.

Disabled Students: Please advice me of your condition and provide a letter of verification as soon as possible. I will make necessary accommodations.

Tests: There will be two midterms. For each test you need to bring a orange scantron, pencil and a calculator. Exams will be curved only if deemed necessary by the professor.

Homework: There will be 5 multiple choice homework assignments covering the material of Lectures 1-24. You will hand in your answers electronically within WEBCT. The questions are in a packet to be purchased at the BA copy center. Some of the questions on the midterm exams will be very similar in nature and content. The due dates are given on the last page of the syllabus. Keys to the homework will become available in WEBCT after the due date. Make sure you keep a record of your answers and check your answers against the key. The homework average will be calculated by adding the five grades and dividing by 4. The average cannot be greater than 100.

Individual Cases: There will be 6 individual case reports. Each case will require a 1-2 page write-up based on an analysis performed in Minitab. The lowest case grade will be dropped.

Team Projects: There will be two team projects. For each project the team will hand in a 2-4 page report. Each team will present one of these projects in class. I will randomly choose which team presents which project. The low of these three grades will be dropped. The presentation is mandatory but if it is the low of the three grades it will be the one dropped.

Extra Credit: Absolutely NO extra credit will be allowed.

Grading Policies: Grades will be assigned on a percent basis as follows:

Online Homework 10%, Cases 15%, Projects 15%, Exams 60%

The class average as indicated by the weights and procedures indicated abovewill be rounded to the nearest tenth. This average will be used to determine the class grade according to the following scale:

90%-100%=A, 79.1%-89.9%=B, 69.1%-79%=C, 59.9%-69%=D, Below 59.9% =F

There are no special cases. If you want to make a certain grade, you must earn it.

Course Objectives: Upon completing ISQS 5345 you should be able to perform the appropriate calculations and/or computer analyses necessary to summarize the information in a set of data. You should know how to interpret the resulting summary statistics and/or graphs in order to perform further analyses necessary to make the appropriate business decisions. This further analyses may be in the form of confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses and/or predictions based on a statistical model. You should have a feel for which more advanced statistical procedure is appropriate to answer the questions of your study.

Tentative Calendar


1July7Syllabus, Data characteristicsChapters 1 and 2

2Distr. Plots, Descriptive StatisticsChapter 3 and 4

3July 8Variability and OutliersChapter 5

4Sampling, Central Limit TheoremChapter 8

5July13Confidence IntervalsChapter 9

6Testing and Confidence IntervalsChapter 10

7July 14Inference on Proportions

8Scatterplots, Correlation Section 11.1

9July15Two-Way Tables,

Relationship between two categorical variablesChapter 17

10Comparing Two MeansSections 10.6

11July 20One-Way AnovaSections 15.1-15.3

13Straight-Line RegressionSection11.2

15July 21Curved RelationshipsSection 12.3

16Multiple RegressionSection 12.1

17July 22Multiple RegressionSection 12.4

Exam 1, Lectures 1-11, Homeworks 1-3

18July 27Model Selection in Multiple RegressionSection 12.2

19Logistic Regression

20July 28ForecastingSections 14.1, 14.2

21ForecastingSection 14.3

22July 29Design of Experiments

23Design of ExperimentsSection 15.4

24Aug 3Categorical Modeling, Discriminate Analysis

Exam 2, Lectures 13-23, Homeworks 4-5

27Aug 4Cluster Analysis

28Factor Analysis, Principal Components


Homework Due Dates


1July 13

2July 20

3July 21

4July 28

5July 29

Individual Cases/Assignments

These assignments are based on cases at the end of the chapter in the text or on the Employee Database at the end of the text. I have included a revised description on the following pages. These are to be completed individually by each student. It is permissible to discuss the cases with other students, but the final product must be your own work. Each case/assignment will be turned in on a single sheet of paper unless the direction for a particular case indicates that you can use two sheets. The write-up should include appropriate computer output. Each case/assignment will be graded using the following criterion:

Neatness/organization/technical writing rules25%

Correctness of statements25%

Appropriateness of chosen computer output25%

Completeness and accuracy of final conclusions25%

DueDescriptionDatafile .

July 13 "Let's Control Waste in Production"Pages 95-96Production.mtw

July 20"Should we keep or get rid of this supplier" Supplier.mtw

Pages 184-185

July 20"Promising Results from a Specialty Catalog

Survey" Page 373

July 27"Just One More Production Step: Is It Purifier.mtw

Worthwhile?" Pages 512-513.

July 27"Controlling Quality of Production" Page 595Quality_Prod.mtw

July 29Employee database. Two pages allowed.Employee.mtw