Statewide Videoconference on BMGF Opportunity Online grants

March 30, 2009

Jo Budler, State Librarian, welcomed libraries participating in the videoconference and congratulated them on being asked to participate in the BMGF Opportunity Online grant. She then turned the discussion over to Missy Lodge, Head, Library and Programs and Development.

Missy provided an overview of the program, discussed how the Foundation determined eligibility and the number of computers, and finally discussed the three requirements for receiving funds. The majority of the time was devoted to questions and answers from participants.

Goals of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Opportunity Online grant program

The goals of the BMGF Opportunity Online grant program are to:

1.Ensure that 90% of libraries servinghigh need populations are regularly upgrading their computers

2. Motivate local governments to commit local funding to free computer services at libraries

Because this is the last BMGF grant to public libraries, there is an emphasis on sustainability. Hence, the match which will increase over the two years of the grant cycle. The Foundation has valued a computer at $2600 – this includes the computer itself and support and maintenance for the 4 year lifespan.

The State Library learned on Friday, March 27, that the Foundation has re-evaluated the cut-off date for hardware vulnerability. The change will result in 31 newly eligible libraries for Ohio and 35 libraries currently eligible, having additional outlets be eligible. The State Library will be sending out letters to libraries as soon as the new spreadsheets arrive.

How eligibility was determined (How we got to where we are)

  1. To determine poverty eligibility the BMGF drew concentric circles out from each library outlet in the state. From that the number of persons in poverty was determined.
  2. Those libraries were then asked to complete TechAtlas. After libraries completed TechAtlas, the number of people in poverty in an area were assigned to a library outlet. To determine the level of service the Foundation took the number of people in poverty and the number of up to date computers and they fund a ratio of computers to people in poverty.
  3. Some libraries were determined to be “not hardware vulnerable” and were determined not eligible for participation in the grant.
  4. Based on Level of Service some libraries are eligible to receive replacement computers and others will receive additional computers.

The Three Requirements to be met before funds can be disbursed to a library are:

  1. Match

The form that will be used to verify that a library has matching funds can befound at:

A library may begin raising match at any time. You may approach possible donors now, but make sure you phrase introduction by saying this is provisional” or “pending receipt of the grant”

The match form is broken down by library technology funds, grant funds, fundraising. The Foundation wants to see where libraries are receiving match funds. It is their hope that in year two the percentage of funds from grants and fundraising will increase.

2.Turning the Page Advocacy training

Preliminary information on the Turning the Page Advocacy training can be found at:

The training will be offered sometime between September 1and November 30. It is advised that the director and someone from the Board of Trustees attend the onsite training.

ALA/FSU Survey

Preliminary information on the ALA/FSU Survey can be found at:

This is what has been commonly known as the “John Bertot” survey. For those participating in Opportunity Online there are about 10 or 11 additional questions.

The survey will be available for completion between September 2 and November 7.


Once a library has completed all three requirements, they will be eligible to receive their funds for year one. Gates grants will go to the State Library Board monthly based on when a library has completed the requirements. We anticipate taking these to the Board between December and March, although conceivably they some could go to the Board in October.

Libraries will run install computers and run TechAtlas by Sept. 30, 2010

WebJunction Ohio, is a valuable tool for libraries participating in the BMGF grant. Preliminary information on the Advocacy training, ALA/FSU Survey and Match Requirements have already been posted there. Additional items of interested will be posted when appropriate.

Libraries are highly encouraged to use the Discussion tab and start threads of discussion about the Opportunity Online grant. State Library staff will check on a regular basis to answer questions that may arise. And this is a wonderful place to share ideas, concerns, and best practices as libraries implement the grant and to just see what others are thinking about.

At this time the program was turned over to questions and answers from the audience.

The letter from the State Library indicates a number of computers to be purchased each year. Are these additions or replacements?

The BMGF is telling the library how many computers they are supposed to have to meet the level of service required for their population in poverty.

What is the four year period used to determine if hardware is out of date?

January 2005 is the cut-off date used by Gates to determine hardware eligibility.

The letter from the State Library does not indicate how many computers the library is supposed to have, what is that number?

The number does not take into account the number of computers in the library that are up-to-date.

Is there any way to show what each outlet has in terms of outdated workstations, up-to-date workstations and level of service?

Yes, the State Library has this information on a spreadsheet if a library is interested in seeing that information. (Once we have a new branch spreadsheet from the Foundation this information will be posted on WebJunction).

Will the spreadsheet also show outlets that were deemed not eligible?

Yes, the spreadsheet will show all library outlets that are eligible to participate in the grant and those that were deemed not hardware vulnerable.

Will the match certification form be sent to the State Library?


When will year two funds be available?

The State Library will receive the year two funds sometime after July 2010. Libraries will need to complete the ALA/FSU survey and certify their match before funds will be released to them.

So, it is conceivable that a library could receive both year one and year two funds in 2010?

Yes, a library could receive year one funds in Jan. or March 2010 and year two funds in Dec. 2010.

The letter indicates a proscribed number of computers to go to a branch. If the library is able to purchase more computers, can those computers go to a different branch?

The Foundation money is branch specific. All funds received for a specific branch must go toward public access computing at that location.

Would it be allowable to purchase all of the computers in year one and then pay the library back when the funds become available in year two?

Yes, this is allowable, but the Foundation does not encourage this. If something should happen and the library would not meet match requirements the second year they then would not get money from the Foundation. And the library would lose the money.

If there is not room for all of the computers in the eligible branch what options does the library have?

The Foundation highly recommends that a library look to purchase laptops; these could be circulated for use in the library. For each branch a library must take all computers as designated by the Foundation or no computers, a library may not opt to partially participate at the branch level.

If a branch closes, what happens? And is there a time limitation?

The Foundation is currently dealing with this issue with states that were in round two. The first option is to keep computers within the library system and reallocate them to other eligible branches. Other options will be shared as the information becomes available.

When will the Intent to Participate form be due to the State Library now that there may be changes in the number of eligible outlets?

The new due date on the Intent to Participate form will be April 24. As soon as we get the revised information from the Gates Foundation we will be sending it out to libraries.

Will there be a list of system requirements from the State Library or the BMGF?

The State Library will be posting a minimum requirements for a PC and an Apple, both a desktop and a laptop version. The State Library will be contracting with the Regional Library Systems to assist geographical members with system selection and installation.

Does a library have to purchase hardware from a vendor or can they build their own computer?

This was a stumper question which will be sent on to BMGF staff and the answer will be posted as a WebJunction discussion thread.

What about the purchase of software?

This was another stumper question. The Gates FAQ states that software subscriptions are nonallowable, but it is unclear as to software that may be loaded onto a computer, such as Word, etc.

What about mileage and hourly rate for a tech support person?

Once again, the State Library will check and post the answer on the WebJunction discussion thread.

What about furniture – is this an allowable cost?

The Gates FAQ, question 7 clearly states that furniture is nonallowable.

How far back can a library make a computer purchase and have it allowable under the grant?

No purchase can be made until after the grant is officially awarded, July 1.

Will someone at the State Library be reviewing the match verification form to make sure it is OK?

Yes, State Library staff will review the verification form and supporting documentation before funds are released to the library.

Will a library be penalized if they wait to send in their Notice of Intent to Participate until after April 10?

No, as long as library has their intent to participate form in to the State Library by April 24 they will be included in the grant application.

Will there be any guidelines for promotion of the grant?

The BMGF will provide libraries with wording for promoting the grant after it is awarded in July. However, libraries may begin to seek matching funds and donor support now. They just need to say that “The State Library has asked them to participate in a grant application being submitted to the BMGF….”

Contact Information

Anyone having questions about the project can address them to:

Missy Lodge, 800-686-1532

Jan Haines, 800-686-1532