At the request of an unnamed individual I,Doug Wolfe,undertook the task of reviewing the website and in responses below you will be able to read my review and conclusions with regard to theHome Page information found on the above mentioned site. It is not my intention to try to usurp authority over or to demean this group but merely to point out areasin their teachings that I believe are in error or the subject matter is vague and not well defined or explained. There is very little Scriptural reference used to back up or to give credibility to their claims and assertions which they express.
You will find the topics that are addressed highlighted in yellow and my responsesfollow each paragraph.
"YASAREL, The Kingdom Nation of YAHUWAH has now returned to Earth!"
Response: This is not a correct statement since Mattithyahu/Matthew 10:7 states: “And as you go, proclaim, saying, ‘The reign of the heavens has drawn near.’ Although we as Set-apart Ones have the capacity to understand parts of the Kingdom living, we are not yet living in the Kingdom with regard to what is being spoken of in Scripture, which is to come. The implementation of this Kingdom return will not be fully realized until HaMashiach has returned and setup the Reign of Elohim.
THIS IS THE KING'S NABIYA: WE ANNOUNCE TRUTHFULLY TO YOU ALL, that The Warriors of Light of The Almighty YA and Savior, IS HERE now!
THIS IS: 'The Latter Day Restoration' of 'The QadUWsha Name YAHUWAH, The Name above All NAMES, given to our forefather, AbrAHam, the ONLY NAME,1 by which any person on earth can be saved. This is THE NEW OPEN DOOR in The HEAVENS!2This is the New Wine and The New Anointing Oil, which you have heard of, which was hidden from all, for 1260 + 390 years, and it is HERE NOW AGAIN for all who are thirsty for The Living Water, all who are tired and weary of The prince of LIES, the kingdom of myths and the Fake saviors and their fake Words of God!
Response: (1. Was not the name Yahuah/Yahweh not also known, by Adam, Ḥanoḵ(Enoch), Noaḥ, and his son Shĕm. To make an assertion that it was first given to Aḇraham and that others who had proceeded him did not know His Name is absurd at the very least. (2. Then was the door closed and who closed the door or how long was it closed? If this is true then are you saying that during this period of time the door was closed and no one was able to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven or find salvation?
The LION of YAHUWdAH has come to FREE HIS LOST SHEEP and to DECLARE WAR on all evil works of Shatan (Man-Saves/is God) & to tear down all strongholds of the "Destroyer" & The Evil One from over His Lost Sheep scattered over the earth. Hear Zion (ZiYAon), the Voice of THE BRIDEGROOM is only Proclaimed here in YASAREL, The Kingdom Nation of YAHUWAH, through His Original Word, called DebariYA, The Word of YAH, The King's Covenant.
Response: There seems to be a problem with this statement since if this is referring to Yisra’el then how was it given to only South Africa at this time as you state further on in this pronouncement? If on the other hand the reference is to Yisra’el as the people of Yahuah/Yahweh and the Bride of Yahshuah/Yahoshua then if it is only proclaimed to the Set-Apart Ones then what happens to the Goyim (strangers) who we are supposed to share Ha Besorah (The Good News) with? This seems to be in direct contradiction to what Yahshuah/Yahoshua commanded His Set-Apart Ones to do in Mattithyahu/Matthew28: 19-20.
YAHUWAH's Kingdom has finally returned to His people after EXILE and punishment for returning to pagan Babylonian ways, and His Word is here to stay in us and with us and written for us to know The Faith in Resurrection through YAHUW, the Risen YAHUWAH Eternal Beloved King of YAsarel, The Risen YAHUW yashua, The MeoschiYAach, who returns to Earth shortly! HosannAH & HalleluYAH!
Our Master returns to us, much sooner than the "Bibles" indicate1! They Removed and Left Out all the IMPORTANT FACTS and served you into the hands of the "Destroyer". YAHUWAH Almighty Eloah YA'Im and YAHUWAH The Savior, is SHOWING HIS PASSION, LOVE AND MERCY TO ALL, for a very short time to CALL HIS SHEEP UNTO HIMSELF2, ONCE AGAIN IN A MIGHTY MOVE OF HIS RUWACH / Spirit Breath/ Truth/ The Enabler.
Response:(1 If one is a True Set-Apart One and studies the Scriptures seeking “The Truth of Yahuah/Yahweh,” he/she can easily see no matter what “Bibles” they use that the return of Yahshuah/Yahoshua is imminent and will soon occur. The problem has not been the “Bibles” but that there have not been teachers who have sound doctrine and the failure not to hear or seek Divine Guidance from Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit). (2 Yahuah/Yahweh has shown “PASSION, LOVE AND MERCY TO ALL” since the time of Yahshuah/Yahoshua and has not stopped nor will He until the time of His Precious Son’s return.
Nothing will STOP us anymore, from Proclaiming The Truth about 'Who is The Almighty EL' and 'Who His ONLY Son'. YAHUW is The Atonement Lamb and Perfect Sacrifice for ALL SIN and His Real Name was and always will be YAHUWAH after HIS RESURRECTION. YAHUWAH RUWach QadUWsha (His Spirit (Fire) Breath Set Apart for Eternal Salvation) is The Enabler of ALL who believe and 'Call upon YAHUW in YAHUWAH', to overcome evil and to have The Faith in The Hope of our Resurrection, when YAHUWAH returns.
Response: We can say with certainty that Yahuah/Yahweh and Yahshuah/Yahoshua are One but it will be the Bridegroom Yahshuah/Yahoshua who will be returning for His Precious Bride. Make no mistake that Yahuah/Yahweh will come, but when this moment happens the first order of business will be the Judgement of Yahuah/Yahweh against the unrepentant and unrighteous and the fallen Malachim and their offspring.
The RUWach is given by YAHUWAH through The Risen YAHUW, only to faithful YAHUWans. Those who Hears or Reads The Good News of The Way of Eternal Salvation and who believes immediately in YAHUW in YAHUWAH completely and His Resurrection overcoming Death. We swear to live by and Keep His 10+2+1 Covenant Words daily (TorAH), Reading and Eating The Word of YAH daily and daily giving Thanks, Honor and All Praise to The One Who Will Save us, when He returns and WE HAVE HIS NAME IN OUR MINDS AND FOREMOST THOUGHTS!
YAHUW The Savior also called (YAHUWsha/ YAHUWyasha/ YAHUWshua/ YAHUWyashua/ which all means that YAHUW will Save, YAHUW is The Savior, YAHUW is our Salvation, YAHUW will Save in AbraYA Language. (Not Hebrew) YAHUW-The-Savior REALLY Did lay down His LIFE WILLINGLY for our sins out of His OWN FREE Will and LOVE for us and in obedience to YAHUWAH His Father, and when He revealed Himself as being YAHUW from YAHUWAH, He was EXECUTED on the execution pole (upright tree). NOT A CROSS! THAT IS A LIE FROM THE DESTROYER AND THE BEAST RELIGIONS. Nobody else can save you! This is 'The Faith in YAHUW', 'the Risen YAHUWAH', 'The ONLY Way to Eternal Salvation' that the BEAST killed, burned, slaughtered and murdered over the years all YAHUW-Followers to prevent THIS MESSAGE FROM BEING PROCLAIMED!
Response: There has always been a remnant of Set-Apart Ones and if they were all “killed, burned, slaughtered and murdered,” then who was left to spread Ha Besorah (The Good News)? This statement can not be correct!
Everything else proclaiming other saviors or man-made doctrines in exchange for money daily,weekly, and monthly are all LIES from The Destroyer's Spirit of Religion and his false man-made copies of the Image and copy of a Sacrifice of THE LAMB YAHUW, to DISHONOR and 'BANDAGE' the DAMAGE the SAVIOR DID TO THE HEAD of The BEAST, and to prevent you from knowing and Seeking for The Name of YAHUWAH, to FREE YOU from all the Guilt and Shame of ALL your Sin of living LAWLESSLY until now, to FREE ALL BELIEVING People in YAHUW in YAHUWAH also.
YAHUWAH Almighty Loving Creator of All Creation, is still in the process of daily creating HIS FREE people, all His YAHUWan Disciples into HIS IMAGE of LOVE PERFECTED. We are His People who are Called by His Name, YAHUW. We want to be His YAHUWan Disciples, The Name of The Savior & The Most High, which is ONE NAME. NOT 3 DIFFERENT NAMES! ONE Eloah YA'Am who sees and made EVERYTHING, and He foresaw what Human Nature of all UNBELIEVING men called Adam who "thought he was doing YAH a favor by hiding HIS NAME", would do to all who knows YAHUWAH and all who intently seek for YAHUWAH and His Mercy and HIS Way to Eternal Salvation.
The Evil One used YAHUWAH's IMAGE, changing it Falsely into RELIGIONS to Remove our FREEDOM. YAHUWAH Father GAVE YAHUW to US as a SINLESS FREE GIFT and SACRIFICE for all People on Earth, that WE may come to EL YAH out of our own FREE will, WHEN WE HEAR THE Good News of His Way of Eternal Salvation PREACHED AND PROCLAIMED, as spoken to us in ONLY 'The Word of YAH', called DebariYA in AbraYA, the language of AbraYAHam. (sn-Abraham) The Creator of The Explosion is YA! Bara Esh YA!
Sadly, a huge body of unbelievers from the beginning of man until now, have always CHOSEN to harden their own hearts against YAHUWAH CREATOR. They set their minds against YAHUWAH and turned away from YAHUWAH, after His Resurrection of YAHUW into YAHUWAH, who now The Right Hand of YAH. ALL JUDGMENT is in His Hands over Heaven and Earth. They did not want to understand it, they do NOT believe it, NOR ACCEPTED YAHUW, so they MADE THEIR OWN RELIGIONS. Some YEHUDI (now Judaism Jews & many groups of ignorant AbraYA seed) made up of Pharisees, Sudducees and Scribes, PERVERTED and TWISTED THE TRUE TORAH, and then removed THE NAME OF THE CREATOR YAHUWAH, and said FALSELY THAT His Name 'Ha-Shem' is 'ineffable' when it is clearly NOT.
Their Scribes wrote 613 Talmudic Fence Laws and calls it TorAH and they replaced YAHUWAH with Adonai or Elohim meaning Master and Gods (a title) Belittling YAHUWAH Almighty EL, which GROUP AND MOVEMENT ARE CALLED 'THE DRAGON' in Revelations of YAHUW. These 'scrolls' were shared with THE BEAST, The Roman Empire and became The Roman Catholic Circe, through Pagan Sungod-worshipping, Constatine, who always Worshipped Zeus/Sus and many PAGAN gods/elohim, which DOES NOT BREATHE AND HAS NO LIFE IN THEM. They are DEAD! Non-existent before YAHUWAH!
The CIRCE Called their new Religion and Master God & Lord / Baal to fool many and millions veered off from THE TRUTH, THE WAY AND THE LIFE as IN THE ORIGINAL SCROLLS, and they preached LIES to all the world, for the past 1260 yrs + 390 years! Add this together and you get to 2010. The year The King's Covenant E1 was PRINTED AND DISTRIBUTED IN ENGLISH directly from a COMPLETE SET OF ROS TEXT dated as written in 70 AD.
Not through Zues, Sus or his fake invented "son" Iesus (Son of Sus), which became Yesus and then eventually Jesus +/- 480 - 500 years ago, when the letter 'J' was invented in English. The Roman Scribes and the Hebrew (Jewish) Scribes and Rabbis and ALL 'PAID TO LIE' Translators, Know that the Savior is called YAHUW CRU in all the Original AbraYA and even Greek Scrolls! They all lie about "ekklesias" meaning Church! When it really means AN ASSEMBLY OF THE CALLED OUT OF YAH, THE YAHUWans Assembly!
HERE WE BRING YOU BACK TO YAHUWAH, RECONCILING YOU with THE TRUTH about THE FAITH, as it was since the beginning of time, still is today and always will be on Earth, just as it ALWAYS is in Heaven! Also as it is in the ShamaYAim (Heaven) for all Eternity. "Not ONE "YA" or ONE "UW" will be taken away from The Original Word of YAH (DebariYA). This is the Will of YAHUWAH Almighty Eloah YA'IM of All Creation, still Creating His Nation YASAREL, until the end of THESE LATTER DAYS and when HE WILL RETURN to Save us from all Hell on Earth, which The Evil Beast and the Destroyer and Selfish GREEDY men, have FORCED upon us ALL for centuries now.
YAHUWAH sent part of HIMSELF as His Earthly Son called YAHUW to EARTH into the womb of a Virgin MariYAam, by His RUWach QadUWsha SUPERNATURALLY & Divinely, and told His Earthly Parents to call HIM YAHUW-husha (YAHUW-who-will-save) The promised MeoschiYAach, who would and did SAVE the YAHUWans from the penalty of death for breaking the 12 Covenant Words of YAHUWAH-The-Most-High's Commandments of How to LOVE HIM and all people, called the TorAH. YAHUW is The Living TORAH! HIS LOVE IS PERFECT IN YAHUWAH! Love without obedience to Truth and Mercy, is not love! The Lamb fulfilled all these requirements for US ALL FOR ALL ETERNITY...! ONCE FOR ALL.
YAHUW-husha was filled with the RUWach (Spirit Breath of YAHUWAH) since birth and He never sinned against The Father, because He was a Nazar Bareith, a Covenant Keeper, where He grew up, until HerodeSUS died and until the age of 12, when YAHUWsha was found in the Temple for 3 days, where He asked questions from the Elders (priests) and YAHUW-yashua listened to them teach The Word of YAH and He studied the TorAH on Sabbaths in The Temple, while His parents looked for Him over the Feast of Tabernacles, which they attended. That feast is in the Very Time when YAHUW WAS REALLY BORN, which was and is a shadow of things to come!
This Feast is celebrated and observed in the 7th month of YAH's Calendar! See our Feasts Tab for info. We have a Full Colour Calendar available also for YOU, without any pagan names of days and months, which is the Solar ChanUWk Calendar for Restored YAsarel South and World-Wide!
YAHUWhusha studied the DebariYA and Torah in the Temple until He was 30 years old. He started to preach the DebariYA, to all the priests and Rabbis and people with Authority and very deep insight at the age of 30, after His Immersion and Baptism with YAHUWchanon (not John the Baptist) in the YArdan River (not Jordan, there was no 'J'.) The Original Word of YAH in AbraYA Language, gives 100 Prophet Names correctly and all their Names proclaims in their AbraYA meaning, that YAHUW is the Savior! They Changed the NAMES on PURPOSE to HIDE the Savior's NAME all these years from us!
YAHUW-husha was also called YAHUWhushua and YAHUWsha and He started to SUPERNATURALLY heal and restore all the sick, deformed, diseased and demon possessed people in multitudes, day and night. He has great compassion for all who suffered and are in pain and torment. He fasted and prayed to YAHUWAH Almighty Day and Night, from town to town, and teaching His 12 MattithYAHUWans daily for 3 and a half years. (Not Apostles, but disciples or students (Matith) of YAHUW!)
Response: If it is being said that Yahshuah/ Yahoshua fasted and did not eat for 3 ½ years, then this is absolutely not correct because there areScriptural accounts of him eating and He would have to eaten at certain Feasts in order to be compliant with Torah.
HE LAY DOWN HIS OWN LIFE FOR US ALL WILLINGLY at the age of 33.5 years old, being completely SINLESS and SHOWING PERFECT LOVE and MERCY and COMPLETE OBEDIENCE to YAHUWAH on behalf of ALL MEN and women on earth and He was filled with the RUWach QadUWsha (Breath of YAH Set-Apart for Eternal Salvation) Spirit of YAHUWAH-The-Most-High, Loving Creator Eloah YA'IM of All Creation. (calling Him God "belittles" the Master of Creation!) Elohim means God Zeus and Baal means Lord, which means Shatan!) Look it up in the dictionaries!
YAHUW-The-Savior is the MeoschiYAach and He revealed Himself as YAHUW The Savior sent from YAHUWAH Most High, just before He was executed, which was exactly foretold by the prophets of YAH (NabiYA), that He would come to save YAHUWAH'S faithful children, who are called YAHUWans by HIS NAME, from the punishment of death for all their sins committed against YAHUWAH-The-Most-High, by breaking any one of The Covenant Words, TorAH.