Distance Learning 101/102 – Application Instructions

July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016

The purpose of this professional development (PD) initiative is to build the capacity of MN ABEconsortia to offer quality distance learning (DL) opportunities for their ABE learners based on established best practices. Programs who are accepted and fully participate will receive a stipend.

This PD initiative is supported by Saint Paul ABE’s Supplemental Services grant for 2015-2016. Any questions regarding the eligibility requirements or application and review process should be directed to RenadaRutmanis at r 651-744-7556.

DL 101/102 eligibility requirements:

1)An individual ABE program site or group of ABE sites within a state-funded consortium currently offering distance learning programming for ABE learners or planning to offer such programming in the future (as represented by use of approved DL platforms and collection of proxy hours)

2)Full participation of an ABE Manager with supervisory responsibility and authority to approve the following program changes or expenses:

  1. Contractual agreement between the Saint Paul district and their own school district/program
  2. Submission of invoices to the Saint Paul district for payment of program stipend to own district
  3. Payment of staff for participation in all required DL 101/102PD activities
  4. Completion of a final budget report for participation expenses covered by stipend
  5. Final site plan implementation
  6. Full participation of coursework: weekly online discussion, assigned readings, completing assignments on time with instructor, participating in webinars, etc.

3)Full participation of at least one DL instructor with current or future instructional responsibility for DL learners

DL 101/102 Application and Review Process:

1)All applicants should review the DL 101/102 information on the state DL web site ( and watch the Power Point entitled ‘PD History and Development Model’ in the Toolkit under Training Resources at the bottom of the same web page.

2)The ABE Manager must electronically complete the DL 101/102 Application(pages 4-6) and send to RenadaRutmanis at by September 15, 2015

3)The Saint Paul DL Supplemental Services Team will review all required application materials and notify selected MN ABE programs and participants by September 30, 2015. Before finalizing enrollment in the course, the grant manager will have a phone conversation with managers of selected programs to confirm understanding of course expectations.

Distance LearningCourse Content:

YEAR 1 – Distance Learning 101: Teaching Adult Learners at a Distance

This introductory course is designed for teachers and managers without extensive experience with distance education. Participating teachers and managers work together in a cohort of peers to address critical issues in distance education and create a distance learning plan for their site. This course covers best practices in Recruitment, Screening/Orientation, Instruction,and Assessment. Participants can expect to spend at least 18 hours working on PD activities over the course of the year, as well as additional time implementing new programming at your site.


  • Distance LearningKick-Off in St. Paul – full day (October 8, 2015)
  • Online course discussion and readings/site plan development (October2015 – December 2015)
  • Implementation of site plan (January 2016 – April 2016)
  • Monthly webinarseries (January 2016 – April 2016)
  • Focus Group Wrap up (May 2016)

YEAR 2 – Distance Learning 102: Study Group on Teaching

Opportunity for experienced distance learning teachers to spend 4-6 weeks focusing on how to support learners in their course of study. The class is built around case studies of difficult DL teaching-learning challenges that the participants bring to the cohort. (Prerequisite is either completion of DL 101 or completion of DL Basics plus a distance learning site plan that is submitted)


  • Distance Learning Kick-Off in St. Paul (December 11, 2015)
  • Webinar/ online discussion (January 2016)
  • Submission and review of case study (February 2016)
  • Online course (February – March 2016)
  • Webinar discussion (April 2016)
  • Focus Group (May 2016)

YEAR 2 – Distance Learning 102: Managers

Opportunity for experienced managers to focus on challenges in growing or enhancing distance learning within their organizations.In this cohort, managers will receive support in developing an idea for a case study that will be shared and discussed via webinars. (Available to returning consortia only; prerequisite DL 101)


  • Distance Learning Kick-Off in St. Paul (December 11, 2015)
  • Webinar / online discussion (January 2016)
  • Submission and review of case study (February 2016)
  • Monthly webinar discussions (February – April 2016)
  • Focus Group (May 2016)

DL 101/102 Application

Directions:Please read and complete the information below.

Contact Information

ABE Consortium:

Program Name (if different):

School District/No. (if applicable):

ABE Manager:

Manager Contact Information:




DL 101 requires participation by one ABE manager. Will the above manager be this participant?

Yes No

If not, contact information for the participating manager:

Name: Job Title:

Email: Phone:

Please list the distance learning instructor/s from your consortium who will participate (2-3 maximum). List their name and contact information.

  1. Name:Email: Phone:
  2. Name: Email: Phone:
  3. Name: Email: Phone:

Stipends are available to assist with your participation costs. Who can make arrangements for signing of contracts/invoicing of reimbursement costs?

Name: Contact Info:

Program Information

1. Is your site a new or returning DL course participant? New Returning

2. Approximately how many learners does your program serve? _____( per day/ per week)

3. Approximately how many learners do you currently have enrolled in distance learning each month?

4. Approximately how many proxy hours does your program generate each month via distance learning participation?

5. Which distance learning platforms do you currently use (please rank in order of usage):

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Skills Tutor

Key Train

English for All

My Foundations Lab/Accuplacer

Putting English to Work

USA Learns


Apex Learning, Inc.

Crossroads Café

Easy ESL

GED Academy

Learner Web

Plato Learning Environment (edmentum)


Teach Me English in ASL

Rosetta Stone


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6. What is the most common distance learning model at your site?

distance learning only hybrid classes duel enrolled other:

7. Approximately how many instructors and staff do you have engaged in distance learning including hybrid classes?

8. With which learner groups have you tried distance learning:

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Intermediate ELL

Advanced ELL


Intermediate ABE

Advanced ABE

Pre-GED/GED Prep

College Prep/Transitions

Occupational Prep

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9. Please write a short paragraph about how you currently do distance learning. For example, how do you recruit learners? How do you orient them? How do you screen for good candidates? How do you follow up with them? How do you assess them? What do you do well? Where do you fall short?

10. Please write a short paragraph about what you hope to achieve in the area of distance learning over the next few years. For example, what are you main areas for improvement? What are your goals? What targets would you like to hit in terms of enrollment?

11. Please write a short paragraph about the DL platform/s you are most interested in and the target learner population/s you are most eager to reach with your DL efforts.

12. Implementing new distance learning programming may require changes to staffing and/or infrastructure. What changes in your program delivery would you be willing to consider?

This application is due by September 15, 2015. You will be contacted about your acceptance in DL 101 or DL 102 by September 30, 2015.

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