RESPONSIBLE TO: Day Services Manager.


To work in and support a positive and cohesive team environment to deliver day program services that provide support, learning opportunities, care assistance, supervision and encouragement of the clients in their personal development and development of independent living, recreational, social and work skills in accordance with identified individual priorities, goals and aspirations.


  • Support and improve the quality of life of individuals by nurturing human relations and providing planned support for a range of meaningful and valued cultural, social , skills and personal development activities and experiences in all settings.
  • Pursue excellence and continuous improvement in support services.
  • To provide a high standard of service that has measurable benefits and positive outcomes for people supported by Inala’s services.
  • To maintain and promote family relationships, social networks and community access and participation for people attending Inala’s services.
  • To network with other stakeholders and agencies in providing an integrated range of 'quality' person-centered services.


1Commitment to work and communicate with adults with a disability in a respectful and understanding manner, sensitive and responsive to each Client’s individual needs, requirements and goals.

2 Commitment to foster recognition, respect, quality of life and personal development for human individuality.

3Commitment to work with clients in a manner which encourages and supports independence, sense of identity and self-esteem.

4Commitment to foster a positive environment for clients and staff by maintaining at all times an attitude of professionalism, goodwill, openness and mutual support.

5Commitment to work with clients in a manner which supports and promotes the social therapy impulse and approaches of Inala arising out of the indications of Dr. Rudolf Steiner.

6Commitment to maintaining the current standards of service provision for persons with disability. These include the principles of valuing and respecting the special contributions of each individual, active community participation and inclusion, and maximum encouragement and support for client involvement in making decisions and choices about the services they receive.

7Commitment to maintain a positive active team approach, involved in staff planning meetings, development and training sessions, appropriate workshops and seminars.

8Ability to take initiative and contribute to the ongoing development of service provision in an active capacity


All Direct Support Workers have a responsibility and accountability to the Manager of the unit for safe work practices involving the following WHS requirements:

  • Complying with WHS Policies and Procedures – Abiding by the intent of the Inala WHS policy, complying with all site safety rules, and participating in workplace consultative meetings.
  • Reporting WHS matters – Reporting all incidents, near misses, injuries and all hazards to the Manager in a timely and effective manner.
  • Work Environment – Keeping the workplace safe, clean and tidy. Wearing and maintaining personal protective equipment that has been provided by Inala as required.
  • Training – Undertaking training in safe work practices and system requirements, where necessary. Participate in emergency response rehearsals and reviews. Actively participating in any other safety activities prescribed by Inala.
  • Safe Work Methods – Complying with all Safe Work Method Statements and Standard Operating Procedures in the unit. Encouraging safe behaviour of other workers and clients.
  • Injury Management – Undertake rehabilitation and return to work program requirements, if injured


1Promote the dignity, independence and rights of each person with disability as required in the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014 and Disability Service Standards.

2Participate fully in service deliveryin accordance with the Service Support Agreement with Inala and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Plan for Day and related Flexible supports.

3Work with the person with disability and their family/carer or other stakeholders to provide supports in a manner that meets the required needs within the NDIS Service Agreement.

4Maintainclear and timely records and program notes on the supports provided.

5At all times act consistently with all privacy and confidentiality expectations and obligations

6Implement skill development, behaviour management and other planned support services to clients in the Unit.

7Maintain the highest standards of work practice and conduct in accordance with the Inala Policies and Procedures and the defined duties in the service. This includes:

  • All levels of service, program, collegial and client support
  • The development, implementation, monitoring and review of client supports and programs and related documentation requirements
  • Appropriate required liaison with family / carers and other key stakeholders.

Key Service & Client Planning and Administrative Responsibilities

  1. In liaison with the Assistant Manager / Manager, to ensure the development and implementation of NDIS Plan documentation, records, recording of supports and reviews, Individual Client Planning schedules, meetings and all required Individual client Lifestyle plans, risk assessments behaviour support and individual health and support needs plans and documentation.
  2. To maintain liaison with relevant stakeholders in relation to Client planning and support.
  3. To maintain coordination, quality monitoring and compilation of all documentation relating to Programs, Client daily notes, Client planning reviews.
  4. Maintain all required client related documentation as required by the service
  5. Maintain any other documentation and records as required consistent with the Service Quality Assurance processes.
  6. As delegated, ensure the daily operational processes and procedures of the service, including client program schedules, staffing rosters and deployment, and family / stakeholder liaison.

Communication and Training

1Maintain effective communication with the Assistant Manager and the Day Program Manager ensuring that all relevant issues are reported in a timely and effective manner and discussed as required.

2Participate in service area meetings, staff development, training and induction programs as required by the Day Program Manager.

3Maintain all necessary records, program and daily notes and summaries as requested, provide and maintain reports with respect to incidents, complaints and other issues as they arise to the Coordinator /Assistant Manager/ Day Program Manager.

Service Provision

1At all times relate to the clients in a respectful manner demonstrating a positive and professional approach in the provision of day program services and supports.

2Participate in the preparation of programs and activities designed to meet the support needs, aspirations and goals of individual clients, and enhance the learning and skill development of clients accessing the service.

3Provide supervision, training and support to individual clients as identified in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Plan.

4Assist and support clients to develop community living skills through active participation in the planning of day program schedules, provision of learning opportunities and aspects of community life including the development and maintenance of social networks.

5Encourage the personal development of clients through social, therapeutic and recreational support and skills training.


1Maintain all necessary records, program and daily notes and summaries as requested, provide and maintain reports with respect to incidents, complaints and other issues as they arise to the Coordinator /Assistant Manager/ Day Program Manager.

2Maintain currency of all required reading and sign-offs for client and service level information.

3Attend all scheduled staff meetings and participate as part of a Team in developing programs and schedules responsive to client needs.

4Ensure confidentiality of information and security of all personal property of clients.

5Provide facilitation and support for clients to participate in client meetings.

6Promote a positive image of the service within the community and when interacting with client’s family, friends and advocates and liaising with other organisations in the community.

7Carry out all necessary duties required in the unit, including transporting clients within the community, personal care and mealtime assistance.

8Carry out any other relevant duties as directed.


Support Worker – Inala Enterprise Agreement 2014


General service operation hours are Monday to Friday 8.45am – 3.15/5pm

Specific Support hours may vary according to client and operational needs and requirements.

Service support, planning and meeting hours as scheduled.

Availability for specific client support as needed & scheduled (specific client support programs, client transportation to/from service; non-general service hours support). To be negotiated on a client-need and operational needs basis.

Due to the requirements of the NDIS and NDIS funding packages and supports for the programs you will be delivering, a degree of flexibility for variations as to the above commencing and finishing times may be required. This flexibility is required to meet the special needs and service requests of the client and family/carers which will arise from time to time, sometimes at short notice. Where a more ongoing change in commencement and finishing times is required for operational and client support reasons, consultation and as much notice as possible will be provided.

Inala may require specific staff placement and change of placement at appropriate service outlets on a temporary or permanent basis as required.


Conducted in first 3 months of employment and annually thereafter.

A probationary period of 6 months applies.



  • Experience, ability and a commitment to enhancing the quality of life of persons with disabilities.
  • Commitment to the human-centered Ethos and approaches of Inala
  • Experience / ability in developing and implementing recreational, therapeutic, living and individual skills and community access programs for people with disabilities
  • Experience / ability working with high and multiple support needs clients
  • Experience / ability in providing consistent behavioural support approaches
  • Experience / ability in maintaining Individual Program planning and review documentation
  • Communication and interpersonal skills and commitment to working as part of a team
  • Experience / ability liaising with families and carers
  • Current drivers licence
  • Current First Aid certificate (or willingness to obtain one within three months of employment)
  • Sense of humour, responsibility and initiative


  • Knowledge of WHS, EEO and Disability Standards
  • Familiarity with Steiner-based approaches
  • Certificate 3 /4 Community Services (Disability) or equivalent in experience
  • Skills in arts / craft or music
  • Experience/ability to drive change

I, ...... (name) have read and fully understand my Support Worker/Facilitatorrole and each specific goal and responsibility, service provision requirements and administrative and financial duties within this job description.

...... (Signature)...... (Date)

Witnessed by:

...... (Signature)……………………...... (Date)