Musquodoboit Pioneers:
A Record of Seventy Families,
Their Homesteads and Genealogies
1780 - 1980
original text by
Jennie Reid
Volume II
Statement from Jim Reid, son of the late author, Jennie Reid
It is with a great sense of pride that Dan, Carolyn and I make our Mother, Jennie Reid's, work of love, "A Record of Seventy Musquodoboit Families", available for publication on the Internet through the Nova Scotia GenWeb site. It was her fondest dream to ensure the information, history and genealogy of the MusquodoboitValley become available to anyone who was interested in her work.
I can remember the many summer afternoons our family spent searching through the woods and brush; cleaning off old tombstones buried in moss; and reciting the valuable information contained on those stones to Mum who meticulously recorded it. I can remember the many evenings sitting around the dining room table as Dad revealed the great wealth of stories and knowledge he had retained from living his full 80 years in the Valley. I can remember the many interesting people who came to visit looking for information on their forefathers; they picked Mum's brain for knowledge as she did likewise to them. But most of all, I remember the great sense of satisfaction she so often expressed when she was able to see someone walk out our door with a much keener awareness of their family background.
Our family would like to express our sincere gratitude to Carroll Armstrong who encouraged us to put the information online, and also for her work with Lark Szick, Volunteer Co-Ordinator for The Nova Scotia GenWeb Project, in co-ordinating the many volunteers who have given so freely of their time to prepare the book for publication on the Internet.
I can see the smile of satisfaction on Mum's face expressing the accomplishment of her fondest dream.
About This Online Edition of the Book:
Musquodoboit Pioneers
Thank you to the Reid family for allowing us to do this project. When I began this project it was my intent that the online edition of the book would remain true to their mother, Jennie Reid's, original text.
This is a transcription of Jennie Reid's original work and any typographical errors were done without intent. An occasional typist's note has been added enclosed within [ ] and initialed by me: "cja", simply to alert the reader that there may be an error or the data could be confusing.
IMPORTANT EXCEPTION Regarding Personal Data:Some dates after the early 1900's, and exact addresses that were published in the original text have been removed from this online edition in order that we might protect the privacy of persons who may still be living. No names have been removed.
Changes from the original will be evident in some pages by the way the material appears on the page - some line breaks and page breaks may vary slightly from the original; this was done to make it easier for the reader to follow the text, or to keep family groups closer together on one page.
ORIGINAL PAGE NUMBERS have been indicated at the END of each page, as in the original.
IMAGES FROM THE BOOK have been scanned and placed on the HalifaxCounty GenWeb site and may be accessed via the following url:
Volume I
The Archibald Family / 16
Adam Archibald / 18
John Archibald / 20
Jonathan Archibald / 50
Matthew Taylor Archibald / 52
Robert Archibald / 67
Samuel Burke Archibald / 75
Samuel Fisher Archibald / 103
William Archibald / 129
John Bates / 152
Henry Behrendt / 165
John Braden / 168
The Brown Family / 175
George Bell / 180
James Benvie / 184
Adam Bryson / 187
James Bryson / 195
Robert Bryson / 202
William Bryson / 210
James Bruce / 214
William Butcher / 218
William Henry Cumminger / 225
James Cruickshank / 226
David Dickie / 231
George Scott Dickie / 246
James Drady / 260
John Dunbrack / 262
Robert Ervin / 278
Alexander McNutt Fisher / 292
John Fox / 295
Alexander Fraser / 301
William Guild (Gould) / 304
Colonel Henry Arthur Gladwin / 326
Hugh Hanna / 337
William Hay / 344
John Higgins / 351
(Owen) Edward Hogan / 400
Henry Hollingsworth / 405
Johnson Kaulback / 417
James Kent / 426
John Layton / 432
Henry Leck / 441
Volume II
Joseph Miller / 473
Henry Gloud Morris / 478
James Muir / 483
James Murchy / 485
James Murphy / 489
Edward McCabe / 495
Thomas McCallum / 500
James McCurdy / 504
Alexander McCurdy / 512
Sarah McCurdy / 519
Matthew Archibald McCurdy / 520
James MacDonald / 523
Alexander MacDougall / 531
John McFetridge / 533
George McLeod / 560
Peter Ogilvie / 566
John Ogilvie / 578
Samuel Pearson / 583
James Reid / 584
Robert Rhodes / 645
William Scott / 647
Rev. Robert Sedgewick / 654
Alexander Shaw / 662
Henry Sibley / 673
Rev. John Sprott / 693
James Sprott / 699
Captain George Taylor / 701
James White / 716
John White / 722
A Musquodoboit Miscellany / 730
Agriculture in The Musquodoboit Valley / 731
The Musquodoboit Creamery / 744
Cemeteries, Pioneer and Hillside / 747
Church Buildings / 754
History of Presbyterianism in Musquodoboit Valley / 765
The Anglican Church / 792
The Congregational Church / 797
The Methodist Church / 806
Early Settlers in Meagher's Grant A. B. Lay, 1922 (updated to 1980) / 814
Early Settlers in Musquodoboit / 817
Early Land Grants in Musquodoboit / 824
The Medical Profession in the Musquodoboit Valley (doctors, midwives, hospital, clinic) / 830
Musquodoboit Railway / 839
Temperance Divisions in the Musquodoboit Valley / 841
Women's Organizations / 847
Bibliography / 852
Volume II pp. 462-853
John Lindsay
John Lindsay was born in Ayreshire, Scotland, 1760. He was an officer in the British Navy during the American Revolution and then he came to Nova Scotia where he received a grant over 1000 acres in Brookvale June 23, 1800. The name was spelled "Linzie" on the Grant, and the little brook nearby the homestead was called "Linzie" or "Lippincott" Brook.John died in 1822 and is buried in Pioneer Cemetery. He married Miss Griffin; they had 1 son and 1 dau.
2-1 John b. 1783-Oct. 1858 age 75 years.
3-2 Sarah
John married Margaret Parker.John died in 1858 - buried in Hillside Cemetery. Margaret died May 1, 1856 age 76 years - buried in Pioneer Cemetery.
John and Margaret had 5 sons and 2 daus.
4-1 James b. 1809 -
*5-2 Thomas b.1811 -Nov. 13, 1889
*6-3 Abigail b. Mar. 4, 1814 - Oct.3, 1899
*7-4 John b.Mar.28,1815 - May 30, 1876
*8-5 Sarah b. 1817 -
*9-6 William b. Mar. 19, 1819 - Oct.3, 1876
10-7 Alexander b. 1822
PAGE 462.
4-1 James Lindsay (1st son of John and Margaret Parker Lindsay) settled on the west end of the pioneer grant of land where LeRoy and Bernard Pearson now reside in 1980. James md. Mary Stuart of Scotland, later they moved to US.
They had 3 sons and 3 daus.
11-1 Anthony
12-2 Isobel
13-3 Albert
14-4 John
15-5 Jessie
16-6 Sarah
After this family moved to the United States, all further contact was lost.
3-2 Thomas Lindsay (2nd son of John and Margaret Parker Lindsay) settled on the eastern line of his father. Late he moved to “Pollybog” or Alton as it is now called and took charge of the railway water tank with his son William. He is buried in Stewiacke East. Thomas md. 1st Rebecca Hanna, 1832. They had 5 sons and 3 daus.
17-1 William
*18-2John b. Aug. 1833 -
*19-3 Jane Elizabeth
*20-4 Margaret
21-5 James
22-6 Edward
23-7 Hugh
*24-8 Rebecca
After his wife Rebecca died he married in 1846, Mrs. Margaret Richards of Musquodoboit. They had 5 sons and 3 daus.
25-9 Charles G. b. Sept. 15, 1846- Sept.15, 1914
26-10 Angus McLeod b. Apr. 2, 1849 - 1939
*27-11 Jessie
*28-12 Blanche
*29-13 Susan - unmarried
PAGE 463.
*30-14 Alexander b. 1860 - d. Sept.1, 1897, age 37
*31-15 Mary Ellen
*32-16 John
17-1 William Lindsay (1st. son of Thomas and Rebecca Hanna Lindsay) lived in the United States. No record.
18-2 John Lindsay (2nd son of Thomas and Rebecca Hanna Lindsay) Moved to Fall River, Halifax Co. He md. Jessie McKenzie in 1855. They had 3 sons and 2 daus.
*33-1 James
*34-2 Rebecca
*35-3 John
*36-4 Thomas
*37-5 Margaret
33-1 James Lindsay (1st son of John and Jessie McKenzie Lindsay). No Issue
34-2 Rebecca Lindsay (1st dau of John and Rebecca McKenzie Lindsay) md. Alexander Doyle. They had 5 sons and 4 daus.
1. Jessie
2. Margaret
3. Thomas
4. Harry died March 1967 in Hampton, N.B.
5. Fred
6. Wilbert
7. Foster d. March 1967
8. Frances (Mrs. E.J.Pryor of Bedford)
9. Nellie of Bedford
35-3 John Lindsay (2nd son of John and Jessie McKenzie Lindsay) md. Nettie Hilchey. They had 1 son.
38-1 Stanley
36-4 Thomas Lindsay (3rd. son of John and Jessie McKenzie Lindsay) md. Mary Hilchie. They had 5 sons and 2 daus.
PAGE 464.
39-1 Roy born in Caribou Gold Mines, was a medical doctor.
40-2 Basil
41-3 Thomas
42-4 Vivian
43-5 Lowell
44-6 Harold
37-5 Margaret Lindsay (2nd dau. of John and Jessie McKenzie Lindsay) md. Emerson Hunt. They had 1 dau.
1. Hazel
19-3 Jane Elizabeth Lindsay (1st dau. of Thomas and Hanna Lindsay) md. John Wilson of Glasgow, Scotland. They had 3 sons and 3 daus.
1 Florence - unmarried
2. Charlie
3. Arthur
4. Jennie
5. Margaret Henrietta
6. John
2. Charlie Wilson md. Ella Upham and had 4 sons and 5 daus.
1. Marguerite
2. Earl
3. Frank
4. Roy
5. Carl
6. Elaine
7. Lillian
8. Jennie
9. Florence
3. Arthur Wilson md. Sadie MacDonald and had 5 sons and 4 daus.
1. Lindsay
2. Florence
3. Jean
4. Laura
5. Marion
6. John
7. Clyde
8. Howard
9. Bernard
PAGE 465.
4. Jennie Wilson md. Gordon Walsh and had 1 son.
5. Margaret Henrietta Wilson md. Fred Campbell of Windsor. They had 5 daus. And 2 sons.
1. Margaret (Mrs. Frank Archibald)
2. Lillian (Mrs. Duncan McMillan of Sheet Harbour)
3. Ethel
4. Ella
5. John
6. Ruth
7. Norman
6. John Wilson md. Gerda ______. They had 1 dau.
1. Joanne
20-4 Margaret Lindsay (2nd dau. of Thomas and Rebecca Hanna Lindsay) md. Mr. Weaver. They lived in Lowell, Mass. No issue.
21-5 James Lindsay (3rd. son of Thomas and Rebecca Hanna Lindsay). No issue.
22-6 Edward Lindsay (4th son of Thomas and Rebecca Hanna Lindsay). No record.
23-7 Hugh Lindsay (5th son of Thomas and Rebecca Hanna Lindsay). No record.
24-8 Rebecca Lindsay (3rd. dau. of Thomas and Rebecca Hanna Lindsay) md. Mr. Coldwell of Gaspereau Valley, Annapolis Co. No issue. She died Mar.5,1933 and was buried in Gaspereau.
25-9 Charles G. Lindsay (6th son of Thomas and 1st. son of Margaret Richards) md. Matilda Fisher. He died in Montana. He had a family but not record is available.
26-10 Angus McLeod Lindsay (7th son of Thomas and 2nd son of Margaret Richards Lindsay) md. 1st. to Jessie Fisher. They had 7 sons.
45-1 Warren
46-2 Wallace
47-3 Frank
PAGE 466.
48-4 Lloyd
49-5 Leland d. Nov.22,1918
50-6 Stanley d. 1947
51-7 Son died in infancy
Angus md. 2nd Etta Victoria Beck. They had 1 son and 4 daus.
52-1 Jessie (Mrs. Stanley Boomer of Alton)
53-2 Alexander lives in New York state.
54-3 Gladys (Mrs. Frank Sibley of Alton)
55-4 Beatrice (Mrs. Charles Fenton)
56-5 Ethel (Mrs. Clifford Crook of New York state.
27-11 Jessie Lindsay (4th dau. of Thomas and 1st dau. of Margaret Richards Lindsay) md. Thomas Beal of Sackville, N.B. They had 2 sons and 7 daus.
1. Earl md. Annie Frame of Princeport
2. Blanche (Mrs. Victor Mognuson)
3. Caroline (Mrs. Hector Lake of Alton)
4. Margaret (Mrs. Bert O’Brien) (Mrs. Chas Deary)
5. Mildred (Mrs. Jack Milton) ( Mrs. Harrington)
6. Lena (Mrs. Henry Langille of Brentwood)
7. Susan (Mrs. Lindsay Smith)
8. Ethel died when 8 years old.
9. Thomas died when 9 years old.
28-11 Blanche Lindsay (5th dau. of Thomas & 2nd dau. of Margaret Richards Lindsay) md. John Hood of Pictou Co. They had 3 sons and 2 daus.
1. Lindsay md. Gladys Reid
2. Alexander md. Annie Spares
3. Margaret (Mrs. Laurie Stevens of Alton)
4. Florence (Mrs. Robbie Nickerson)
5. Hedley unmarried
30-14 Alexander Lindsay (8th son of Thomas and 3rd. son of Margaret Richards Lindsay) md. Annie Dickie. No issue.
PAGE 467.
30-15 Mary Ellen Lindsay (7th dau. of Thomas and 4th. Dau. of Margaret Richards Lindsay md. Henry Dart of Pleasant Valley, Col. Co., N.S. They had 4 sons and 1 dau.
1. Hedley
2. Austin
3. Angus
4. Ernest
5. Mary Ellen
32-16John Lindsay (9th son of Thomas and 5th dau of Margaret Richards Lindsay) md. ______. He had 2 sons and 1 dau.
57-1 Margaret
58-2 Stanley
Mrs. Frank Archibald of Moncton, N.B.; Mrs. Carrie Lake of Alton, Col. Co.; and Mrs. Stanley Boomer of Alton, Col. Co. provided data for the family of Thomas (2nd. Son of John and Margaret Parker Lindsay).
6-3 Abigail Lindsay (1st dau. ofJohn and Margaret Parker Lindsay) md. James Hanna. Her descendants are listed in the Hanna family.
7-4John Lindsay (3rd. son of John and Margaret Parker Lindsay) md. Margaret Hutchinson, dau. of John and Eleanor Braden Hutchinson. He settled on the Lindsay Grant, just west of his father. Later he sold his home to William Reid, owned by Lester Dickie, 1980, then moved to Cook’s Brook and purchased a farm, on the Elizabeth Duncan lot.John died May 30, 1876, age 61 years. Margaret died May 4, 1885 age 68 years. They are all buried in Hillside Cemetery.John and Margaret had 4 sons and 1 dau.
*60-1 Frank
*61-2 Robert
*62-3 Edward
63-4 Joseph
*64-5 Kate
PAGE 468.
John left the farm to Frank. Not long after John died, the three sons, Frank, Edward and Joseph went to the Untied States.
60-1 Frank sold the farm to William Lawson. Frank was unmarried and lived in Colorado.
61-2 Robert Lindsay (2nd son of John and Margaret Hutchinson Lindsay) md. Alice Merson. They operated the Glendale Hotel in Halifax, at the corner of Bishop and Hollis Streets. They had 1 dau.
65-1 Kate
65-1 Kate md. a Mr. Skinner. No issue.
62-3 Edward Lindsay (3rd. son of John and Margaret Hutchinson Lindsay) md. and lived in Hyde Park, Mass., USA. No issue.
63-4 Joseph Lindsay (4th son of John and Margaret Hutchinson Lindsay) went to the States. No record.
64-5 Kate Lindsay (only dau. of John and Margaret Hutchinson Lindsay) died when 19 years old.
8-5 Sarah Lindsay (2nd dau. of John and Margaret Parker Lindsay) md. Alexander Stewart. No issue.
9-6 William Lindsay (4th son of John and Margaret Parker Lindsay) settled on the farm where his brother Thomas had settled. He md. Agnes Higgins. William died Oct.3,1876.
Agnes P. May 30, 1825 - July 7,1911
Mortimer May 5, 1870- Mar.30, 1873
William and Agnes had 7 sons and 5 daus.
*66-1 William
*67-2 Eliza
*68-3 Henry b. 1847-1935
*69-4 Carrie
*70-5 Leander
*71-6 Augustus
*72-7 Melinda
*73-8 Mary
*74-9 Mortimer died at 3 yrs.
*75-10 Arthur
*76-11 Alfred
*77-12 Bertha
PAGE 469.
66-1 William Lindsay (1st. son of William and Agnes Higgins Lindsay) md. Idabel McLellan. They had 3 sons and 3 daus.
78-1 Charles
79-2 Howard
80-3 Leander md. Gertie Crouse
81-4 Ida
82-5 Olla
83-6 Stella
67-2 Eliza Lindsay (1st dau. of William and Agnes Higgins Lindsay) md. Charles Converse. A dau. Mrs. Edmund Jewett, Mount Vernon, N.H.
68-3 Henry Lindsay (2nd. Son of William and Agnes Higgins Lindsay) inherited his father’s farm, where he was born 1847, died 1935. (House owned by Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Smythe, 1980.) Henry Lindsay md. Emma Mitchell (1884-1947), both buried in Hillside Cemetery. Family:
Caroline, Mrs. Silas Allen
1. Donald
2. Keith
3 Joyce (Mrs. Bourinot)
4 Lorna (Mrs. Theakston)
Jessie, Mrs. Lloyd Johnson
1. Malcolm
2. William, Medical Doctor
3. Frances (Mrs. Murdock)
Agnes, school teacher, unmarried
Austin, md. Angelique M. LeBlanc
1. Ross Henry (deceased 1979)
2. Linda Marie (Mrs. Joseph Chisholm)
3. Raymond Austin md. Sherril Fulmer
4. Brian Alfred
5. Michael David
6. Denise Angela
69-4 Carrie Lindsay (2nd. dau. of William and Agnes Higgins Lindsay) md. Alexander Rhodes and moved to Newton, Mass. Her descendants are listed in the Rhodes history.
PAGE 470.
70-5 Leander Lindsay (3rd. son of William and Agnes Higgins Lindsay) md. ______.
No issue.
71-6 Augustus Lindsay (4th. Son of William and Agnes Higgins) md. Georgie Spencer. They had 1 son and 1 dau.
84-1 Raymond
85-2 Lillian (Mrs. Clarence Beathrow)
72-7 Melinda Lindsay (3rd. dau. of William and Agnes Higgins Lindsay) md. Adam Archibald. His descendants are listed in the M.T. Archibald history.
73-8 Mary Lindsay (4th. Dau. of William and Agnes Higgins Lindsay) md. Tupper Dickie and moved to California. They had 3 sons and 2 daus.
1. Grace
2. Bessie
3. Fay
4. Frank
5. Lindsay
75-10 Arthur Lindsay (5th son of William and Agnes Higgins Lindsay) moved to California, married but no issue.
76-11 Alfred Lindsay (6th. Son of William and Agnes Higgins Lindsay) went to California. He md. ______, had 2 sons and 1 dau.
1. Rita
2. Edgar, unmarried d. in 1958
3. Oswald
77-12 Bertha Lindsay (5th dau. of William and Agnes Higgins Lindsay) md. Albert Higgins. They had 1 son and 3 daus.
1. Gerald md. Jessie Burnett - 6 children
2. Edith (Mrs. Frank Jennings)
3. Ruth (Mrs. Redden of New Minas) - 3 daus.
4. Linda (Mrs. Ted Dickinson) - large family
PAGE 471.
10-7 Alexander Lindsay (5th son of John & Margaret Parker Lindsay) md. Charlotte Guild. Alexander and Charlotte had 5 sons and 5 daus.
*89-1 Sidney Smith Murkland b. Nov. 6,1847- Dec.21,1925
*90-2 Pamela b. Feb.6,1850- unmarried
*91-3 Georgina b. July 6,1852
*92-4 Morrison b. Apr. 223,1854
*93-5 Susan b. Sept. 29,1856
*94-6 J. Wesley b. Nov. 1858 - Apr. 18, 1863
*95-7 Elliott b. Apr. 8, 1861
*96-8 Ainslie b. Nov. 26, 1863
*97-9 Edith b. Feb.7, 1866
98-10 Libby May b. Feb. 5,1869
89-1 Sidney S.M. Lindsay (1st son of Alexander and Charlotte Guild Lindsay) md. Annjanett McCurdy. They are buried in the Pioneer Cemetery. Sidney and Annjannett had 3 sons and 1 dau.
99-1 Everett R. b. Apr. 1880 -Aug.1902
100-2 Edwin Guy b. June 27, 1885
101-3 Vincent Munroe b. Feb.14, 1889
102-4 Edith May b. Apr. 1893
100-2 Edwin Guy md. in the U.S. They have 2 sons.
103-1 Everett
104-2 Carl
101-3 Vincent Munroe Lindsay md. Annie Vida Bentley. No issue.
102-4 Edith May Lindsay was a nurse in Rhode Island. She md. Hume Flagler. No issue.
91-3 Georgina Lindsay (2nd. dau. of Alexander and Charlotte Guild Lindsay) md. Howard Taylor. They had a traveling concert troop. They had 4 sons and 1 dau.
1 Austin of Halifax
2 Czerny in U.S
3. Ira of Halifax, died 1965
4. Ethel (Mrs. Faulkner (Dr.) of Halifax.
5. Carl md. Jessie Kidson
PAGE 472.
92-4 Morrison Lindsay (2nd. son of Alexander and Charlotte Guild Lindsay) md. 1st. Mary B. Hedley. She died Sept.2,1884 age 22 years and is buried in Hillside Cemetery. Morrison md. 2nd Jessie Kidson, they had 1 son and 2 daus.
105-1 Will
106-2 Edna (Mrs. Redden)
107-3 Winnifred
93-5 Susan Lindsay (3rd. dau. of Alexander and Charlotte Guild Lindsay) md. Alexander Grant of Halifax. They had 3 sons and 1 dau.
1. Frank of Bozeman, Montana
2. Harry of Minneapolis
3. Nellie (Mrs. Wm. Higgins)
4. James
After Mr. Grant died the family moved to Montana in 1908.
95-7 Elliot (4th son of Alexander and Charlotte Guild Lindsay) taught school in San Fransciso. He md. Rebecca ______. No issue.
96-8 Ainslie Lindsay (5th son of Alexander and Charlotte Guild Lindsay)
97-9 Edith Lindsay (4th dau. of Alexander and Charlotte Guild Lindsay) md. George Lindsay of Montana. Her descendants are listed in the Higgins history.
98-10 Libby May Lindsay (5th dau. of Alexander and Charlotte Guild Lindsay) md. Edward L. Hadley, they lived in Cambridge, Mass. They had 2 sons and 1 dau.
1. Ralph lives in Rhode Island
2. Harold
3. Margaret