State School of Music of 1st and 2nd degree
in Jastrzębie-Zdrój
The 10th International Wind and Brass InstrumentsCompetition
Jastrzębie-Zdrój, 13-15 November 2014
Welcome to our Competition!
It is our pleasure to invite you to take part in the 10th International Wind and Brass Instruments Competition which will take place at the State School of Music of 1st and 2nd degree in Jastrzębie-Zdrój from 13 to 15 November 2014.
The Competition is organized by:
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage,
Centre for Arts Education,
State School of Music of 1st and 2nd degree in Jastrzębie-Zdrój.
We cordially invite all participants to join our Competition.
School Head Teacher
Stanisław Śmietana
Jerzy Mrozik – President (Poland)
Tomasz Miczka – Jury member (Poland)
Roman Siwek – Jury member (Poland)
Lew Zakopets– Jury member(Ukraine)
Peteris Rudzitis – Jury member (Latvia)
John Wallace – Jury member (Great Britain)
Jerzy Sendecki – Secretary (Poland)
The 10th International Wind and Brass InstrumentsCompetition
Jastrzębie-Zdrój, 13-15 November 2014
- The International Wind and Brass Instruments Competition in Jastrzębie-Zdrój is an artistic confrontation of young wind and brass instrumentalists.
- The Competition is interdisciplinary and it includes the following instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, horn, trumpet, trombone and tuba.
- The Competition will be held during 13-15 November 2014.
- The Competition Organizer is:
The State School of Music in Jastrzębie-Zdrój
ul. Kościuszki 13 a ; 44 - 330 Jastrzębie-Zdrój
Tel.: 0048 32 4763705, Tel./Fax: 0048 32 4763711
Account Number: BS Jastrzębie 56 8470 0001 2001 0000 2219 0005.
IBAN: PL 56 8470 0001 2001 0000 2219 0005.
- The Competition consists of one stage for the group no.1 and two stages for the group no.2.
Group 1:
• students born in 1998 or later (flute, clarinet,saxophone, horn, trumpet, trombone)
• students born in 1997 or later (oboe, bassoon, tuba)
Group 2:
• students born between 1994 and 1997(flute, clarinet, saxophone, horn, trumpet, trombone)
• students born between 1994 and 1996 (oboe, bassoon, tuba)
- The obligatory programme for the participants of the Competition:
Group 1:
-one of the listed pieces.
Group 2:
-1st stage: one of the listed pieces
-2nd stage: the free choice repertoire (1 or 2 pieces);
the length of performance: 6-9 minutes.
- Application forms must be sent by regular post, fax or e-mail by 30 September 2014, accompanied by the following:
- a copy of a receipt showing payment of application fee of 150 PLN,
- a brief summary of artistic achievements,
- one recent photograph.
- The application fee or the submitted documents will not be returned.
- The list of Competitors qualified for the Competition will be placed on the Internet Website of the Competition Organizer by 3 October 2014.
- The Competition Winners will be awarded with valuable prizes.
- The Competition Winners are obliged to perform, without remuneration, in the Winners’ Concert.
- The performance order in the Competition will be established by a draw of the initial letter on November 6, 2014 and it will remain the same throughout the whole Competition.
The schedule of performances in the Contest will appear on the page of the school internet site.
- The prizes and diplomas will be distributed by the Jury and the Jury’s decisions will be considered final.
- The Competition auditions will be open to the public.
- Only and exclusively pieces played from the originally published music will be accepted in the Competition auditions.
- The use of a Contest accompanist must be paid.
- The Competitors will have to cover their expenses relating to food, accommodation and travelling, and they are expected to make their own arrangements in this regard.
The 10th International Wind and Brass
Instruments Competition
Jastrzębie – Zdrój, 13-15 November2014
surname name
Date of birth:
day month year
surname name
surname name
Correspondence addres and telephone number of the participant:
Date, stamp and signature of the head teacher