State Representative, District 36, Position 12-year term

Reuven Carlyle

(Prefers Democratic Party)

Elected Experience: Citizen Legislator since 2009

Other Professional Experience: Wireless and software entrepreneur bringing advanced technologies to global markets. Helping to build numerous Seattle companies serving public safety, transportation and consumers. Strong financial and technical skills applied to tough public policy challenges.

Education: Harvard University, MPA. University of Massachusetts, BA

Community Service: Married to Ballard SwedishphysicianWendy Carlyle; four terrific, loud children attending neighborhood schools.Our Queen Anne family is active in a wide range of recreational, religious and community projects. Co-founder City Year AmeriCorp chapter. Foster youth education and services advocate.Served on Board for Community and Technical Colleges serving 500,000 students.

Statement: In a bipartisan spirit, I continue to get things done in state government. As Finance chair, I’ve prioritized transparency and modernization of Washington’s inefficient tax structure and championing small business. I’m an independent, progressive, fiscally responsible citizen legislator committed to wisely investing your tax dollars in public education and our quality of life. I ask for the honor of your vote. Thank you!

What others say: Seattle Times: “Who gets it? Carlyle.” “top notch legislator.” The Stranger: “Smartest in Seattle politics.” Governing Magazine: “legislators to watch.” Endorsed: League of Education Voters, Sierra Club, Washington Conservation Voters, Seattle Firefighters.

Contact: (206) 286-9663; ;

Leslie Klein

(Prefers Republicanspirit Party)

Elected Experience: Precinct Committee Officer, 36th District Republicans for 14 years.

Other Professional Experience: I served twenty years in United States Air Force as a spy, a teacher and a Contracts Manager. I managed the initial contracts for the electronic warfare system now in the current F-22 Raptor fighter. I taught American Foreign Policy attheUniversity of Washingtonin Seattle. I currently teach adult continuing education classes at Bellevue College.

Education: BS Engineering Degree in Metallurgy; Masters degree in Ceramic Engineering, both degrees from Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio.

Community Service: Ballard District Council; Nordic Heritage Museum.

Statement: Voters must stop accepting economic decline as being inevitable. The time has come to throw out incumbent politicians. Elect a person who promotes policies that actually help people! Change requires electing someone who will defy the normal. I am that person. I am running to modify Obamacare in this state. It has harmed many of my Democratic and Republican friends. Also, I will let registered voters in the 36th district vote via email to determine my legislative votes on many of the issues coming before me. For the first time in history, you will determine your future more directly.

Contact: (206) 854-3868; ;