TO : Frank Peris May 28, 2004

FROM : Ajai Shankar, P.E.

SUBJECT : Justification for a Specific Allowance Included in Project No. 41913-E

Allowance for relocation of telephone equipment

Project Estimated Bid Amount: $6,000,000

Allowance Amount: $20,500

Project Title: Project No. 41913

Upgrade Perimeter Security

And Related Site Improvements

Elmira Correctional Facility

1879 Davis Street

Elmira, New York

1. What is the purpose of this project?

The purpose of this project is to upgrade the perimeter security and provide related site improvements at Elmira Correctional Facility.

2. What is the purpose of this allowance?

The work of this project, to upgrade the perimeter security, requires that the existing underground telephone lines be removed and relocated so that the perimeter security system can be installed.

3. Why is the specific allowance necessary?

The existing underground telephone lines are owned, operated and maintained by the local telephone company, Verizon, for providing telephone service to the facility and others in the area. The specific allowance is needed to have the local telephone company remove and relocate the underground telephone lines so that the perimeter security system can be installed.

4. Who requested the specific allowance?

Anton Beza of OGS Design requested the specific allowance quotation from Verizon.

5. What criteria was utilized in establishing the Specific Allowance Price?

The price of this allowance was based on the local telephone company’s, Verizon’s, cost for removing and relocating the existing telephone lines.

6. Who determined the allowance was reasonable?

Ajai Shankar, the Project Team Leader responsible for the project.

cc: OPC, DOC, BCC, R. Bodane, C.Parnett