P.O. Box 944246

SACRAMENTO, CA 94244-2460

(916) 445-8200



I-3 Occupancy Codes Task Group

Office of the State Fire Marshal

1131 S Street, Sacramento

January 5, 2012, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Attendees: Via Phone:

Steve Guarino (Co-Chair) Ali Fattah

Lorenzo Lopez (Co-Chair) Ernie Paez

Sanjay Aggarwal Ken Vollenweider

Michael Bush Carmelito Cataylo

Catherine Chan

Paul Chatham

Maynard Feist

Jeff Maddox Guest

Troy Morris

Kevin Reinertson Gale Bate

Bill Robertson Brian McLaughlin

Shawn Sen

Jim Stephenson


1. Welcome and Roll Call S.Guarino

·  Welcome and Happy New Year to all by Steve Guarino.

·  Some changes to our office since the last meeting were the retirement of Vickie Sakamoto and Dee Tokimitsu.

·  Paul Chatham motioned to start the meeting, Jeff Maddox seconds. All agreed.

·  Roll was taken by way of introductions around the room and on the phone.

·  Steve Guarino shared that Kevin Reinertson has been promoted to Division Chief.

2. Review/Approve December 1, 2011 Meeting Notes S.Guarino

·  Jeff Maddox motions to approve the December 1, 2011 meeting notes and Shawn Sen seconds. Meeting notes were approved by all.

3. Group Presentations

Discussion began at: 202 Definitions and included:

·  1a) Restraint

·  1d) Holding Cell; Paul motions to accept definition, Jim seconds. Motion accepted with one opposed.

·  1e) Detention Elevator; Bill motions to accept, Troy seconds. Motion accepted.

·  1f) Court Holding Facility. This changed to; Court House Holding Facility and “holding for the confinement of, etc.” Motion to accept by Jim Stephenson, Sanjay seconds. Change is approved with one opposed.

·  1g) Secure interview room. Ali and Jeff offer to write up alternate definition.

Kevin Reinertson presented information on the following points:

·  The Banner identifies who made the amendment. Don’t worry about the banners (for this group).

·  Stakeholders’ meeting on the 18th is tentative. It will be an overview of what we’re working on

·  No new amendments

·  February meeting may be Valentines Day (mid-Month).

·  March 1st deadline for this group. No tentative date in March/April yet.

·  May have to reconvene this group based on the comments

·  Chapter 12 matrix has a problem and I will work on that.

Group presentations were made as follows:

·  Group 6. Paul Chatham began the group discussion. Items 41, 42 & 43 were addressed and edited by group agreement.

o  Item 41; Editing done by agreement. The following questions are noted at this point; Do we want to apply this exception at cells to local detention, court and to mixed I-3/I-2? Should this be only limited to exceptions at cells but not other spaces like corridors?

o  Item 42; Lorenzo moves that we strike exceptions from the code, Gale Bates seconds, no opposed.

o  Item 43; Lorenzo move to hold off on addressing, Jeff seconds, all agreed.

·  Group 2, item 12 presented by Sanjay and Included; “Remote locking”,” additional security to keep from leaving or prevent form entering”.

·  Item 13; Maynard motioned to approve the exception, Lorenzo seconds. None opposed.

·  Item 14. Nurses stations. The suggestion was made to leave the language as proposed and put a pointer in 408.13 to refer to the same in 407.2.2.

·  15. 16. 16b.

·  Item 24, addition as follows: the egress area in front of holding cells in any holding area where detainees are held for les than 24 hours.

Miscellaneous Task:

·  The next meeting was agreed by all to be on Thursday, January 26, 2012

·  The following meeting date was agreed by all to be held on Wednesday, February 15, 2012.

·  Steve Guarino to move forward with revisions and they will be posted to the web site.

·  Motion to adjourn was made by Catherine Chan and Jeff Maddox seconds. The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be Thursday, January 26, 2012