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M e m o r a n d u m Flex your power!

Be energy efficient!

To: KEVIN OKINO Date: Insert Date

Estimating Services Branch

From: JERRY MARCOTTE File: Dist_Cty_Rte

Branch Chief DistCU-EA

Water & Wastewater Branch Facility Name

Office of Electrical, Mechanical, Water & Job Description

Wastewater Engineering MS9-3/11H

Structure Design Services &

Earthquake Engineering

Division of Engineering Services

Subject: Initiate Draft SPS&E (Minor A)

Attached are the following items:

·  Two sets of reduced Draft Contract Plans (one stamped “For District” and the other stamped “For Specifications”).

·  The drawings contain no buildings and no sets need to go to the State Fire Marshall or the Division of the State Architect

Please attach the Structures BEES estimate, the Suggested Work Schedules and PS&E Transmittal Data form to the two reduced set of plans and forward this package to the Structure Office Engineer Branch Chief for submittal to the District.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Project Engineer at Calnet498XXXX, (916)227XXXX, or TTY at (916) 227-8454.


c: Jeff Wiley Project Scheduler (memo only)


Name Discipline Branch Chief (plans)

File Yellow Copy

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