Development Account



The annexes should contain additionalinformation regardingtheworkplanandbudget.Pleaseattachotherusefulandrelevantinformation (e.g. detailed work plans, terms of reference, memoranda of understanding,and implementation agreements) as appropriate.

General comments on the eight main budget classes:
  1. Other Staff costs– GTA(015):This budget class is forGeneral Temporary Assistance used to respond to short- term, interim needs of the implementing entity in carrying out the project’s activities, through the use of staff resources. Staffs charged to GTA are usually located with the Implementing Entity’s HQ office, but may occasionally be assigned to a regional center of the Entity. GTA should not be used for the recruitment of consultants, national project staff or UNVs. As the Development Account does not fund posts, the GTA share of the project budget should be reasonable i.e. max 5%.
  2. Consultants and Experts(105):Consultants should be split into two groups: International consultants, and national/ regional consultants. Resource persons, such as panelists at meetings, workshops, seminars are normally classified as consultants and not as meeting participants, and should be budgeted as such. In this line the share of project budget allocated to international consultancies should be limited.
Expert group meeting participants must also to be listed in this budget class.
  1. Travel of staff(115): This budget class is used exclusively for travel of UN system-wide staff, for all types of travel (participation in expert groups, workshops, providing advisory services). Staff travel costs should not be included under workshops.
  2. Contractual Services(120): Contractual services include institutional contracts with national, regional or international institutions, companies, IGOs or NGOs for preparing publications, conducting studies, carrying out technical work, assisting with the organization of workshops, translating or printing documents, etc. The use of local and regional institutions and/or NGOs is encouraged as it helps strengthen national capacities.
Venue rentals, interpretation costs and other local conference related expenditures associated with workshops/trainings/ seminars/ Expert group meetings, must all be included in this budget class also.
  1. General operating expenses(125):This budget class should be used for communications and postage costs which can be directly attributed to the project, as well as in-house or low-value printing of reports.
For major undertakings related to printing services, use the contractual services budget class.
  1. Furniture and Equipment(135):This budget class should be used for office equipment, office automation equipment, software and supplies for beneficiary countries only. Equipment for UN staff or offices such as laptops or projectors will not be considered.
  2. Grants and Contributions – Workshops/ Study Tours(145):This budget class is for costs related to the travel/ DSA of participants attending seminars, workshops and study toursonly. Grants and subcontracts which are issued to implementing partners to carry out training activities should not be charged here but to contractual services.
Any conference related expenditures including venue rental should be charged to contractual services too.


Please fill out the table below to provide an activity implementation work plan and a breakdown of costs, by budget class for each activity. The breakdown reflected in Annex 1 should be consistent with the budget requirements reflected in the detailed justification by object code presented in annex 2. Please include the external evaluation costs in the table below.

Table A1. – Results based work plan and budget

EA / Activity # / Timeframe by activity / Budget class and Code
(Please use the budget classes listed in the table above.) / Amount(USD)
(Y1, Y2, Y3,Y4) / Quarter
(Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)
EA1 / A1.1 / (Please list all years and respective quarters in will the activity will take place)
Y4 / Q1, Q4
Q3, Q4
…. / Other Staff Costs (GTA) / 015 / $ X,XXX
Consultants and Experts / 105 / $ X,XXX
Travel of Staff / 115 / $ X,XXX
Contractual Services / 120 / $X,XXX
General Operating Expenses / 125 / $X,XXX
Furniture and Equipment / 135 / $X,XXX
Grants and Contributions (Workshops/ Study Tours) / 145 / $X,XXX
A1.2 / … / … / Travel ofStaff / 115 / $ X,XXX
Contractual services / 120 / $ X,XXX
EA 2 / A2.1 / … / … / … / $ X,XXX …
External Evaluation / Consultants / 105 / $ X,XXX

ANNEX 2: Detailed justification by code

A detailed description of the budgetary requirements by budget class should be developed in this section. For each budgetclass, details should be provided on the link to the project activities. When possible, costs and work months should be disaggregated by activity.

  1. Other staff costs (015) $ ______(Total)

Temporary assistance to perform the tasks of______, in support of activities:

A#.#(no. of work months) x ($______per work month) =$______.

A#.#. (no. of work months) x ($______per work month) =$______.

A#.#. etc…

  1. Consultants and Experts (105): $ ______(Total)

(Provide separate breakdown by national/regional consultants andinternationalconsultants)


International consultants for the task(s) of______, in support of activities: A#.#(no. of work-months),A#.#(no. of work-months) and A#.#. (no. of work months) x ($______per month) =$______.

Insupportoftheevaluationoftheproject:(no.ofworkmonths)x($______per work month) =$______.

(b)National / Regionalconsultants

National consultants for task(s) of______, in support of activities A#.# (no. ofwork-months), A#.# (no. of work-months) and A#.#. (no. of work months) x ($______permonth) =$______.


(No. of missions) by consultants for the purpose of ______(if possibleindicate countries), in support of activities A#.# (no. of missions), A#.# (no. of missions), A#.# (no. of missions), and A#.# (no. of missions). ($______average mission cost) x (total no. of missions) =$______.

(d)Expert Group Meetings

A provision of$______is required for ______(no. of meetings) expert groupmeetings:

In support of activity A#.#: ______(title of meeting), ______(possible country of venue), ______(duration),______(number of participants-if applicable), ______number of experts= $______(EGM budget).

  1. Travel ofStaff (115): $ ______(Total)

(a)UN Staff from the implementingentity

(No.ofmissions)byUNstaffforthepurposeof(______) (ifpossibleindicate countries), in support of activities A#.# (no. of missions), A#.# (no. of missions), A#.# (no. of missions), and A#.# (no. of missions).

($______average mission cost) x (total no. of missions) =$______.

(b)Staff from other UN entities collaborating inproject

(No. of missions) by other UNstaff for the purpose of(______) (ifpossibleindicate countries), in support of activitiesA#.# (no. of missions),A#.# (no. of missions),A#.# (no. of missions)andA#.# (no. of missions).

($______average mission cost) x (total no. of missions) =$______.

  1. General operatingexpenses (125): $ ______(Total)


In support of A#.#, A#.#, and A#.#. = $______.

(b)Other general operatingexpenses

In support of A#.#, A#.#, and A#.#. = $______.

  1. Furniture and Equipment (135) $ ______(Total)

A provision of $______is required forequipment

(Provide budget estimates, details on the type of equipment and possiblerecipientcountries).

  1. Contractualservices (120): $ ______(Total)

A provision of $______is required for ______servicesin support of activities A#.# : description of services, duration and cost of eachcontractand if possible recipientcountry.

(Conference related costs, including venue rental for trainings/workshops/EGMs should be listed in this budget class)

  1. Grants and Contributions (145): $ ______(Total)

(a)Workshops &seminars*

Seminar/Workshopon(titleofseminar)incountry______,insupportofA#.#.Duration of workshop: ______days; ($______per participant) x (no. of participants) x (no. of workshops) (ideally the numberofparticipants should be a multiple of the number of targetcountries)

Please include information regarding the length of each workshop in number of days.


Study tours for the purpose of(______) in country ______, in support of A#.#.Study tour duration: ______days; ($______per study tour) x (no. of participants) x (no of study tours) = $______.(Ideallythe number of participants should be a multiple of the number of targetcountries)

*Please note that this budget line can NOT cover costs associated with Conference services (interpretation, venue rental etc…). It is only for participant travel cost.