Draft Minutes

State Independent Living Council

Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, July 12–10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Conference Call – Room 457, Human Services Bldg., Salem

Call to Order

Curtis Raines called the meeting to order: 10:02 a.m.

Quorum (3): Yes

Members Present: Curtis Raines (Chairperson), Sherrin Coleman (Vice-Chairperson), Trava Sanders, Sheila Thomas, Marsha Wentzell.

Members Absent: None.

Staff Present:Shelly Emery, Joette Fitch

Review/Approve Agenda

Motion: By Thomas to approve the agenda as presented. Second by Coleman. Wentzell joined the meeting at this time.


In Favor:Coleman, Sanders, Thomas, Wentzell and Raines. Wentzell disconnected briefly after the vote, between 10:03 and 10:06.



Resolution: Motion carried.

Review/Approve Minutes (6/14/2018)

Motion: By Coleman to approve the June 14, 2018 minutes as presented. Second by Sanders.


In Favor: Coleman, Sanders, and Raines. Wentzell was unavailable for this vote.

Opposed: None.


Resolution:Motion carried.

Review/Approve Special Meeting Minutes (6/25/2018)

Motion: By Coleman to approve the June 25, 2018 minutes as presented. Second by Sanders. Wentzell rejoined the meeting.

Discussion: None.

In Favor: Coleman, Sanders, Wentzell and Raines.

Opposed: None.


Resolution:Motion carried.

New Business: September SILC Meeting Agenda

Discussion: The Committee discussed agenda topics for the September SILC quarterly meeting. The following topics were suggested.

  • Update on the Executive Director recruitment.
  • Committee appointment updates, including Tony Ellis filling the second past member position on the SPIL Committee (SPIL Committee report).
  • Update on the needs assessment survey (SPIL Committee report).
  • Kirt Toombs and Tony Ellis – Ireland Independent Living report.
  • Emergency preparedness (staff updates).
  • Issues with non-emergency medical transportation. A new provider took over during the winter and things are not going well in the Marion County area. Problems have not been corrected that caused the last provider to lose their contract. The Public Transportation Advisory Committee (PTAC) is looking at why there is a separate medical transport system. Sheila thought some effected consumers might be asked to come and speak. There was a best practices group with Ellen Pinney, Oregon Health Authority Ombudsperson. Maybe she would be able to speak about this. Maybe get someone from the Coordinated Care Organizations to speak to the issue. The working lunch conversation might be the appropriate time for Marsha to share on various issues, such as this, that she is working on.

Shelly will email the Council with the deadline to send in suggestions for the September agenda.

Old Business:

A.Executive Director Recruitment Planning – Status.

Discussion: Trina Lee (Supervisor of Record for the position) informed Shelly she is still waiting on the classification of the position. She may need additional help from members to flesh out the attributes and screening and interview details. Trina will provide information on next steps.

Marsha asked that the recruiting process document included in the Executive Committee packet also be included in the SILC quarterly meeting packet.

The potential structure of the interview panel was discussed – who and how many SILC members. Trina will have to be on the panel as the hiring manager. Could have the same people do both rounds, but a different group scoring initial applications.

Most agreed that a total of nine on the interview panel might be good, though Sherrin Coleman wondered if a smaller group (5-7) would be better. TheVR Director, SILC Chairperson, SILC Vice-Chairperson, a community partner, a staff member, and up to four additional Council members was what the majority thought would be good. It was noted that Ruth McEwen represents a lot of other partner organizations, so could be seen as a community partner.

Trina will be sharing possible questions for interviews, for consideration.

Do applicants get to ask questions prior to the interview, and if so, is it possible to also have some impromptu questions? Trina will be asked for technical assistance regarding this.

Trina will also be asked whether application scorers need to be present or can do this remotely.Possibly five council members for the application screening process?

Staff will send out a poll to the members, to determine who is interested in helping to score applications versus participate on the interview panel(s), and ask them to tell why they are interested. It will include the possible structure for the interview panel(s).

After getting input from the members, the Executive Committee will discuss next steps.

B.Policy & Procedure Review

Discussion:Staff reviewed recent updates to the policy/procedure document and facilitated discussion of the next sections for review. The Committee is currently walking through the document, making suggestions about changes. After this phase, the Committee will again receive the discussed changes, for a formal recommendation.

1.Page 13 - Recruitment – Clarified that there is only mention of recruitment of people with disabilities, because there is no requirement to have people on the Council who do not have disabilities.

2.Page 51 - Executive Director Succession Plan- Last paragraph, the statement “Any SILC member intending to apply for this position must resign from membership and, if not hired, will not be allowed to apply for SILC membership for three years” was discussed. Committee members thought three years may be too long. Other options were discussed, such as whether it should only be a one-year period, or should apply only to the Chairperson or to the Executive Committee members resigning as officers.

This will be part of the next SILC quarterly meeting agenda, so the Executive Committee can get input regarding the various options.

The Committee asked that a reminder of this policy be included in the poll being sent to the Council regarding Executive Director recruitment.

3.Page 15 – item 6 – Processing applications in the order they are received.Discussed putting applicants on a waiting list when there are limited positions and another applicant fits the needed diversity better.

Discussion included:

  • The procedure for getting an applicant appointed. If the Council has only one position open and receives an application, an interview is set up, the applicant is introduced to the Council at the next quarterly meeting and then sent to the Governor’s office. Interviews are not done, but people can remain on a waiting list, unless there is an open seat or one coming up within the next six-months.
  • The selection process for the interview teams, including member commitment to this work, and whether changes should be made to have consistency on the teams. No change was made. Could the quarterly meeting be treated as an applicant interview so that more of the members could participate?Technically, each member has opportunity to interview applicants when they are presented to the SILC. Raines asked staff to put a reminder on the SILC meeting agenda so he can encourage members to be prepared with questions when assessing an applicant at SILC meetings.
  • The Chair and Vice-Chair will step in to do interviews if there is every difficulty forming an interview team in time for a SILC meeting.

The members preferred bringing all applications to the Council that are received at least thirty days prior to a quarterly meeting. If there are insufficient seats for all the applicants, the Council will give the Governor their recommendations, after considering the Council’s diversity needs.

The priority, when having to decide between applicants would be:

  1. Legal compliance.
  2. If there is more than one applicant fitting the compliance standard, the Council will recommend to the Governor what they feel should be done to meet the Council’s needs. A waiting list of applicants will be kept when there aren’t open positions, with interviews done as positions are going to be opening.

Staff was asked to post the dates for the thirty-day deadlines on the SILC web page.

Activity Updates:

Shelly provided an update regarding development of a state level disability advisory group on emergency management issues. She was invited to a meeting with State agency personnel who focus on emergency planning. They want to help develop a state disability advisory group for Oregon. Shelly had previously been talking to different disability groups about getting involved in something like this. The barrier has been not having infrastructure to support an advisory group.

She has been getting advice from other states that have formed these groups, and the key is to have the effort driven by people with disabilities. She intends to ask if the Office of Emergency Management can commit to helping with the infrastructure.

The disability community could have a core group of people that could get some training and then be the driving force inside the disability community, to build a broader advisory group.

They are hoping that a Center for Independent Living (CIL) will volunteer to help plan a kick-off event for the disability community. Shelly is working to get a CIL representative involved, preferably someone with ADA background – like a Lane Independent Living Alliance staff, as well as someone from the blind community, and someone who works with cross-cultural language access.

Hopefully, a small team, including members of the disability community, can lead planning of a larger event that the agencies are willing to support with some funding.

Adjourned – 12:12

Next Meeting – 9/13/18 – 10 a.m. to noon.

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