Lychpit surgery – proposed move to Old Basing Health Centre.

Summary of feedback response from patients

At the end of October 2017 feedback forms were distributed at Lychpit and Crown Heights surgeries and over 800 were posted with a covering letter to the patients that live in Lychpit. 165 feedback forms were completed, of those 157 currently attend the Lychpit surgery. Forms were completed between the 9th of November and the 5th December 2017.

The age of the respondents were as follows:

Age range / Number of people / Percentage (rounded to 2 decimal places)
30 – 49 years old / 14 / 8.75%
50 – 69 / 67 / 41.88%
70* / 79 / 49.38%
160 / 100.00%

Question 1. – Do you understand why the GPs are looking to move from Lychpit branch surgery to Old Basing Health Centre

Number of people / Percentage (rounded to 2 decimal places)
Yes / 152 / 94.41%
No / 8 / 4.97%
Not sure / 1 / 0.62%
161 / 100.00%

Question 2. – If you attend the Lychpit surgery now would it be a problem for you to get to the Old Basing Health Centre in Manor Lane Old Basing (just off Milkingpen Lane)?

Number of people / Percentage (rounded to 2 decimal places)
Yes / 32 / 19.75%
No / 114 / 70.37%
Not sure / 16 / 9.88%
162 / 100.0%

Patients were then asked – “If it would cause you a problem can you say why” and free text answers were sought.

Respondents stated two main reasons

  1. Walking to Old Basing was potentially dangerous along narrow paths and busy roads. This especially applied to those that currently walk to Lychpit surgery and who do not drive (or may not drive in the future)
  2. The bus service from Lychpit to Old Basing was particularly bad needing two buses (one into town and another back out) with a long interconnecting wait that made using the bus for an appointment at the surgery more or less impossible. Some respondents said that they would therefore prefer to go to Crown Heights surgery which only entailed one bus journey.

Where did the respondents live?

Postcode / Area / Number of people / Percentage (rounded to 2 decimal places)
RG24 7 / Old Basing / 25 / 16.13%
RG24 8 / Lychpit / 104 / 67.10%
RG24 9 / Sherfield on Loddon / 4 / 2.58%
Other / Various / 22 / 14.19%

People were asked “Is there anything else about the proposed move that you would like to comment about”? There were a large range of responses that can be summarised as follows:

  • Parking at Old Basing will be a problem
  • This makes sense and is the best option
  • Could we have emergency appointments at Old Basing?
  • Will waiting times for appointments get better/worse?
  • Don’t want to go to Crown Heights
  • Will go to Crown Heights in preference to taking bus to Old Basing
  • Access to Old Basing not good on narrow roads
  • Bus service will not be adequate
  • Could other locations be looked at e.g. Chineham Centre?
  • Need more staff to answer the phone
  • Old Basing is more wheelchair accessible than Lychpit
  • Option 3 is the best
  • Pleased we won’t have to go to Crown Heights
  • Can we have secure bicycle storage at Old Basing?

Finally, respondents were asked where they pick up their prescriptions.

Chemists all over Basingstoke and Deane were mentioned but the vast majority stated the pharmacies in the Chineham Centre, Tesco, Boots and Lloyds with a not inconsiderable number currently using Day Lewis in Old Basing.