Office Managers Association
State Executive Board Meeting
August 8, 2014
Bridgeport, WV IHOP
The meeting was called to order by President, Pan Shafer.
Those present for the meeting were:
Pam Shafer-President Karen Lavery-VP Education
Rita Hope-VP Conference Chris Bates-VP Political Action
Missy Marple-Parliamentarian Mary Wolfe-Clarksburg Chapter
Mary Anne Meleady-Treasurer Sandy Gore-Clarksburg President
Proxy’s were submitted and accepted from:
State officers: Stacie Spotloe-Public Relations to Pam Shafer
Shelia Porter-Membership to Pam Shafer
Chapter Presidents: Stacie Spotloe-Huntington to Pam Shafer
Jodi Raley-Morgantown to Mary Anne Meleady
Carole Perkins-Charleston to Rita Hope
The minutes from the Executive Board meeting held May 9, 2014 were reviewed. Mary Anne requested her name be spelled correctly in all future minutes, reports etc. She has an “e” on the Ann in her name. Request was made to correct grammar to use the word “than” instead of the word “then” in appropriate sentences. Rita Hope motioned for the minutes to be accepted with the mentioned corrections, seconded by Mary Wolfe.
The treasurer’s report was given by Mary Anne Meleady who reported a balance of $17,586.82. The accountant has filed our state tax and our business license has been renewed for another year. A budget was submitted and approved by the officers of executive board via e-mails.
VP Membership
No report available.
VP Conference
We looked at the conference committee minutes from May’s meeting. Rita has applied for CEU hours from AAPC and has asked Barbara Goode for PMI credits.
Each chapter will contribute $83.34 to fund the $500 door prize to be given away during conference. The conference registration brochure was reviewed and found to have several errors. Rita will contact Donna Zahn to get corrected hopefully to be done before mailing out. We all reviewed the menu and decided on the food for conference.
VP Political Action
Chris attended the Medicare meeting. She reports the meeting was not what was expected and the speaker was hard to hear.
VP Public Relations
Deadlines for the newsletter are still the same. Pam Shafer will e-mail Stacie Spotloe to get the quarterly dates for the newsletter. Mary Anne Meleady asked for the blank financial statement template on the OMA website be the new one she submitted that has her name and address on it.
VP Education
Highmark Day was the spring 2014 educational meeting.
Karen Lavery submitted her resignation as VP of Education effective immediately due to her taking a position with The Health Plan. She will become as associate member of the OMA. Chris Bates volunteered and was appointed by a quorum to take over as the VP of Education until the next election in 2015.
Chapter Reports
Three chapter reports were submitted by Charleston, Clarksburg and Morgantown, these reports were given to Mary Anne Meleady who will give them to Stacie and Donna.
Laptops: 2 really nice laptops were found online but could not be ordered online. These when purchased would be given to the Secretary, Donna Zahn and VP of Public Relations, Stacie Spotloe.
Beckley Chapter: None of us are in the know for what is happening with the Beckley chapter and what their status is? We have heard rumors but no real facts. Mary Anne Meleady will reach out to the one contact we have in that chapter, Connie Link to see if we can learn more. This subject will be tabled until the next exec meeting.
Bylaws: Missy asked all of us to review and then we will finalize at the conference executive meeting.
Bluefield Chapter rebuilding: We must follow policy and procedure for this to happen. Pam will reach out to them and get a status report. We can discuss at the next meeting during conference.
Motion was made by Rita Hope to adjourn and seconded by Chris Bates. This meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted to Donna Zahn, OMA secretary by Mary Anne Meleady.