Ric Marion, State Administrator

1600 Candia Rd. Suite 2

Manchester, NH03109

W: (603) 626-9686 (FAX) (603) 626-9687

H: (603) 627-8806 Cell: (603) 396-6896

NHSAState Cup – Schedule Change Request Process:

NHSA expects that all club teams entering the State Cup understand that this is a top priority club soccer event and each team will do everything in their control to play all games as scheduled by NHSA. NHSA recognizes that on rare occasions due to conflicting events or special circumstances, a team may not be able to field a viable squad for their scheduled game. This NHSA change request process requires this form to be submitted as an email attachment to on or prior to March 31, 2012 (NO EXCEPTIONS). Each request must be fully documented in detail listing players and their corresponding conflict. NHSA will expeditiously validate the conflicts to approve or reject the request. Teams submitting requests that are found to be false are subject to fine by NHSA. NHSA will do everything possible to create equitable agreement between teams. ALL decisions made by NHSA regarding date, time and location of games are final. Teams which forfeit games in this event are subject to fine.

NHSA expects that teams with a reasonable number of available players (e.g. 11 to 13) shall expect to field their team for all games as scheduled. In order to provide some guidance for potential team requests, see examples below:

Likely Rejection:

  1. Best player on team is unavailable to play due to a school or family event, work, injury, etc.
  2. A limited number of players are unavailable to play due to a school or family event, work, injury, etc. but you still have 11 or more available to play the game as scheduled.

Reasonable Request:

  1. Three separate high schools have scheduled proms with eight (8) players on the team unavailable due to this conflict.

(please understand that NHSA does not consider a prom an all day or multiple day event).

  1. Eight players are unavailable due to school state tournament or state championship events.

(please understand that NHSA considers the State Cup higher priority than regular season school games).

Teams receiving change request approval by NHSA should expect a possible weekday re-schedule with travel involved.

Club-Team Name / Gender / Age Group
Contacts: / Name / Home Phone / Cell Phone / Email

Request to change the following game:

Game Date / Time / Location / Opponent

Next three best available game days for makeup:

Day / Time / Day / Time / Day / Time

Brief one sentence description of change request reason:

Player Inventory:

Total # of Rostered Players: / Less total # Unavailable (from list below): / Total Available for Scheduled Game:

Detail conflict information:

Player Names / Conflict Description / Event or School Location
Submitted by Name: / Position with the team / Date