State Democratic Party Announces 2018Women’s Caucus Board of Directors
First Elected Board Voted on by Members of Party’s Women’s Caucus; Group to Host Event Monday, February 5 for Senate Candidate Sandra Cano
January 30,2018 401.228.4846 (c)
WARWICK, R.I. – The members of the Rhode Island Democratic Women’s Caucus announced the results of their first elected board of directors Tuesday morning. The Caucus was reorganized in early January 2017, in the aftermath of the historic presidential election and outpouring of women voters looking to get politically involved.
The Caucus - led initially by Sen. Gayle Goldin, Rep. Grace Diaz, Rep. Shelby Maldonado and Rep. Lauren Carson - has engaged hundreds of women in monthly workshops about the political and election process. The new officers elected by the membership are: Sulina Mohanty, Chair; Bridget Valverdi,Vice Chair; Jessica Vega, Secretary; Darlene Allen, Treasurer;Michelle McGaw. Congressional District-1; Jordan HevenorCongressional District-2; Joanne Borodemos, Kent County; Tracy Ramos, Bristol County; Abby Godino, Washington Coutry; Tracy LeBeau, Providence County; and Danielle Abbott, Newport Country. Also elected: Abigail Altabef, Town Committee 1, June Speakman, Town Committee 2. The Board will serve an initial one-year term; subsequent terms will be for two years, per their bylaws. (Copies of board member resumes will be uploaded to our website.)
“Over the past year, the Women’s Caucus has grown to over 160 members, thrown a successful fundraiser, held monthly meetings, voted on a resolution to support reproductive rights, connected with women who are ready to run for office, and made sure our voices have been heard in Rhode Island. I cannot wait to see what great accomplishments this next year and this new board will bring,” said founding co-chair Sen. Gayle Goldin.
Reception for Sen. Candidate Sandra Cano
According to Mohanty, the new board has planned a reception in honor of Senate District 8 Democratic candidate Sandra Cano, on Monday, February 5, from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., at India Restaurant, 1060 Hope Street, Providence.
“The Women’s Caucus is an important part of the Democratic Party here and nationally,” said R.I. Democratic Party Chair Joseph M. McNamara. “We wish Sulina Mohanty and her fellow board members much success,as they continueto raise awarenessthat women can and must play an active role in the political process – for the future of our communities, our families, our country and our Party.”
As for Monday’s election, candidates for the Caucuswho were endorsed received the majority of the nominating committee's 14 votes, and were named via a ranked choice voting process. Endorsements were based on a review of resumes and letters of interest, as well as in-person interviews with each candidate. Members of the Caucus who had paid dues ($1- up) prior to December 31 and completed registration materials were able to cast votes by proxy, or in person at the Monday evening meeting.
Rhode Island Democratic Party * 200 Metro Center Blvd., Ste. 2 * Warwick, R.I. 02886
401.272.3367 (ph)
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