DATE: May 28, 2002

TIME: 10:00 a.m

PLACE: 500 N. Calvert Street

Room 302

3rd Floor Conference Room

Baltimore, Maryland 21202-3651

PRESENT: James Johnson, Chairman

Laurence Humble, Vice Chairman

Dudley Bostic, Consumer Member

George Shaffer, Industry Member

Joseph Richards, Industry Member

Michael Sewell, Industry Member

Angela Cornish, Industry Member

ABSENT: Betty Griffin, Consumer Member

Maxine Wooleyhand, Consumer Member


PRESENT: Charles Kazlo, Executive Director

Sloane Fried Kinstler, Assistant Attorney General

Gae Herzberger, Administrative Aide


James Johnson, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.


Motion (I) was made by Mr. Humble, seconded by Mr. Richards and unanimously carried by the Board to approve the minutes of April 23, 2002.


Chairman, Johnson stated that he contacted Senator J. Lowell Stolzfus from the Eastern Shore in reference to the Somerset County Electrical Board. Somerset County representatives have requested he attend a meeting with the Somerset County Board to discuss the rules and regulations of the jurisdiction and establishing a Board.


NEW BUSINESS: New Reporting Requirements

Charles Kazlo, Executive Director, provided members with a copy of a recent mailing to all jurisdictions regarding the new reporting requirements. The Maryland legislature passed the Senate Bill 456 to extend the State Electrical Board until July 1, 2013. As part of this Bill the legislature has included certain reporting requirements. Under these new provisions, when the local jurisdictions notify this Board of disciplinary actions, this Board is required to provide notice of the disciplinary action to each local licensing jurisdiction.

Each local jurisdiction has been asked to contact this office with their e-mail address so that they may receive this information in a timely manner and to keep within the parameters of this Board. It was also reported that annually each local jurisdiction report to this office the number of complaints against master electricians licensed in the local jurisdiction on or before December 1 of each year. A copy of that notice is made a part of these minutes.


The Anne Arundel County Electrical Board submitted additional information requested by this Board in reference to the suspension of a licensee who also holds a State license. Upon review of the file the Board determined that the local jurisdiction is abiding by their county law. The State Board will follow up on the licensee’s current local license.

West Virginia: Reciprocity

Upon review of the West Virginia reciprocity request and information submitted, Sloane Fried Kinstler, AAG, suggests the Board review the West Virginia master license examination for sufficiency before further evaluating the proposed reciprocity. If deemed adequate, then the Board should respond, proposing to reciprocate with West Virginia for all applicants licensed in West Virginia who have an additional 2 years of post-license work experience in order to close the experience gap and authorize the Board to license reciprocal applicants with the 5 required years of pre-exam work experience, providing the statutory 7 years of work experience for Maryland licensees. Mr. Kazlo advised the members he has contacted the West Virginia Electrical Board and expects a favorable response back. Mr. Kazlo requested that the Board table this matter until the next scheduled meeting on June 25, 2002.


Chairman, Johnson and Mr. Kazlo discussed with the members the actions taken at the MUELEC meeting on May 15, 2002. The majority of counties were not present, however, representatives from Somerset and Garrett Counties were present.


Garrett County is planning to establish a Board in that jurisdiction and presented Mr. Kazlo with proposed documentation for the new Board. Mr. Kazlo asked the members to review the documentation and discuss this matter at the next scheduled meeting on June 25, 2002.

Mr. Kazlo handed out a copy of the minutes of the meeting referencing when the members of the Baltimore County Electrical Board attended the State Board meeting to discuss MUELEC and the Board. It is hopeful that the Baltimore County Electrical Board will rejoin MUELEC.


The Board reviewed the statistics submitted by PSI for the month of April on the percentages of the first time passes, and fails and the repeat passes and fails. Statistics from the last 12 months were also presented for the Board’s review.


PSI submitted 7 applications for the Board’s review:

The Board determined to APPROVE 4 applicants to take the State Electrician’s examination.





The Board determined to place 2 applicants in PENDING STATUS.

DOUGLAS TAYLOR was placed in pending, as experience must be verified under a master electrician with supporting letter.

JOSE NAVARETE was placed in pending, as work experience must be verified under a master electrician at the University of Maryland and provide current letter.


The Board determined to TABLE 1 applicant to take the electrician’s examination:

FLORIN FLOREA’s application is tabled until the next scheduled meeting to interpret his foreign credentials. The Board concurred with Counsel’s suggestion that the Board invite the applicant to attend the next meeting to discuss his experience and evaluation of his foreign credentials.

Motion (II) was made by Mr. Humble, seconded by Mr. Sewell and unanimously carried by the Board to approve, place in pending and table the applicants stated above.


Motion (III) was made by Mr. Richards, seconded by Mr. Humble and unanimously carried by the Board adjourn the meeting at 12:25 p.m.

James Johnson, Chairman Date

_____Without Corrections

_____With Corrections

May 15, 2002


TO: All Local Electrical Boards

State of Maryland

FROM: Charles P. Kazlo, Executive Director

State Board of Master Electricians


The Maryland legislature has passed Senate Bill 456 - Sunset Extension Bill for the State Board of Master Electricians. The Board has been extended until July 1, 2013. The Bill was signed into law as Chapter 163, 2002 Laws of Maryland with an effective date of July 1, 2002.

As a part of this Bill, the legislature had included certain reporting requirements for both the State Board and all county or municipal corporations. The reporting requirements are:

When a county or municipal corporation that requires a local license initiates a disciplinary action against a licensed master electrician, the county or municipal corporation shall report the disciplinary action to the State Board within 30 days of commencement.

When the State Board receives notice of a local disciplinary action against a licensed master electrician, the State Board shall provide notice of the disciplinary action to each local licensing jurisdiction.

Annually, each local licensing jurisdiction shall submit a report to the State Board on the number of complaints against master electricians licensed in the local jurisdiction on or before December 1 of each year.

In order to streamline the reporting process, the State Board is seeking the cooperation of the local jurisdictions in computerizing the process as much as possible. We request that each jurisdiction e-mail their reports to the State Board Secretary, Gae Herzberger if possible. Her e-mail address is . We request that each jurisdiction mail, fax or e-mail your e-mail address to Gae, so that she can compile a master statewide e-mail list for local electrical boards. Between now and July 1, we

May 15, 2002

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would hope to be able to e-mail to you a template that you will be able to use with the reporting process. That will allow the reporting process to be uniform throughout the State. If for some reason your jurisdiction will be unable to report via e-mail, please contact me so that we can make other arrangements. Remember the reporting requirements will be mandatory for all jurisdictions.

If there are any questions regarding the reporting requirements, you may contact me Charles Kazlo at (410) 230-6160.