DATE:March 19, 2002
TIME:10:00 a. m.
PLACE:500 North Calvert Street
3rd Floor Conference Room
Baltimore, Maryland 21202-3651
PRESENT:Thomas Henderson
Douglas Wronka
Charles Graham
JoAnn Hixon
ABSENT:Lawrence Vallario
Charles Kazlo, Executive Director
Brenda Clark, Administrative Secretary
CALL TO ORDER:Chairman, Thomas Henderson called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
Motion (l) was made by Mr. Graham and seconded by Mr. Wronka to approve the Minutes of the
February 19, 2002 meeting without corrections. This motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Mr. Kazlo provided the members with a third reader copy of House Bill 488 - Examining Engineers - Sunset Extension and Program Evaluation, which contained the recent amendments. He advised that the proposed amendments would basically extend the Board of Examining Engineers for a period of another two years. It would also require the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation to submit to the legislature a report on the proposed structure and implementation of statewide stationary engineer licensing program.
The Board reviewed the request for reinstatement of a second grade stationary engineer license which had expired 27 years ago. Prior to the meeting staff had obtained a work history from the applicant for the period of time that the license had been expired. Executive Director, Charles Kazlo indicated to the members that counsel had some concern regarding this request for reinstatement. It was the opinion of the membership that the current law had no restrictions of time as to renewing a stationary engineer license. A review of the work history provided by the applicant reflected that he had been performing stationary engineering related maintenance work since the lapse of the license, but not within Baltimore City. It was the opinion of the industry members that his work history since the license lapse was adequate to allow the applicant to reinstate his license upon payment of the late charges due in addition to the renewal fee. Motion (II) was made by Charles Graham and seconded by JoAnn Hixon to allow the expired licensee the ability to renew his license without re-examination. This motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Ms. Hixon expressed her concerns regarding the procedure for renewing any license that has been expired for such a long period. She suggested the possibility of a regulation pertaining to the length of time expired.
The following applicants were been approved for the 1st grade examination.
Mohamed AliVictor BlandonGregory Blanton
Lawrence Bridgeman Darlene CarterThomas Christian
Jason ClementsMichael Engleman John Eusebio Jr.
Joseph Flowers Jr.Ham DooMonrieka Johnson
Michael KileyMark KingJoseph Lonsdale
Michael MorrisTyrone Queen Tony Reaves
Franklin Robinson Louis Yowell Jr.
The following applicants were approved to sit for the 2nd grade examination.
Charles Ashton Barbara Boucher Faith Fraley
Paul GriffinCurtis Hardy George Hopper III
Kenneth Kellner August Kilmon Jr.William Nep
Jose RodriguezChris Wall
The following applicants were approved to sit for the 3rd grade examination.
Salem Ahmed John Belbeck Jr.Kathy Bratton
Marcus CarrollLawrence Gray Dominique Ikossie
Mark Jackson Kenneth LawsonKlaus Loquasto
Noe Medrano Frederick Milburn Kenneth Nash
Clyde Roland John Somervelle Phillip Petry
Manuel Reynosa Eric SoleJoseph Tolson
Melvin Traband Jaun Vargus Mary Wilson
Motion (III) was made by Mr. Graham seconded by Mr. Wronka and unanimously carried by the Board to adjourn the Examining Engineers meeting at 10:25 a.m.
______With corrections
______Without corrections
Thomas Henderson, ChairmanDate