Ms. Skalicky/Social 9
Course Outline for Social 9
1. Course Objective: Students shall demonstrate understanding of the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and themes related to key events, concepts, and people in the historical development of the United States, including the convergence of people, colonization, settlement, the American Revolution, westward expansion and the Civil War.
2. Classroom Expectations:
Ø Be respectful to everyone-
§ Raise your hand and wait to be called upon.
§ Stay in your assigned seat unless you have permission to leave it.
§ Do not talk or be distracting during classroom presentations or during study time.
§ Group work and class discussion are going to be common- so please consider how your words will affect others before speaking.
§ This school (facilities, equipment, etc.) is a gift from the community, please treat it with respect.
Ø Be responsible-
§ Be on time for class, you must be inside the classroom when the bell rings or you are tardy. – see attendance policy in your handbook.
§ Be aware of deadlines; turn in assignments when they are due. Be prepared for tests or quizzes that you know are happening.
§ If you are absent, collect your “Make-Up Work Slip” along with any make-up work upon returning to class.
§ Bring all books and materials (see section below) to class.
§ Always use study time to your advantage.
Ø Always make the best effort possible.*No Excuses
Ø Always ask questions if you do not understand the material covered in class.
Ø Cheating and Plagiarism is never allowed in this classroom – students that are being dishonest will receive a zero on that assignment, quiz, test, project, etc… and the students’ parents/guardians will be notified. (-see student handbook for this policy)
3. What if I do not meet classroom expectations:
Ø Warning – be aware of your choice.
Ø The student will be removed from their peers either to the locker bank area or office
Ø School Administration may be involved; other steps and consequences set forth by the school may be taken.
Ø Parents will be notified and a meeting may be set up.
*The above list is subject to change, and it is not a progression. These are only possibilities listed above; however, if a student is not meeting classroom expectations the response will vary depending on the situation.
4. Materials needed for class:
* Bring these materials to class everyday!!
Ø 3 ring binder with 2 folders
Ø Loose leaf paper or a spiral notebook for assignments and notes
Ø Writing utensils (more than one pen or pencil)
Ø Textbook/School Device
Ø All materials that are handed out in class - you will have a comprehensive final exam for this class; therefore, keeping your unit materials will be important!!
5. Grading:
Ø Scale – (this grading scale is a common grading scale for all MHS Social Studies classes)
§ 94 and Up A
§ 90 A-
§ 87 B+
§ 84 B
§ 80 B-
§ 77 C+
§ 74 C
§ 70 C-
§ 67 D+
§ 64 D
§ 60 D-
§ Below F
Ø Your grade is made up of daily work and assessments. No part of your grade is weighted. You must complete all items in the assessments (quizzes, projects, tests, essays, etc.)category in order to be eligible to obtain a passing grade for the semester. These assessments show your understanding and level of proficiency of the class learning targets. Therefore, choosing not to complete an item from the assessments category will result in an automatic failing grade for that semester.
What to know about tests:
§ You will be told when and what format they are in.
§ Normally there will be class time devoted to review -you will always know what to study for. As a student it is your responsibility not only to utilize the time in class to study for tests, but also to study outside of class.
§ They could include any mixture of the following:
Ms. Skalicky/Social 9
o Essays
o Short Answer
o Multiple Choice
o True/False
o Matching
o Maps
Ms. Skalicky/Social 9
* If the format should change from the above options, students will be notified in advance.
6. Homework: is an everyday possibility within this class. I understand that your class schedule includes more classes than just this one, so I will try to allocate time in class for assignments to be worked on. However, work time will not be a possibility everyday or it is possible that an assignment will not be finished in the time provided. Homework is a possibility!!
7. Late Work: work is due on the assigned due date. High quality work is expected – meaning you do the assignment right the first time and you complete the assignment to learn, not just to finish for completion points.
Ø Consequences for Late Work:
§ Dropped one letter grade for each day late based on the points you earned. In other words, if you earn an A on the assignment and it is late, you will earn a B.
§ Example: for a 10 point assignment you earn 9/10; plus it is late, the final grade would be 8/10.
§ After 4 days, the assignment could end up being a zero, depending on the quality of the late assignment.
8. What if you are absent? The absence policy for Marshall High School will be followed. –see your student handbook
Ø It is the student’s responsibility to pick-up their make-up work (all make-up work is accompanied by a make-up work slip that specifies the work missed and when the make-up work is due). All make-up work must be turned in within two days of the student returning to class in order to receive full credit. Unless the student is absent for 3 or more consecutive days, and then they have 5 days from the day they return to class to turn in make-up work for full credit. If absences are extensive a specific arrangement will be reached between me and the student.
Ø If any work was assigned prior to a student’s absence, but due on the date that the student was absent is due the day the student returns to class. If a paper or project is due the day a student is absent, it needs to be dropped off at the school prior 1:30 pm on the day that it is due (or specific arrangements need to be made).
Ø If a student is absent on a day a quiz or test is given, that quiz or test will be made up the day the student returns to class.
Ø Any student who knows they will be absent from school must get their assignments from their teachers in advance. The assignment(s) will be due before they leave or upon their return.
Ø Make – Up Work:
1. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain their make-up work whenever they miss class!!
9. Electronics Policy: All personal devices (cellphone, ipods, etc.) will be parked on the back counter…if you do not feel comfortable leaving your device on the back counter then do not bring it into my classroom. Any personal device that is out during class time will be removed from the student’s possession. School devices are expected to be used for educational purposes only and I have the right to look at any device during classroom time to verify that the student is using it for appropriate class work.If I ask you to close or put devices screens down I expect that you do so. If a student is not using the device appropriately, the following may occur:
Ø First offense: verbal warning from the teacher
Ø Second offense: the electronic device will be taken for the remainder of the block
Ø Third offense: the electronic device will be given to the office and the consequences describe in the Marshall High School Handbook under ELECTRONIC DEVICES will be enforced
Ø Multiple offenses may mean that a student will lose the opportunity to use electronic devices in the classroom for the remainder of the year.
Ø The use of electronic devices and the decision of what constitutes a violation of this policy in the classroom is at the sole discretion of the teacher. Any extreme or severe misuse of a device (pornography, cyber bullying, etc.) will be addressed through the school’s law enforcement liaison.
*The above list is subject to change, and it is not a progression. These are only possibilities listed above; however, if a student is not using electronic devices appropriately the response will vary depending on the situation.
I have read and understood this course outline.
Student Name (please print): ______Block:______
Student signature: ______Date: ______
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name (please print): ______
Parent’s/Guardian’s signature: ______Date: ______
** Parent/Guardian’s contact information: ______
Parents/Guardians if you have any questions or concerns – please email or call me.
Email address:
Phone Number: 507-537-6920 ext. 1120
Due in class on: Friday – August 28, 2015