July 1, 2014

251-A/B Public Service Building

255 Capitol St., Salem, OR 97310

Members/Advisors Present
Serilda Summers-McGee / Board Vice -Chair / Mike Scott / Advisor, K-12 Admin
Charles Martinez / Board Member
Jerome Colonna / Board Member
Miranda Summer / Board Member
Anthony Veliz / Board Member
Members/Advisors Excused
Samuel Henry / Board Chair / Kevin Furey / Advisor, CC Faculty
Angela Bowen / Board Member / Jada Rupley / Advisor, Early Learning
Kate Brown / Ex Officio Board Member
Ted Wheeler / Ex Officio Board Member
Other Participants
Cindy Hunt / ODE / Emily Nazarov / ODE
Randy Schild / Tillamook School District

Audio recording and supporting documents are posted online.

Vice Chair Summers-McGee called the meeting to order at 10:05am.

Directors Henry and Bowen, Saxton, and Advisors Furey and Rupley were excused.

Public Comment

Gaelen McAllister, Sequoia Montessori School: McAllister thanked the board for reconsidering the proposal. The Sequoia developers are excited about the Montessori Model and proposal and welcome feedback from the board.

Sequoia Montessori School Sponsorship Request

Summers-McGee explained background of proposal.

Nazarov explained procedure of the motion to reconsider.

Martinez: Asked for clarification from the charter subcommittee regarding the lack of recommendation on the proposal.

·  Schild and Summers-McGee explained main concerns of subcommittee and no clear consensus to support or deny.

Martinez: Are the proposed contract conditions actually tenable and are they setting the school up for failure?

·  Hunt explained list of contract conditions in charter contracts, how list came to be developed, and why ODE sees those conditions as contributing to the creation of a stronger school.

Summers-McGee: If school goes through lottery and 90% of students do not meet the target demographic, can the contract be terminated?

·  Hunt explained we cannot discriminate based on race or ethnicity. Steps can be taken before lottery to increase likelihood of more diverse student body.

Summers-McGee: What is the timeline for the conditions?

·  Hunt explained

Schild: If demographics pan out, and school does enroll a diverse student body, would Summers-McGee support the school?

·  Summers McGee responded.

Summer: No doubt of commitment of sponsors. Uncomfortable with level of oversight and management requirement by board to ensure diversity goals will be met.

MOTION: Martinez moved to not approve the staff recommendation on the Sequoia Montessori School Sponsorship Request. Summer seconded.

VOTE by roll call: passed 4-1 (Henry and Bowen excused).

June 2014 Minutes

MOTION: Martinez moved to adopt the June 2014 Minutes. Colonna seconded.

VOTE: passed 4-0. (Henry, Bowen, and Summers-McGee excused).

Meeting adjourned at 10:35 am.

These minutes should be used as a guide to the digital recording of the meeting. Those who need detail will want to listen to the recording.