Ms. Borth’s English 2, 2013-2014

Welcome sophomores and parents! I am pleased to have you as a member of my class. Please read through the following information to understand how this year’s class will be structured.

Course Description:

English 2 is the study of World Literature. This course covers different genres of literature from around the world. Emphasis will be placed on understanding different cultures and ideas, and how people express them through literature. The other major area of focus is on the writing process. Frequent writing assignments will be given both in class and as assigned essays. Vocabulary and grammar lessons will be used to enhance the student’s basic skills. The final component to this course is listening and speaking.

Texts and Novels:May include all or a part of Holt Literature and Language Arts text, Julius Caesar, The Enders’ Game, The Hobbit, The Good Earth, Bless Me, Ultima, Things Fall Apart, Animal Farm and A Long Way Gone.Films:The Hobbit, Ender’s Game, Bless Me, Ultima and various short pieces to help illustrate the ideas, times and cultures covered in our readings.

Attendance/Tardy: Attendance is mandatory for success in this class! Students will be considered late if they are not in their seats and prepared to work at the start of class. Lates/Tardiesare disruptive to learning and will result in loss of points earned by warm-ups and reading quizzes at the beginning of class. Excessive lates/tardies(more than two) will result in detention. Chronically tardy students will be referred to administration.

Late Work: No late work will be accepted without prior approval by the teacher. If you have an excused absence you must see me before or after school or during Advisory (if returning on a Tues. or Wed. only) to get any assignments you missed and get notes from your peers. Work that was due on the day of the absence is expected on the day of your return to class. It is not my job to track you down and remind you. You will have one week from the day you return to make up all work. Check the teacher’s web site, where major assignments will be listed, or with the teacher.

Materials Needed: Composition book, paper, blue or black pens, pencils, SSR book, highlighter and red pen.

Organization is crucial to academic success. Your binder may be shared with another class so long as it is properly labeled. This composition book must stay at school everyday. If I do a spot check on in class practice and your composition book was not in the correct period basket, you will earn a zero.

All of your work must be kept in the composition book! You must have blue or black ink pens with you every day for assignments that you will turn in to me.

Grades are based on the following scale:

A = 100% - 89.5%

B = 89.4% - 79.5%

C = 79.4% - 69.5%

D = 69.4% - 59.5%

F = 59.4% and below


Practice (in class work) 30%

Composition/Projects 30%

Homework and quizzes 10%

Assessments 30%

Citizenship will be based on attitude, class participation, and behavior during class.

Classroom Rules/Behavior:

These rules are in addition to school-wide rules. Follow the dress code, too.

  • Be prompt: Be in your seat before the bell rings.
  • Be prepared: Clear desk of all materials not related to the assignment on the board. Have pen and paper ready before the bell. Turn off and put away cell phones. Five daily practice points will be taken off each time a student is seen using a cell phone, and thus not giving his or her full attention to class. Repeated defiance of this rule will result in a classroom suspension.
  • Be productive: Participate in class work and discussions. Put forth your best effort in all assignments. No plagiarism/cheating. *
  • Be positive: Refrain from behavior disruptive to learning. No backtalk, side comments or calling out.
  • Be respectful: Treat all students, the classroom, all materials and the teacher with respect. Listen.

*You are participating in plagiarism when you take someone else’s work and call it your own as well as when you give your work (including test answers) to someone else. ANY instance of academic dishonesty (regardless of the assignment) will be noted in the student’s discipline record.


Should infractions of the classroom or school rules arise, there will be several options for discipline:

Leaving the classroom: Students will be asked to leave the classroom temporarily to evaluate their behavior. Any material covered while the student is out of the class must be made up on the student’s own time. It is the student’s responsibility to get assignments that were given while he/she was out of the classroom.

Detention: Students will be given 24-hour notice to serve an after-school detention at the teacher’s discretion.

Classroom Suspension: Students may be suspended from class for up to two days for repeated or severe infractions, or if students fail to serve a detention. Parents will be contacted.

Additional Help/Office Hours: I am always willing to meet with students who need extra help, especially during Advisory. If you need to reach me please call me at 916-294-2450 x810287 or email me (by far the best way to reach me) at .

I look forward to working with you all and getting to know you better!

Thank you,

Suzanne Borth

English 2 – Ms. Borth

To Parent/Guardian: There may be times throughout the year when I need to get in touch with you. Please provide the following information.

Home Phone:______

Work Phone:______

Cell Phone: ______

Email address: ______

Please tell me three things you like about your child or think I should know about him/her.


We have read and understand the course requirements and policies.

______Student printed name/signature

______Parent printed name/signature

I give permission for our child to watch the films listed.

______Parent printed name/signature