May 8, 2013
@ Taunton Holiday Inn
Taunton, MA

Members Present Absent

Jeff Richards - Massachusetts Building Commissioner’s Association, Weymouth þ r


Donald R. Torrico - Building Officials of Western Massachusetts Member, Lee þ r

Vice Chairman

Michael Clancy - Southeastern Building Official’s Association, Hingham þ r

Chris Clemente - Member At Large, Andover r þ

Bonnie Weeks - Member At Large, Amherst þ r

Andrew Bobola - Member At Large, Mattapoisett r þ

Roger Fuller - Massachusetts Municipal Association Representative r þ

Peter McLaughlin - Member from Academia þ r

Bill Horrocks - BBRS Representative þ r

The purpose of the meeting was to review applications for certification, applications for continuing education credit, and general business matters.

/ Deny / M / S/M /
Meeting Minutes April 3, 2013 / A / MC / DT
On April 9, 2013, at their regular meeting, the Board of Building Regulations and Standards approved the February 6, 2013 meeting minutes.
Application for Certification:
Jordan, Donald
BO-1052 / Town of Wrentham / I of B Certification
Local Certification 12/17/1998
Quals Approved 2/1/2012
18 CEU’s / A / DT / BW
Murphy, James
BO-1771 / Town of Framingham / Local Certification
Quals approved 7/20/2010
8.5 CEU’s / A / BW / PM
Schuett, Ronald / No Affiliation
(Myrtle Beach) / Local and I of B Certification
Review Resume/Qualifications / A / PM / DT
Examination Approvals:
Copies of resumes provided today
Franks, Norman / No Affiliation
(Hopedale) / Qualifications Local and/or I of B / DENY / BH / PM
Maguire, Brian / No Affiliation
(Lynn) / Qualifications Local and/or I of B / A / BH / BW
Mason, James / No Affiliation
(Raynham) / Qualifications Local and/or I of B / A / BH / PM
Moody, Linda / No Affiliation
(Pepperell) / Qualifications Local and/or I of B / A / DT / MC
O’Reilly, James / No Affiliation
(Wayland) / Qualifications Local and/or I of B / A / BH / DT
Phifer, Stephen / No Affiliation
(Brimfield) / Qualifications Local and/or I of B / A / DT / PM
Sands, Patrick / No Affiliation
(Tyngsboro) / Qualifications Local and/or I of B
Quals Tabled 2/6/2013 – more info requested on supervisory experience specific to building construction
Quals Denied 3/6/2013 – no info rec’d. / A / DT / MC
Shaughnessy, Stephen / No Affiliation
(Harwich) / Qualifications Local and/or I of B / A / PM / DT
New Employee Report Forms:
R7.1.7.4 Conditional appointments 7. Any individual conditionally appointed as an inspector of buildings/building commissioner shall first be certified as a local inspector. ‘February, 2011’
Antanavica, Nicholas / Town of Auburn / Acknowledge NERF Building Commissioner
Appointed 10/15/2012
Local Certification 10/3/2012
Quals approved 6/7/2012
8.5 CEU’s / ACK / DT / PM
Cataldo, Edward / Town of Groton / Acknowledge NERF Building Commissioner
Appointed 4/2/2013
I of B 4/28/2004
26 CEU’s / ACK / DT / PM
Chandler, Jeffrey / Town of Plymouth / Acknowledge NERF Local Inspector
Appointed 4/1/2013
Quals approved 3/6/2013 / ACK / DT / PM
Hunter, Robert / Town of Bridgewater / Acknowledge NERF Local Inspector
Appointed 3/18/2013
Quals not received/reviewed / TABLE / DT / PM
Temple, Dean / Town of Auburn / Acknowledge NERF Local Inspector
Appointed 4/22/2013
Quals not received/reviewed / TABLE / DT / PM
Wight, Erik / Town of Agawam / Acknowledge NERF Inspector of Buildings
Appointed 4/16/2013
I of B Certification 6/18/1998
12 CEU’s / ACK / DT / PM
Extension Requests to be Certified:
R7. Requests for exam schedule extension. Upon written petition to the BOCC, any conditional appointee unable to comply with the examination schedule as cited in R7.1.7.4 may for cause, be granted an extension of time in order to comply. Petitions shall be forwarded to the clerk of the BOCC on forms for such purpose, and addressed to the office of the BBRS. The conditional appointee shall state all reasons to substantiate the request for an extension of time. Conditional appointees who have not attempted the examination schedule as herein defined during the prescribed period shall not be granted an extension, and no conditional appointee shall be afforded more than three extensions of time beyond the prescribed period for the level of certification sought. ‘January 1, 2008’
Travers, Richard / Town of Rutland / Extension for Building Commissioner request received April 8, 2013
Appointed 6/27/2011
6 months 12/31/2012
18/ months 12/31/2011
Quals approved 3/13/2006
Local Certification 3/13/2006
21 CEU’s
Failed Technology 3/27/2013
Mentioned he took the Technology exam December 2012, did not provide exam results, an email was sent requesting the information / DENY
Must request a hearing / DT / MC
Mroczka, Wesley / Town of Dudley / Denied Extension Request
Appointed 1/3/2011
(Interim 9/2010)
6 months 7/31/2011
18 months 7/31/2012
Local Certification 3/30/2005
2 CEU’s (2012)
Failed L/M 11/3/2012
Failed Tech 11/3/2012
Don Torrico opposed
October 22, 2012: Tabled for 6 months pending completing course with Louise Vera and taking the paper/pencil exam March 2013. / DENY
Must request a hearing / DT / MC
Extension Requests for Continuing Education:
New Business:
R7.4.1.4 Decisions and discipline of certification holders. The BOCC shall issue a written decision after the hearing. Decisions shall be issued in a reasonably prompt manner. The decision of the BOCC shall serve as a recommendation to the BBRS and shall be promptly forwarded by the Administrator to the full board for review. If after a hearing the BOCC finds that the holder has violated any provision of R7.4.1.5, it may recommend suspension of a certification for a fixed period of time, revocation of a certification permanently, or a reprimand of the certification holder. Further, the BOCC may recommend that any order include appropriate remedial or disciplinary conditions. Once forwarded to the BBRS, the board shall either, adopt the recommendation in its entirety, adopt the recommendation with amendment, reject the recommendation in its entirety, or remand the matter to the BOCC further proceedings. A certificate holder whose certification is revoked may apply in writing to the Board for reinstatement no sooner than one year from the date of the revocation.
Name / Date / Course Description / CEU’s / Cat / Course Number /
Approved Motion By: BW Second Motion By: PM
(*) Courses previously approved
District 11 / 4/2/2013 / Stretch Code / 1.0 / 2 / D11-0413
Ronald Durgin / 3/14/2013 / Significant Changes to the IFC 2012 / 8.0 / 2 / C-2293
3/15/2013 / Tenant Improvement Aspects of A,B, & M occupancies / 4.0 / 1 / C-2294
3/15/2013 / Continued Use and Reuse of Existing Buildings / 4.0 / 1 / C-2306
4/11/2013 / Fire Plan Review / 7.0 / 1 / C-2307
4/12/2013 / All you ever wanted to know about Fire Protection, but were afraid to ask / 7.0 / 1 / C-2308
DPS State Inspector Mtg / 4/8/2013 / Chapter 1 Review / 3.0 / 1 / SBI-0017
James Taylor / 4/8/2013 / Overview of Structural Design: 2003 IBC Chapter 16
Conn. / 3 / 1 / C-2309
Dan Bennett / 10/31/2012 / Fire & Life Safety IBC / 6.0 / 1 / C-2279*
James Kelly
(Sudbury) / 3/27/2013 / Maximize Your Existing Buildings: Guidelines for Adaptive Reuse / 1.0 / 1 / C-2310
3/27/2013 / Roofing: Common Failures and Key Design Decisions / 1.0 / 1 / C-2311
4/10/2013 / Campus Maintenance (Budgets & Building Maintenance): Condition Assessment and Capital Planning / 1.0 / 1 / C-2312
4/10/2013 / Facades: Inspections and Maintenance / 1.0 / 1 / C-2313
District 8 / 4/10/2013 / Air barriers & Additions to Existing Bldgs / 2.0 / 2 / D8-0413
Michael Donovan / 10/21/2012 / Photovoltaic Online / 5.5 / 1 / C-2261*
Gene Novak / 4/9/2013 / Interactive Seminar on site Plan Review / 2.5 / 1 / MW-0413
District 12 / 4/24/2013 / Zoning Denials / 3.0 / 1 / D12-0413
ICC / 5/2/2013 / Permit Tech Institute / 6.0 / 1 / IC-172
5/14/2013 / When Disaster Strikes Institute / 10.0 / 1 / IC-173
MBCIA / 4/25/2013 / New Construction Control Affidavits / 2.0 / 1 / MB-0413
James Paolini / 5/2/2013 / OSHA Fall Protection / 1.5 / 1 / C-2241
District 14 / 4/25/2013 / Stop Work orders / CO Forms / 2.0 / 1 / D14-0413
Harold Leaming / 4/2013 / Lift Maintenance LMS-2013 / 10.0 / 1 / C-2314
Shaun Shanahan / 2/2013 / 2009 IBC Construction Exam Center / 10.0 / 1 / C-2315
Gordon Bailey / 1/31/13 / Signs & Sign Bylaws Berkshire Regional Palling Comm / 2.0 / 1 / C-2316

Additional Business:

Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday June 5, 2013 – Sturbridge

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