P.O. BOX 818


(302) 744-2674


A State Aid to Local Law Enforcement/Emergency Illegal Drug Enforcement Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, 12 p.m. in the City of Dover Police Department conference room, which is located on 400 South Queen Street, Dover Delaware. The agenda will include the following:

I.  Approval of October 8, 2013 Minutes of the Meeting

II.  Approval of FY 14 State Aid to Local Law Enforcement Applications

S-17-14 Fenwick Island Police Department $4,142.37

Applicant requests approval to purchase 1 Remington shotgun, 2 Windham Weapons M-4 carbines, 1 Point Blank shield and weapon accessories (slings, sling adapters, shell holders and magazines).

S-18-14 Bridgeville Police Department $3,951.98

Applicant requests approval to use funds for a one time vehicle enhancement ad to purchase 2 Stinger flashlights with chargers and 2 Body Armors.

S-19-14 Selbyville Police Department $4,142.37

Applicant requests approval to use funds to purchase 2 portable barricade/speed bumps; 5 body worn video recorders; 1 WindowsSurface tablet; 3 Ballistic shields.

III.  Approval of FY 14 Emergency Illegal Drug Enforcement Applications

D-16-14 Wilmington Police Department $31,944.36

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for their Drug, Vice and Organized Crime Division to perform specialized drug investigations.

D-17-14 Rehoboth Beach Police Department $4,481.79

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for drug investigations and to purchase 2 body armors.

D-18-14 Bridgeville Police Department $3,493.93

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for drug investigations.

D-19-14 Selbyville Police Department $3,592.72

Applicant requests approval to use funds for overtime for high visibility drug patrols and investigations.

IV.  Other Business

A. Grant Adjustments

S-12-11 Delaware City Police Department

Requests approval to amend grant as follows:

Category / Approved Budget / Amendment / Change
Overtime / $1,511.94 / $ 0.00 / -1.511.94
6 Glocks 21SF/23 w/magazines and w/trade-in / 612.52 / 1,527.08 / +914.56
7 Level III Retention duty holsters / 628.46 / 628.46 / 0.00
7 Magazine pouches / 189.36 / 189.36 / 0.00
Upgrade Taser Supplies / 479.00 / 479.00 / 0.00
One time vehicle Enhancement / 0.00 / 597.38 / +597.38
Total / $3,421.28 / $3,421.28 / 0.00

S-07-12 Delaware City Police Department

Requests approval to amend grant as follows:

Category / Approved Budget / Amendment / Change
Drug Training / 463.73 / 463.73 / 0.00
Buy Money / 500.18 / 500.18 / 0.00
Overtime / 3,183.72 / 2,681.10 / -502.62
One time vehicle Enhancement / 0.00 / 502.62 / +502.62
Total / $ 4,147.63
/ $4,147.63 / 0.00

D-19-13/D-15-14 New Castle City Police Department

Requests approval to amend grant as follows:

Transfer balance of funds in the amount of $1,944.52 from D-19-13 to D-15-14 and to amend D-15-14 as follows:

Category / Approved Budget / Amendment / Change
Overtime / $4,179.37 / $5,793.89 / +1,614.52
Drug Testing Supplies / 500.00 / 500.00 / 0.00
Buy/Informant Funds / 0.00 / 330.00 / +330.00
Total / $4,679.37 / $6,623.89 / +1,944.52

V. Adjournment