SCAAE Board MeetingMarch 28, 2013

Members in Attendance: Kevin Sox, Blake Berry, Robert Bollier, Lee Mayfield, Darla Steele, Mike Crim

State AG Ed Staff in Attendance: Billy Keels, Keith Cox

Opened: 5:13 P.m.

Kevin began a review of the March 11th SCAAE officers Retreat Meeting minutes that included:

  • Mini-grant
  • Plant presentation
  • Tagged at state convention
  • Region V discussion

Mike made motion to accept minutes, Blake seconded. Approved

Kevin discussed new registration fee that was voted on at March 11th meeting

  • Early bird fee, invoicing and postdating checks


  • Bert Beasley is still handling SCAAE awards
  • It was decided to present Wesley Harris his John W. Parris Award during his time on stage at the SC State Convention
  • Each board member bring a door prize to the Summer Conference for the silent auction to raise money for a scholarship fund:
  • Blake suggested scholarship money be used for FFA members majoring in Ag Ed.
  • Darla suggested second year Ag Ed students
  • Discussion
  • Darla made motion that we give the SCAAE Scholarship to upper level age d college students
  • Lee seconded
  • Voted and motion approved

Every officer must bring a “Nice” item to the Summer Conference and bringing items needs to be promoted at the regional meetings.

  • Still a push to recognize new teachers at the summer conference
  • Kevin discussed board decision to add ACTE National dues to SCAAE dues and registration fee
  • Kevin mentioned NAAE Convention in Las Vegas
  • Kevin handed out treasurer’s report on Mindy’s behalf:
  • Mike approved report
  • Lee seconded
  • Approved
  • Billy Keels discussed April 17 Plant Presentation at State House
  • Pat Black will MC
  • Teachers are expected to bring 3 flats
  • Kevin discussed re-evaluating the Plant Presentation idea or establishing a state wide day of service for FFA members
  • Mike discussed a Day of Service similar to WLC for the Fair or State Convention
  • Blake and Kevin discussed establishing a large state-wide service project for the future
  • Billy discussed Regional Teachers Meeting Agenda and the Farm to Fair Program
  • Under the awards section of the regional meeting Kevin added the SCAAE Distinguished Teacher of the Year
  • NAAE Region V Meeting in Sevierville, TN: Robert, Blake and Robin will be going
  • Billy Keels gave a draft agenda of the SCAAE Summer Conference
  • Some discussion was made on the calendar concerning the dates of CDEs (Agronomy, Tool ID and Turf the Day before Easter)
  • It was recommended that Bert Beasley prepare the bios for all SCAAE award winners so that everyone receives a fair and uniform introduction
  • Kevin will contact Mr. Parris to discuss candidates for the John W. Parris Award
  • Billy presented draft of SCAAE workshops
  • Billy presented the idea of encouraging attendance by giving credit for the banquet and workshops through a sticker program
  • Billy and Keith discussed Museum of Ag Ed at FFA Camp
  • Landscaped walkway between gym and cafeteria paved with bricks bearing names
  • Memorabilia in glass cases in cafeteria
  • Keith introduced ideas about State Convention
  • Award for chapter with most members present
  • Live video streaming of convention

Adjourned: 7:22 pm