STAT Program Update Component III: Communication


Discuss the following questions and prepare a brief written response on behalf of the workgroup to be submitted to by July 19, 2013. It is recommended that each workgroup member individually complete the assignment prior to the group discussion; however, only one response per workgroup should be submitted. The workgroup should also identify a reporter who will present a brief summary of the workgroup’s recommendations during the in-person meeting in five minutes or less.

**Special note:Communication is a new stand-alone component. Please review the standards, indicators and suggested examples from all sections of the STAT Review Guide to consider for Standards and Indicators related to Communication, and add any additional Standards and Indicators specific to this core component.

Workgroup Members: List the names of the members of the workgroup participating in the discussion.

Peg Ogea Ginsburg

Lisa VanderWerf-Hourigan

Lori Haskett

Billie Weiss

Current: What does “State of the States” tell us about how state health department (SHD) injury and violence prevention (IVP) programs currently function in this area? What does the new report “Building Safe States” say about this component area?

This is a new component: Communication, Building Safe States (Draft document) focuses on re-framing the way we communicate about injury and violence prevention. It provides some examples of ways in which campaigns have been successful, and demonstrates reframing the way data are presented. Suggestions are made regarding using “social math”, cost benefit analogies and using new graphics and other attention getting data displays.

Future: What would a model state health department (SHD) injury and violence prevention (IVP) program look like related to this area five years from today?

Standards and Indicators: Given the current status and future ideal, what standards and indicators should be kept in this section? What indicators may belong in other sections? What indicators should be revised? Whatstandards and indicators should be removed entirely? Whatstandards and indicators should be edited? What standards and indicators should be added? (TEAM MAY WISH TO RECORD ANSWERS IN THE TABLE BELOW)

Examples:What examples are needed for the new and revised indicators? For indicators that remain, what examples are still relevant? What examples need to be revised or added?(TEAM MAY WISH TO RECORD ANSWERS IN THE TABLE BELOW)

Standard: In the state health department, there is a designated, functioning, core program which is responsible for providing leadership, coordination, and visibility for injury and violence prevention (IVP).

Indicators / Example(s) Provided / (Keep, Add, Edit, Move, Remove)
a)The Injury and Violence Prevention Program (IVPP) develops and implements a plan to prevent injury in the state, including specific objectives, interventions, implementation activities, and evaluation. / IVPP’s plan(s)
Any other relevant strategic plans and documents
Other Plan is on the IVPP Website and a progress report is done annually, and posted on the website and distributed to internal and external partners. / Add communication
b)IVP is included in all relevant state health and safety planning documents. / Statewide health plan including IVP
Statewide IVP plan
Health Department’s plan including IVP
Health Department’s IVP plan
Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grant needs assessment and service plan
Preventive Health Services Block Grant needs assessment and service plan
Other ______/ Add to Communication and distribution plan.
c)The IVPP coordinates and collaborates with other state agencies to develop a comprehensive statewide IVP plan. / A free standing plan with goals and objectives that identify potential opportunities, obstacles and implementation strategies
Other Post on website / “
d)State law mandates an IVPP. / Statute mandating a public health IVPP
Other ______/ May want to add language that includes agreement, etc. and remove mandate.
e)The IVPP is a key contact for others who are interested in IVP. / Technical assistance logs
Record of contacts with media, legislators, community and professional organizations, and relevant executive level committees
Documentation of referrals to other organizations
Information about the number of website hits
Other ______/ Add Communication
f)The IVPP enhances statewide visibility by informing the State Health Director, other health department programs/offices, public, partners and decision-makers about the injury and violence problem and the program’s value and accomplishments. / Press releases
Program brochure with clear description of the mission of the injury prevention program, what it does, and why it is needed
Documentation of actions taken to share information about the value and accomplishments of the IVPP and collaborate with decision-makers and partners (e.g., governor; state health director, state health department public information officer, state health department legislative affairs officer, other department directors and/or staff of other state agencies; consumer and advocacy groups; community coalitions; advisory committee)
Other ______/ Communication
g)The IVPP develops and utilizes a culturally appropriate marketing plan. / Marketing plan
Other _ / “
h)The IVPP collaborates with other state level agencies, committees and organizations to develop knowledge and awareness of the various IVP activities in place in the state. / Advisory committee reports
Network activity reports
Interdepartmental IVP plan
Participation in state and local committees
Other ______/ “
i)The IVPP coordinates and utilizes a statewide advisory committee including key internal and external stakeholders. / List of advisory committee members
Description of role/responsibilities of advisory committee
Advisory committee meeting minutes
Advisory committee reports
Other Post on website
j)The IVPP provides leadership to ensure that local grantees receive support from staff. / List of local grantees
Description of the state program’s role in administering and coordinating local grantees
Written procedure for local grantees to obtain financial and technical support from the state program
Documentation of training needs assessments for local grantees
Other ______

Standard: The organizational placement and staffing supports a comprehensive statewide IVPP.

Indicators / Example(s) Provided / (Keep, Add, Edit, Move, Remove)
a)There is knowledgeable and supportive oversight of the IVPP. / Organization chart
Frequency of meetings with IVPP director’s supervisor
Resume of IVPP director’s supervisor
Other ______/ Add to Communication
b)The IVPP has a qualified, full-timedirector. / Position description for the IVPP director, % of time devoted to the IVPP, qualifications required
Resume of director
Participation in state, regional, andnational associations, organizations, advisory committees, etc (public health and injury specific)
Participation in internal management structures within the health department
Other ______
c)Core staff members have permanent positions. / Documentation of funding source, employer and physical location of all IVPP staff
Other ______
d)A priority is placed on achieving or maintaining a diverse staff. / Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) plan
Other ______
e)Staffing includes support staff adequate to program needs (e.g., clerical staff). / Organization chart
Other ______

Standard: The IVPP staff receives orientation, basic IVP training, on-the-job training, and continuing education.

Indicators / Example(s) Provided / (Keep, Add, Edit, Move, Remove)
a)New IVPP staff members are mentored by experienced staff members. / Mentoring assignments
Agendas which show that expertise is shared at staff meetings or team meetings
Other ______
b)The IVPP’s director establishes mechanisms for regular communication among staff. / List or flow chart of systems to facilitate communication
Staff meeting schedule
Sample of staff meeting agendas or minutes
Other ______
c)The IVPP director assesses the training needs of state staff and creates professional development plans using the National Training Initiative Core Competency Assessment Tool. / Resumes of staff members –Post on website
Completion of National Training Initiative Core Competency Assessment Tool
Professional development plans
Other ______/ Add communication
d)IVPP staff keep abreast of the field, maintain and advance their training in IVP. / Participation in state and national forums with colleagues
Participation in professional associations, meetings, etc (i.e. Safe States Alliance, APHA, etc)
Other ______/ Add Communication
e)The IVPP staff utilizes current information resources. / Internet access, subscriptions to IVP journals and list-serves, resource library and teleconferences
Agendas from training sessions on topics such as how to locate journal articles, useful websites and search engines, etc
Documentation of contacts with national resource centers (i.e. Children’s Safety Network, Suicide Prevention Resource Center, etc)
Other ______/ Add to communication

Standard: The IVPP takes action to obtain funding that adequately supports its core functions and is commensurate with the nature and scope of the injury problem in the state.

Indicators / Example(s) Provided / (Keep, Add, Edit, Move, Remove)
a)Dedicated funding in the state budget for the IVPP has been obtained. / Evidence of the program’s participation in state budget processes (memos, meeting minutes, etc)
Copies of relevant pages from the state budget that show support for the IVPP
Completion of IVP Program Funding template
Chart showing program funding for previous 5 years
Evidence of working with the Advisory Committee to develop a plan to address dedicated funding issue
Other ______
b)The IVPP participates in the priority setting processes of the Preventive Health and Health Services (PHHS) Block Grant, the Title V (MCH) Block Grant, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) “402” grant processes, the SAFETY-LU grant processes, and other state and local level budget and grant processes. / Evidence of the program’s participation in budgeting and grant processes (memos, meeting minutes, etc)
Other ______
c)The IVPP tracks potential funding and maintains funding from diverse sources (i.e., state, federal and private sources). / Multi-year budgets and list of current grants and contracts applied for and received, including funding level
Budgets or documents of funding from MCH or PHHS block grants
List of funding sources utilized and others that may be available
Other ______
d)Funding is available for the implementation of IVPPs at the local level. / Requests for proposals (RFP) for local programs
Contracts to local agencies or organizations
Budget allocations to the IVPP
Contracts with private foundations and organizations to obtain funding for local projects
Other ______

Standard: The IVPP has access to and/or collects injury and violence related data.

Indicators / Example(s) Provided / (Keep, Add, Edit, Move, Remove)
a)The IVPP accesses the 11 core data sets identified in the Consensus Recommendations for Injury Surveillance in State Health Departments report. / Completion of Core Data Sets Template
Other ______
b)The IVPP collaborates with offices responsible for vital records, hospital discharge data and behavioral risk surveys to develop plans for optimal use of the data. / Reports, records or plans of efforts, or outcome reports to improve data accessibility, data collection, and analysis and use (e.g. work plans or meeting minutes)
Other ______
c)The IVPP collaborates with offices/agencies that have data on specific types or mechanisms of injury, by providing input on the development of plans for optimal use of their data, improving the quality of the data, and improving the data’s utility for prevention purposes. / Reports or records of efforts to improve data collection and analysis and indicators of results of those efforts (e.g. work plans or meeting minutes)
Other ______
d)The IVPP conducts needs assessments to support effective program implementation, including original data collection and use of existing data sets. / Data collection instruments
Reports of the findings from needs assessments
Examples of data-based program activities
Other ______
e)The IVPP maintains data or information systems about priority injuries. / Variable lists for specific data sets (e.g., playground injuries, firearm-related injuries, or other priority injuries)
Other ______
f)The IVPP promotes integration of injury surveillance and information systems with general public health surveillance, consistent with the Consensus Recommendations for Injury Surveillance in State Health Departments report. / State surveillance plan that includes injury as an integral component
Reports of data analyses showing that the data office in the state health department routinely analyzes injury data along with their other data
Demonstration that individual data sets (e.g., vital statistics, hospital discharge data, BRFSS) are used for multiple surveillance purposes
Other ______
g)The IVPP provides technical assistance to other groups and agencies about surveillance systems and data use (either suggesting new systems or improving existing systems). / Reports of technical assistance provided and results of that technical assistance
Other ______/ Add to Communication

Standard: The IVPP strives to improve data quality.

Indicators / Example(s) Provided / (Keep, Add, Edit, Move, Remove)
a)The IVPP has assessed the completeness and accuracy of all 11 core data sets. / Completion of Core Data Sets template
Description of reported cases compared to population represented by the data set
Results of the specific studies or assessment by data set managers
Reports of surveillance system evaluations
Documents describing data limitations, strengths and implications for use
Other ______
b)The data collected or maintained by the IVPP meet rigorous quality standards. / Protocol for protecting data confidentiality and evidence of implementation
Variable definitions that are consistent with research and surveillance data sets used by IVPP
Protocol for eliminating data duplication in other sources
Documentation of adherence to IRB and other research subject/data protection protocols
Other ______
c)When reporting on injury incidence rates, the IVPP has assessed whether each injury event was counted only once. / Documentation of use of unique patient identifier in each data set or removal or duplicate cases
Summary of results from specific studies on data quality
Other ______
d)The IVPP collaborates with other agencies and community groups to establish and periodically reassess the variables, assigned values and grouping of values in each data set. / List of variables and assigned values that have been used to assess injury outcome disparities and explanation of the selection process
Other ______
e)The IVPP establishes clear operational definitions of variables such as “race,” “ethnicity,” and “socioeconomic status” and provides those definitions in all reports that use the terms. / Definitions of variables used
Other ______

Standard: The IVPP conducts data analysis and regularly monitors injury and violence indicators.

Indicators / Example(s) Provided / (Keep, Add, Edit, Move, Remove)
a)The IVPP conducts surveillance of the 14 recommended conditions identified in the Consensus Recommendations for Injury Surveillance in State Health Departments report. / Completion of Injury/Injury Risk Factor Surveillance template
Other ______
b)Surveillance data are used to track injury incidence, determine the frequency of different mechanisms of injury, identify groups at highest risk for different mechanisms of injury, and recommend prevention priorities. / Reports of data identifying or tracking leading cause(s) of injury – Post on website
Documentation of how surveillance data have been used to establish prevention priorities and programs
Other ______/ Add to communication
c)The IVPP monitors and reports disparities in injury rates among different groups (e.g., age group, gender, race/ethnicity, rural/urban, counties/regions). / Reports of disparities in injury rates, post on website
Documentation of how surveillance data have been used to monitor disparities in injury rates
Other ______/ Add to communication
d)As with other health conditions, a mechanism is in place to alert state and local health officials to injury hazards and injury clusters and risk factors that require timely investigations or field studies. / A protocol for alerting officials about injury hazards, trends, or clusters that require a timely reaction
Examples of health alerts issued
Evidence that such events have been identified and investigated
Other _Post on Website / ”
e)The IVPP uses the results from behavioral risk surveys (BRFSS, YRBS, child health surveys, etc) to monitor trends in IVP beliefs and practices. / Documentation of how behavioral risk survey results have been used to monitor trends
Other ______
f)The IVPP links data sets when it is appropriate and useful to do so. / Identification of common data elements, if any, in the 11 core data sets, that enable linkage
Data file utilizing at least two of the data sets
Other ______

Standard: The IVPP regularly disseminates data.

Indicators / Example(s) Provided / (Keep, Add, Edit, Move, Remove)
a)The IVPP disseminates reports to relevant coalitions and partners, including appropriate programs within the state health department (e.g., MCH, Health Statistics, Rural/Minority Health), local health departments and public health agencies, hospitals and trauma centers, other state agencies, prevention advocates and practitioners, and all levels of government (state and local), as well as the general public. / Data request log
Examples of data provided
Other ______
b)The IVPP distributes reports on injury disparities and invites feedback from other agencies, organizations, and community groups. / List of variables and assigned values that have been used to assess injury outcome disparities and explanation of the selection process
Documents requesting feedback on reports
Summaries of feedback from other agencies, organizations and community groups
Other Post on Website
c)Program reports (e.g. state publications, peer-reviewed articles, websites, newsletters) are readily accessible. / Recent publications
Program reports that have been adapted or formatted for different target audiences (e.g., policy makers, local health departments, media)
Other _Post on Website______/ Add to communications
d)IVP staff participate in or make presentations to local, state, and national groups about injury and violence data. / Examples or lists of presentations about injury and violence data
Other ______
e)Data files or custom data reports are provided to individuals or groups upon request and in a timely fashion, consistent with any data protection regulations. / Protocol for obtaining data
Data request log
Other ______

Standard: The IVPP conducts and/or participates in research activities.