NBAAA Meeting Minutes
January25, 2009
Meeting Attendance: Jeff Henderson, Dennis Hensch, Cris Anderson, Jeff Sampson, John Pilz
Next Meeting The next meeting for the NBAAA board will be on Sunday 2/8/2009 at the Villages in North Branch.
Meeting notes: The meeting notes from 1-11-2009 were read and approved by the committee.
Amendment to the by-laws: Jeff Henderson introduced an amendment to the NBAAA by-laws, to include the following:
Committees: the board of directors shall commission committees at its discretion to fulfill the needs of the NBAAA. The chairperson for all committees will be appointed by the NBAAA board of directors. Any committee that has or is expected to be n existence for longer than a one year period of time shall be classified as a Standing Committee. The chairperson of any standing committee will sit on the board of directors of the NBAAA and will have full privileges of a director.
Jeff made a motion and Cris second that motion, to adapt these updates to the NBAAA by-laws. The motion passed. The current NBAAA by-laws will be sent to the county with this revision added to the end.
Background checks for all coaches: Cris and Gordy have been requested to research the cost of doing background checks, on coaches,for all organizations associated with the NBAAA. Guidelines for background checks are currently being used by the Minnesota Hockey association and other organizations. Jeff will see what these other groups are using and make suggestions for the guidelines that NBAAA organizations will use.
Recruiting Affiliates: The NBAAA is set up to assist youth sports organizations. We need to approach these North Branch organizations to offer our services. Jeff has agreed to approach both the Hockey and Football organizations, about becoming members. Dennis will approach both the Soccer and Basketball organizations. Each will report back, by the next meeting, more information about these organizations.
Short term goals for the NBAAA:
1-Jeff will approach Myron, about working on the NBAAA web page. He will also approach Phil Link, for ideas on setting up a football organization web page.
2-D & O Insurance to protect the NBAAA members. Jeff will check on the cost of doing this. We would cover board members for any affiliated organization as well as NBAAA board members.
3-Storage units may be helpful for more than just one organization. Jeff will check with a few local storage units for quotes. Both Football and Baseball are interested in sharing the space.
Rec night proceeds: Cris made a motion and Dennis second,to give $500.00 for the organization that helps with Rec night. The motion passed.
Youth Rec Night: This will be held on 1/30/2009 from 7:00-9:30 pm. The people working the event will attempt to turn away all kids under 5th grade, and anyone that is in 7th grade or higher. Posters were given to the principals of both the Middle and Sunrise schools.
Myron purchasedthree wireless speakers to be used in the cafeteria during Rec night. Jeff will contact Myron about an Ipod stand withmusicand a play list. Dennis and Barb will take care of concessions. Dennis has the Dodge balls. Cris has the volley balls. Jeff has the Tupperware containers for the Rec night. In these containers I found the following: Nacho trays, plates, paper towels, rubber gloves, a first aide kit, a stobe like light a banner a stick and a stereo.
Sandwich board: Dennis will work on the sandwich board for Rec night. This will have a note about Rec night and the time of the event.
Nonprofit status: Cris will check to see if we need to apply for our Non Profit status every year. She will report to her findings at the next board meeting.