MTAC WG # 139

Start-The-Clock for All Business Mail

Postal Co-Chair: Chris Simone;

Industry Co-Chair: Rose Flanagan;

Meeting Notes

Meeting Date: September 2, 2010

Introductions made, reviewed Issue Statement

>need to make sure we review current practices and coordinate with USPS Mailing Standards, USPS Acceptance, USPS Operations and Industry

Start the Clock
>for PVDS mail
>for non-Full Service mail – Basic, non-automation. Will look at all entry areas to see what can be done for each. This is for both confirm and non-confirm mailings. Starting with letters and flats, to extend to other areas.

>use Mail.XML for data exchange

>October 24 expected completion date

>Meeting timing – There is a small task group conflict for a few weeks. We’ll be keeping the Thursday 2pm, weekly for 1 hour, if more time is needed on a topic, we will plan time into the following week’s meeting.

>Please send Rose/Chris “areas of focus” members represent, so that it can be assured that all facets are represented.

>Please log in to meeting place, with name, so that attendance can be pulled from the online list. This will keep us from having to take attendance while ensuring representation.

>Agenda to come out by COB on Tuesday please get agenda items to Rose/Chris by COB on Monday for inclusion in that week’s meeting.

Beth Bigelow/Shariq Mirza

> Request from industry for STC info outside of Full service. Goal has been to take what was done for Full Service and expand to cover other areas to generate and communicate Start the Clock information between Postal and Industry.

> Replacement for EMD for Confirm users

> Reviewed current Start the Clock for Full service -
>drop ship / plant load – STC is driven by FAST appointment – appointment matched up to Critical Entry Time in order to determine Day Zero

>DDU Container scan time matched up to CET to determine day zero.
> CETs are set by operations for drop ship, by individual DDU for DDUs - to be confirmed by Rose/Chris

>BMEU – recorded at postage statement level, compared to CET in CSA or for unit

> STC calculated at container level – info to mail owner and mail preparer or designee via Mail.XML or pulled from online reports in Business Customer Gateway

Postal Service Vision / Beth Bigelow

> Keep as many of the same business rules that apply to Full service, and apply to other than Full service.

>drop sip – at the appointment level – to logistics provider, mail owner, mail preparer – via edoc

>no PDR required for any of these options

>mail owner not required

>Start the Clock will be made available to Third Parties such as Confirm providers. Concerns raised about Third parties not identified in eDocs.

> DDU and DMU verified solution hasn’t been identified

> BMEU would look at existing Full Service rules and adapt them

>Questions came up regarding cost associated with this service. No plans to charge at this time.

Beth and Shariq will present USPS plan next week

MITS WG#139 – Log-In Information

User Name: WG 139

Password: stc123