Starfish Tracking Items Reference Guide

Starfish Flag reference Guide

Category 1 - Academic Flags for Routine Concerns

The following flags can be raised by an instructor within a course to report a specific area of concern. These flagsmay also be included as part of a progress survey:

  1. 1st Classed Missed
  2. Attendance/Participation Concern
  3. Missing/Late Assignments
  4. Low Grades
  5. Academic Plan Concern
  6. Academic Advising Flag

Category 1 Flag characteristics

  1. 1st Class Missed

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
Assigned Advisor /  /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Flagged Student /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Instructor /  /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Front Desk

Permission only applies to users with role in the course in which the student is flagged

Permission applies to all users with role

  1. Attendance/Participation Concern

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
All Regions /  / 
Assigned Advisor /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Flagged Student /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Instructor /  /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Front Desk

Permission only applies to users with role in the course in which the student is flagged

Permission applies to all users with role

  1. Missing/Late Assignments

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
Assigned Advisor /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Flagged Student /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Instructor /  /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Front Desk

Permission only applies to users with role in the course in which the student is flagged

Permission applies to all users with role

4. Low Grades

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
Assigned Advisor /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Flagged Student /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Instructor /  /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Front Desk

Permission only applies to users with role in the course in which the student is flagged

Permission applies to all users with role

5. Academic Plan Concern

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
Assigned Advisor /  /  / 
Central Administrator /  /  / 
Chair /  /  / 
Dean /  /  / 
Flagged Student /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  /  / 
Instructor /  /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  /  / 
Vice Chancellor /  /  / 
Front Desk

Permission only applies to users with role in the course in which the student is flagged

Permission applies to all users with role

6. Academic Advising Flag

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
Assigned Advisor /  /  / 
Flag Raiser /  /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  /  / 

Permission applies to all users with role

Category 1 Flag management workflow:

Initial Response: / Advisor should respond within 2 work days. If no advisor is assigned, the regional advising center staff should take ownership of the flag and add comments noting who will follow up with the student and make sure the student gets an assigned advisor.
Protocol: / 1 phone call attempt and personal email (minimum 2 call attempts if no connection).
Leave a voice mail.
Email is automatically generated by Starfish when the flag is raised.
Closure / Advisor documents student interaction (attempts at contact) in flag comments.
Advisor closes the flag and includes a close loop message to the faculty member who raised the flag.
If there are follow-up activities, they should be captured as a ‘to do’ item or ‘referral’ rather than keeping the flag open.

Category 1 Flag Details (repeats for each flag)

1.1st Classed Missed
Description: / Raise this flag for students who have missed the first class of the term.
Course Context: / Faculty must specify the course for which the concern is being raised.
Flag raiser comments are: / Optional
Included in the email to the student
Talking Points/Message / Are you aware you are registered for this course?
Consistent attendance is important to academic success.
2.Attendance/Participation Concern
Description: / Raise this flag for students who have missed 2 or more class sessions in a row or 3 or more total class sessions in a term.
Course Context: / Faculty must specify the course for which the concern is being raised.
Flag raiser comments are: / Required
Included in the email to the student
Talking Points/Message / I understand that you haven’t been engaged in this course (specify course) – are there specific challenges?

  1. Missing/Late Assignments

Description: / Raise this flag when the student has missed assignments or consistently turns in work late.
Course Context: / Faculty must specify the course for which the concern is being raised.
Flag raiser comments are: / Required
Included in the email to the student
Talking Points/Message / Specify the specific assignments the student is missing.
Make sure to point out how assignments are weighted in your course.
  1. Low Grades

Description: / Raise this flag when the student has low grades in the class. Instructor should indicate if the student is in danger of failing the course.
Course Context: / Faculty must specify the course for which the concern is being raised.
Flag raiser comments are: / Required
Included in the email to the student
Talking Points/Message / Have you talked to your instructor?
Are you aware of your grade in this course (specify course)?
  1. Academic Plan Concern

Description: / Raise this flag when the student has gone off their Academic Plan.
Course Context: / Not entered.
Flag raiser comments are: / Required
Included in the email to the student
Talking Points/Message / You have not signed up for all classes on your academic plan.
Discuss adjusting academic plan.
  1. Academic Advising Flag

Description: / Flag raised for specific advising interventions.
Course Context: / Not entered
Flag raiser comments are: / Required
Included in the email to the student

Category 2 – Academic flags for concerns that don’t fit into a standard designation

The following flag can be raised by faculty and advising staff to report a general area of concern. Raise this flag to identify an issue with the student that may not easily fit into another category. The student will not see this flag.

  1. General Concern

Category 2 Flag characteristics

  1. General Concern

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
Assigned Advisor /  /  /  / 
Central Administrator /  /  / 
Chair /  /  / 
Dean /  /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  /  /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  /  / 
Instructor /  /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  /  / 
Front Desk

Permission only applies to users with role in the course in which the student is flagged

Permission applies to all users with role

Category 2 Flag management workflow:

Initial Response: / Advisor should respond within 2 work days. If no faculty advisor is assigned, the regional advising center staff should take ownership of the flag and add comments noting who will follow up with the student.
Protocol: / Depends on concern
Closure / Advisor documents student interaction (attempts at contact) in flag comments.
Advisor closes the flag and includes a close loop message to the member who raised the flag.
If there are follow-up activities, they should be captured as a ‘to do’ item or ‘referral’ rather than keeping the flag open.

Category 2 Academic Flag Details

1.General Concern
Description: / Raise this flag for students for a general concern that does not fall into the standard set of academic flags defined.
Course Context: / Flag raiser should address his or her general concern about the student.
Flag raiser comments are: / Required
Talking Points/Message: / Make sure to provide details that will help the advisor know how to proceed.

Category 3 – Academic Concern

Raise this flag when a student has failed to meet multiple objectives for/within the course. Examples include the following: tests, assignments, and/or attendance/participation. In the comments, please be sure to provide specific objectives not being met.

  1. Academic Concern

Category 2 Flag characteristics

  1. Academic Concern

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
Assigned Advisor /  /  /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Flagged Student /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  /  /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  /  / 
Instructor /  /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  /  / 
Front Desk

Permission only applies to users with role in the course in which the student is flagged

Permission applies to all users with role

Category 3 Flag Management Workflow:

Initial Response: / Advisor should respond within 2 work days. If no faculty advisor is assigned, the regional advising center staff should take ownership of the flag and add comments noting who will follow up with the student.
Protocol: / 1 phone call attempt (minimum 2 call attempts if no connection).
Leave a voice mail
Email is automatically generated by Starfish when the flag is raised.
Closure / Advisor documents student interaction (attempts at contact) in flag comments.
Advisor closes the flag and includes a close loop message to the faculty member who raised the flag.
If there are follow-up activities, they should be captured as a ‘to do’ item or ‘referral’ rather than keeping the flag open.

Category 3 Academic Flag Details

1.Academic Concern
Description: / Raise this flag for students for a general concern that does not fall into the standard set of academic flags defined.
Course Context: / Faculty should specify the course for which the concern is being raised.
Other users may raise aflag fora specific course.
Flag raiser comments are: / Required
Included in the email to the student

Category 4- System raised flags

1)Withdrew from course

2)Program change

3)Primary advisor change

4)Off academic plan

5)Off academic plan-Udirect

6)Failed all courses

7)Dropped course flag

8)6 raised flags

9)3 appointment no shows

10)Midterm grade flag D or F

Category 4 Flag Characteristics

  1. Withdrew From Course

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
Assigned Advisor /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Flagged Student /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Instructor /  /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Front Desk

Permission only applies to users with role in the course in which the student is flagged

Permission applies to all users with role

  1. Program Change

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
Assigned Advisor /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Flagged Student /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Front Desk

Permission applies to all users with role

  1. Primary Advisor Change

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
All Regions /  / 
Assigned Advisor /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Flagged Student /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Vice Chancellor /  / 
Front Desk

Permission applies to all users with role

  1. Off Academic Plan

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
All Regions /  / 
Assigned Advisor /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Flagged Student /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Vice Chancellor /  / 
Front Desk

Permission applies to all users with role

  1. Off Academic Plan-Udirect

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
All Regions /  / 
Assigned Advisor /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Flagged Student /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Vice Chancellor /  / 
Front Desk

Permission applies to all users with role

  1. Failed All Courses

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
All Regions /  / 
Assigned Advisor /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Flagged Student / 
Faculty Advisor /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Vice Chancellor /  / 
Front Desk

Permission applies to all users with role

  1. Dropped Course Flag

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
Assigned Advisor /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Flagged Student /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Front Desk

Permission only applies to users with role in the course in which the student is flagged

Permission applies to all users with role

  1. 6 Raised Flags

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
All Regions /  / 
Assigned Advisor /  /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Front Desk

Permission only applies to users with role in the course in which the student is flagged

Permission applies to all users with role

  1. 3 Appointment No Show

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
Assigned Advisor /  /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Front Desk

Permission only applies to users with role in the course in which the student is flagged

Permission applies to all users with role

  1. Midterm grade flag D or F

Roles and Users / Raise the Flag / View the Flag / Manage the Flag / Receives the
All Regions /  / 
Assigned Advisor /  / 
Central Administrator /  / 
Chair /  / 
Dean /  / 
Flagged Student /  / 
Faculty Advisor /  / 
Faculty Mentor /  / 
Regional Advising Center /  / 
Regional Director of Advising /  / 
Regional Faculty Advisor /  / 
Retention Transfer or Site Coordinator /  / 
Front Desk / 
Vice Chancellor /  / 

Permission only applies to users with role in the course in which the student is flagged

Permission applies to all users with role

Category 4 Flag Management Workflow:

Initial Response: / Advisor should respond within 2 work days. If no faculty advisor is assigned, the regional advising center staff should take ownership of the flag and add comments noting who will follow up with the student.
Protocol: / 1 phone call attempt (minimum 2 call attempts if no connection).
Leave a voice mail.
Email is automatically generated by Starfish when the flag is raised.
Closure / Advisor documents student interaction (attempts at contact) in flag comments.
If there are follow-up activities, they should be captured as a ‘to do’ item or ‘referral’ rather than keeping the flag open.

Category 4 Academic Flag Details

1.Withdrew from course
Description: / Student has withdrawn from a course after the 100% refund deadline. A “W” grade status will be recorded on the transcript.
Course Context: / None entered
2.Program Change
Description: / Flag raised when student changes his/herprogram.
Course Context: / None entered
3.Primary Advisor Change
Description: / Flag raised when a student’s primary advisor is changed within Banner.
Course Context: / None entered
4.Off Academic Plan
Description: / Flag raised when a student fails, drops, withdraws, or does not enroll in a course listed on his/herAcademic Completion Plan.
Course Context: / None entered
5.Off Academic Plan-Udirect
Description: / Flag raised when a student fails, drops, withdraws, or does not enroll in a course listed on his/herAcademic Completion Plan.
Course Context: / None entered
6.Failed All Courses
Description: / Flag raised when student receives final grades in all of his/hercourses that are marked as not passing.
Course Context: / None entered
7.Dropped Course Flag
Description: / Flag raised when student has dropped a course after the start of the term and does not owe any money, or a student has been dropped from a course for non-attendance or nonpayment. No W notation will be listed on his/hertranscript.
Course Context: / None entered
8.6 Raised Flags
Description: / Flag raised because student has six or more active flags of any kind in Starfish. Positive Flags are included in the six active flags.
Course Context: / 
9.3 Appointment No Shows
Description: / Flag raised when advisor marks that a student has missed an appointment three or more times in the outcomes section within the appointments section of Starfish.
Course Context: / None entered
10.Midterm Grade Flag of D or F
Description: / Flag raised when student receives a D or F in his/her course.
Course Context: / None entered

Category 5 – Student Raised (Future – not in use yet)